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1.4.6 • Public • Published

Emiya Ionic2 Router

How to install

npm install --save emiya-ionic2-router
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-version (optional but strongly recommanded)


  • config the route in one place
  • support url route just like what ionic1 did
  • support id route
  • support onpopstate event in browser(pop by clicking back button)
  • support android hardware back button hook to customize app exit behavior
  • intelligently route between (login/non-login/login-required/normal/guide/home) pages
  • provide push/pop event,support event prevention
  • support pop behavior customization for each page
  • manage page access based on Token
  • support app backgroud auto kill and auto restart

>>>demo here<<<


route configuration
//import all the componets you want to route 
import {TabsPage} from '../pages/TabsPage/TabsPage';
import {PwdLoginPage} from '../pages/PwdLoginPage/PwdLoginPage';
import {MyFavourPage} from '../pages/MyPraisePage/MyFavourPage';
import {AgreementPage} from '../pages/AgreementPage/AgreementPage';
import {WelCome} from '../pages/WelCome/WelCome';
import {HomePage} from '../pages/HomePage/HomePage';
import {FindPage} from '../pages/FindPage/FindPage';

export const Routes = {
   //homepage example
  'Tabs': {//identity for page
    page: TabsPage, //component of this page
    params: {index:1}, //optional,default page params(see ionic2/NavParams for more)
    options: {duration:0},  //optional,nav options(see ionic2 doc/navcontroller for more)
    done: function(ev){do something..},  //optional,callback after push complete
    root: true,  //is it homepage?true or false,must be unique,default is false
    url: '/tabs',  //url schema for this page(must be unique,support restful style,like /tabs/:uuid/:name),leave it null  equal to set url to "/{{pageIdentity}}"
    enable: true  //is this page enabled?true or false,default is true
    title: 'Homepage', //optional,title for this page,default is "/{{pageIdentity}}"(for now is just a descrition)
  //login page example
  'PwdLogin': {
    page: PwdLoginPage,
    reverse: true, //optional,true or false(default),use together with option [tokens]
    tokens: ['token', 'uuid'],  //when option [reverse] = false,to access this page we need 2 tokens which call 'token' & 'uuid',the other way,we can only access the page when these 2 tokens inexist. 
    tokensLocation: ['local', 'local'], //optional,local(default)/session,the location of the token
    next: {//optional,this only works when option [reverse]=true and [tokens] has been set.Router will try to redirect to the page you config here when : ((try to access the page without meet the token condition)||(login success))&&((the router can not determine the proper next target page)||(next.force==true)) 
      name: 'TabsPage', //next page's id
      params: null,
      options: null,
      done: null,
      force:false  //optional,true or false(default),set to true tells the Router page config here has a higher prior then the target page which determine by router
    url: '/PwdLoginPage',
    title: 'Password Login'
  //logout page example
  'Logout': {
    page: LogoutPage,
    tokens: ['token', 'uuid'],  
    tokensLocation: ['local', 'local'], 
    popWhenTokenInvalid:true,  //when token become invalid,router will try to pop from this page
    url: '/LogoutPage',
    title: 'Logout'

  //login-required page example
  'MyFavour': {
    page: MyFavourPage,
    params: null,
    options: null,
    done: null,
    tokens: ['token', 'uuid'],
    redirect: { //Router will redirect to the page you config here when you try to access the page without meet the token condition
      name: 'PwdLoginPage',
      params: null,
      options: null,
      done: null
    url: '/myFavour/:userid/:catagory',
    title: 'MyFavour'

   //normal page example
  'Agreement': {
    page: AgreementPage,
    url: '/agreementPage',
    title: 'user_agreement',
    pop: { //optional,when user try to pop from this page but there is no previous page in the navStack,router will redirect(fake pop animation) to page config here
      name: 'TabsPage',
      params: null,
      options: null,
      done: null,
      force:false //optional,true or false(default),set to true means always pop to the page config here 

  //guide page example
  'WelCome': {
    page: WelComePage,
    url: '/weleome',
    pop: {
      name: 'TabsPage',
      params: null,
      options: null,
      done: null
    guide: { //mean it is a guide page
      always: false, //optional,true or false(default).when true,guide page will show each time you open app,when false,it only show when app first installed or updated
      duration: 6000 //optional,will leave guide page automatically after 6000 ms,default is never leave automatically
    title: 'welcome',

  //minimal config example
  'homeIndexTab': {
    page: HomePage,


load Router Globally

import {Router} from 'emiya-ionic2-router'

 providers: [Router]

load configuration

import {Router} from 'emiya-ionic2-router';
import {Routes} from 'Routes';

  template: `<ion-nav></ion-nav>`
export class MyApp {

constructor(platform: Platform, router: Router,) {
    let result=router.load(Routes); //load config
    let result=router.load(Routes,'Hello World',10000); //load route config and appversion info
    result.then((ev)=>{}).catch((err)=>{}) //it's a promise which tell you whether the first page is being pushed successfully or not
    platform.ready().then(() => {
Important: router.load() will load home/first page automatically,so DO NOT set it in any other place!

how to push&pop

import {Router} from 'emiya-ionic2-router';
import {MyFavour} from '../pages/MyFavourPage/MyFavourPage';

export class TabsPage {

constructor(router: Router) {
    //push via id
    router.push('MyFavour',{index:2,userid:'user001',catagory:'cata002'},{duration:500},(hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{//stuff when completed})
    //push via url
    .then((hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{})
    .catch((hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{})
    //push via component
    router.pop().then((hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{})
    .catch((hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{})
    router.pop({duration:0},(hasCompleted, isAsync, enteringName, leavingName, direction)=>{//stuff when completed})
    router.popSafe() //pop will fail when there is another page transition happening,it's useful for user-click pop event to avoid some transition bugs

How to set and delete token

import {Router} from 'emiya-angular2-token';

export class TabsPage {

constructor() {
    //set tokon
    //delete token
    //check if token exists
    Token.has('uuid')   //true or false
more can be found emiya-angular2-token

route event listen&intercept example

import {Router} from 'emiya-ionic2-router';
import {Event} from 'emiya-angular2-event';

export class MyApp {

constructor(router: Router) {
    //push event
    let pushListenr=Event.subscribe('push',(ev,data)=>{})
    //pop event
    //app exit event
    //unlisten to event
event parameters
  • ev
preventDefault():prevent the operation
stopPropagation():stop the event to propagate
defaultPrevented:default is false,preventDefault() will set it to true
propagationPrevented:default is false,stopPropagation() will set it to true
  • data
fromPage:current page
toPage:the page will transit to
callParams:the original params of push&pop operation
callerName:the name of method which trigger this event
instance:the method which trigger this event
canPush:if the push operation is permitted by router
canGoBack:if the pop operation is permitted by router

customize app exit behavior

import {Router} from 'emiya-ionic2-router';

export class MyApp {

constructor(router: Router) {
     return true //true will exit app,otherwise prevent it
    },101 /*optional,hook prior,default is 101,only work in android runtime*/)

global status code

  • -200 operation is prevented

  • -210 operation is not permitted because of another page transition

  • -220 app exit is prevented

  • -230 next()can not found a proper next page

  • -240 try to push a page which is disabled

  • -250 can not found page config

  • -260 can not found page config

  • -270 can not found redirect page config

  • -280 can not found redirect page config

  • -300 app exited

  • -310 attempt to enter a token inrequired page with token alreay existed

  • -320 more than one root page found

  • -330 root page not found

  • -400 fail to push first page because it's overrided by another transition

  • false throw by ionic2&angular2 stock api

  • true success

Api Referrences(to be continued..)

setBackgroundTimeout(number?) //unit is ms,app will kill itself after run in background for {{number}} ms,default value is -1(never kill itself)
setResumeTimeout(number?) //unit is ms,app will reload and navigate to homepage when it stay in background for over {{number}} ms and resume to frontend,default value is -1(never reload)

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npm i emiya-ionic2-router

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  • emiyalee