This is a plugin which is intended to be used in conjuntion with the EOS Transit API framework.
Website: https://www.eostransit.com/
EOS Transit, NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eos-transit
EOS Transit, Github: https://github.com/eosnewyork/eos-transit/tree/master/packages/eos-transit
Links To This Package
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eos-transit-meetone-provider
Github: https://github.com/eosnewyork/eos-transit/tree/master/packages/eos-transit-meetone-provider
Implementation Details
👉🏻 Please see the "Quick Start" and thorough guide in the eos-transit
package docs
Build Your Own Plugin
To build a plugin for your own signature provider to be included in the Transit API framework, please visit our in-depth tutorial here: https://github.com/eosnewyork/eos-transit/tree/master/plugin-dev/transit-dev-simple
// We'll be adding plugin specific documentation here soon..