
0.4.17 • Public • Published


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William Shatner in Sparkles

ember-sparkles is a collection of composable D3 charts built with ember-d3-helpers library. It aims to provide reactive and highly performant D3-based data visualizations through simple template-bound configurations.

This library currently includes the following charts:

Note: This library is still in beta, please use carefully, and file issues as discovered. Pull requests for additional charts always welcome!


First install ember-sparkles to your application:

ember install ember-sparkles

Then add default ember-resize configuration into config/environment.js file, these properties can be changed to suit your needs. For more information, please see the documentation for ember-resize:

    resizeServiceDefaults: {
      widthSensitive: true,
      heightSensitive: true,
      debounceTimeout: 200,
      injectionFactories: ['view', 'component']

How to use

This addon includes an {{ember-sparkles}}, which renders a responsive SVG container element. D3-based graphs, axes, and legend components are contextually yielded from this component.


  x-domain=(map (r/get 'ts') data)
  y-domain=(append 0 outputMax)
  as |chart|
  {{!render your charts here}}

Properties (WIP)

  • data {Array} required

    Array containing data, structure depending on data visualization type.

  • input-key {String} required

    Key by which to obtain independent variable from array or object. Defaults to zeroth index of array.

  • output-key {String} required

    Key by which to obtain dependent variable from array or object. Defaults to first index of array.

  • x-scale-type {String} optional

    Type of D3 scale function to use for horizontal axis (linear, band, or time).

    default: linear


To render an axis, add {{chart.y-axis}} or {{chart.x-axis}} to the {{#ember-sparkles}} block.

{{#ember-sparkles as |chart|}}
    tick-format=(d3-time-format '%Y-%m-%d')
    tick-format=(d3-format '.2s')

Similar to the y-axis example, the x-axis contextual component can take a position property, set to top (by default these are set to left and bottom), respectively).

For more information on configuring tick formats using the d3-time-format and d3-format helpers, please see d3-format and d3-time-format, respectively.


To show a legend, add {{chart.legend}} to the {{#ember-sparkles}} block.

{{#ember-sparkles as |chart|}}


ember install ember-sparkles

Helpful Links

Looking for help?

If it is a bug please open an issue on GitHub.


Updating the Demo site

ember github-pages:commit --message <some commit message>
git push origin master

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npm i ember-sparkles

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  • taras
  • zigahertz