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0.0.10 • Public • Published


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What's New In 0.0.7?

Added MySQL Adapter


(QuickDB) Moving Everything to ErenayDB

const db = require("erenaydb");
const quickdb = require("quick.db");

await db.move(quickdb)

(JsonDB) Moving Everything to MongoDB

const db = require("erenaydb");
db.setAdapter("mongo", {url: "YOUR_MONGO_URL"})
const JsonDB = require("../your_file.json");



const db = require("erenaydb")

db.set("x.y.z", "abc") // abc

db.get("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
db.fetch("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
db.all() // {x: {y: {z: "abc"}}}

db.push("a", "hello") //  ["hello"]
db.push("a", "world") //  ["hello", "world"]
db.unpush("a", "hello") // ["world"]

db.push("b", {test: "erenaydb"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}]
db.push("b", {test2: "erenaydb2"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}, {test2: "erenaydb2"}]
db.delByPriority("b", 1) // [{test2: "erenaydb"}]
db.setByPriority("b", {newtest:"hey this is edited"}, 1) // [{newtest:"hey this is edited"}]

db.has("x") // true
db.delete("x") // true
db.deleteAll() // true

MySQL Support(BETA) (If you find any bugs/issues join my Discord)

const db = require("erenaydb");

db.setAdapter("mysql", {
  host: "localhost",
  port: "3306",
  user: "root",
  password: "password",
  database: "erenaydb_test"
db.connect().then(async() => {
  try {
    await db.add("x", 1);
    await db.add("y", 2);
    await db.add("z", 3);
    const result = await db.all();
    // Example custom SQL usage
    const customResult = await erenaydb.customSQL("SELECT * FROM ErenayDB WHERE id = ?", ["y"]);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error while performing database operations:", error);

  await erenaydb.disconnect();

RethinkDB Supporting!

const db = require("erenaydb")
    host: "localhost",
    port: 28015,
    db: "ErenayDB_Test",
    schema: "Schema Name" // Not required. You can define your own schema. Just name.

await db.set("x.y.z", "abc") // abc

await db.get("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
await db.fetch("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
await db.all().then((result) => console.log(result))  // {x: {y: {z: "abc"}}}

await db.push("a", "hello") //  ["hello"]
await db.push("a", "world") //  ["hello", "world"]
await db.unpush("a", "hello") // ["world"]

await db.push("b", {test: "erenaydb"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}]
await db.push("b", {test2: "erenaydb2"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}, {test2: "erenaydb2"}]
await db.delByPriority("b", 1) // [{test2: "erenaydb"}]
await db.setByPriority("b", {newtest:"hey this is edited"}, 1) // [{newtest:"hey this is edited"}]

await db.has("x") // true
await db.delete("x") // true
await db.deleteAll() // true

MongoDb! (If you find any bugs/issues join my Discord)

const db = require("erenaydb")
    url: "Your Mongo URL", 
    schema: "Schema Name" // Not required. You can define your own schema. Just name.

await db.set("x.y.z", "abc") // abc

await db.get("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
await db.fetch("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
await db.all() // {x: {y: {z: "abc"}}}

await db.push("a", "hello") //  ["hello"]
await db.push("a", "world") //  ["hello", "world"]
await db.unpush("a", "hello") // ["world"]

await db.push("b", {test: "erenaydb"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}]
await db.push("b", {test2: "erenaydb2"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}, {test2: "erenaydb2"}]
await db.delByPriority("b", 1) // [{test2: "erenaydb"}]
await db.setByPriority("b", {newtest:"hey this is edited"}, 1) // [{newtest:"hey this is edited"}]

await db.has("x") // true
await db.delete("x") // true
await db.deleteAll() // true

Example With Options

const db = require("erenaydb")
db.setReadable(true) // It makes readable your JSON DB file.
db.noBlankData(true) // If you delete anything from object and new object size is less than 1, automaticly removes that object.
db.setAdapter("yamldb") // It makes adapter as YAML adapter. Default adapter is JsonDB
db.setFolder("folder") // You can set database folder name
db.setFile("db") // You can set database file name
db.setCheckUpdates(true) // It warns you if any updates happens.

db.set("x.y.z", "abc") // abc

db.get("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
db.fetch("x") // {y: {z: "abc"}}
db.all() // {x: {y: {z: "abc"}}}

db.push("a", "hello") //  ["hello"]
db.push("a", "world") //  ["hello", "world"]
db.unpush("a", "hello") // ["world"]

db.push("b", {test: "erenaydb"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}]
db.push("b", {test2: "erenaydb2"}) // [{test: "erenaydb"}, {test2: "erenaydb2"}]
db.delByPriority("b", 1) // [{test2: "erenaydb"}]
db.setByPriority("b", {newtest:"hey this is edited"}, 1) // [{newtest:"hey this is edited"}]

db.has("x") // true
db.delete("x") // true
db.deleteAll() // true

If you've any question, you can join to my Discord server: Click me!

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