Post processor for legacy DHTML browsers.
Check for JavaScript Syntax Errors in IE <5.5 and Opera <8.0. Some syntax is rewritten. Otherwise, throws an SyntaxError
Work around JavaScript engine bug in Gecko <=0.8.0.
const es2PostProcessor = require('es2-postprocessor');
sourceForLegacyBrowsers = es2PostProcessor(source, {minIEVersion: 5, minOperaVersion: 7, minGeckoVersion: 0.6});
return gulp.src('main.js')
require('es2-postprocessor').gulp({minIEVersion: 5, minOperaVersion: 7, minGeckoVersion: 0.6})
When formatting code with Google Closure Compiler.
return gulp.src('main.js')
require('es2-postprocessor').gulp({minIEVersion: 5, minOperaVersion: 7, minGeckoVersion: 0.6})
compilation_level : 'WHITESPACE_ONLY', // Prevent replacing labeled blocks.
formatting : 'PRETTY_PRINT', // or 'SINGLE_QUOTES'
js_output_file : 'main.es2.js'
Property | Description | Default value |
minIEVersion |
Set to 4 if you want to fix syntax errors or warnings that occurs in IE4. |
5.5 |
minOperaVersion |
Set to 7 if you want to fix syntax errors or warnings that occurs in Opera 7. |
8.0 |
minGeckoVersion |
Set to 0.6 if you want to work around a bug that occurs in Gecko ~0.8.0. |
0.9 |
clone |
Set to true if you want to compare the before and after code. |
false |
Example | IE | Opera | Gecko | |
instanceof operator | obj instanceof Object |
5(*1) | ✔ | ✔ |
try statement, catch statement, throw | try{}catch(O_o){} |
5(*1) | ✔ | ✔ |
in operator | "length" in [] |
5.5(*1) | ✔ | ✔ |
Labeled Statement Block | a: {break a;} |
✔ | 7.5(*2) | ✔ |
Object Literal with Numeric Property | {1: 1} |
5.5(*3) | ✔ | ✔ |
RegExp Literal | /reg/ |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
RegExp Literal with i g Flags |
/reg/ig |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
RegExp Literal with m Flag |
/reg/m |
5.5(*1) | ✔ | ✔ |
- Just throw a Syntax Error
- Opera ~7.2x does not support Labeled Statement Block. Therefore, es2-postprocessor rewrite for workaround. If it is too complicated, throws an error.
- Rewrite for workaround.
Example | IE | Opera | Gecko | |
Object Literal with Empty String Property | {"": ""} |
✔ | 8(*1) | ✔ |
Function expression under parentheses | function c(){};(function(){c()})() |
✔ | ✔ | 0.8.1(*2) |
- Throw a Syntax Error. Object Literal with Empty String Property is problematic in Opera 7.x.
- Gecko ~0.8.0 has a bug in Function expression under parentheses. Therefore, es2-postprocessor rewrite for workaround. It can be tested with the "Javascript 実装状況と深刻なバグ > IIFE".
obj = {"":"Good!"} // Object Literal
obj[""] // == undefined
obj["0"] // == "Good!"
obj[""] = "Good!"; // Set empty string property
obj[""] // == "Good!"
It can be tested with the "Javascript 実装状況と深刻なバグ > Object Litearl".
Rewrite line 814 of escodegen. This is being done dynamically.
result = parenthesize(generateVerbatimString(verbatim), Precedence.Sequence, precedence);
// ↓
result = generateVerbatimString(verbatim);
- es2-postprocessorでOpera8未満、IE5.5未満でも動くJavaScriptを書く
- エイプリルフール企画などでレガシーブラウザ対応する場合に覚えておきたい最初期のDHTMLブラウザのJavaScriptの罠たちを回避する
es2-postprocessor is licensed under MIT License.
(C) 2022-2023 itozyun(