Ember Medium Editor Insert
This Ember Addon extends the functionality of ember-cli-medium-editor to include medium-editor-insert-plugin. Medium Editor Insert Plugin is a jQuery insert plugin for Medium Editor, enabling:
- images
- embeds (either through oEmbed proxy, such as Iframely, or pre-defined parsers such as - Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
To install, make sure you've installed ember-cli-medium-editor.
ember install ember-cli-medium-editor
Then simply run:
ember install ember-medium-editor-insert
Follow the usage instructions in the ember-cli-medium-editor plugin.
This addon simply includes medium-editor-insert-plugin, initializes it once the mediumEditor
instance is created and extends the medium-content-editable
component to include a insertOptions
{{ medium-content-editable value=body options=mediumEditorOptions insertOptions=mediumEditorInsertOptions}}
Any valid medium-editor insert options can be passed to the insertOptions
POJO. For a full list of options, click here.
The following example object be added to an Ember controller and passed via the template to your medium-content-editable
component. Or it may be added directly to a component which extends medium-content-editable
options:// ... ember-cli-medium-editor optionsinsertOptions:enabled: trueaddons:images:label: '<i class="icon-image"></i>'fileUploadOptions:url: `images/upload`acceptFileTypes: /$/iparamName: 'file'deleteScript: `images/delete`embeds:label: '<i class="icon-embed"></i>'placeholder: 'Paste a YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram link and press Enter'actions: insertActionsstyles: insertStyles