
1.19.0 • Public • Published


The easy way to play audio in your ember app

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This addon exposes a hifi service which produces Sound objects which represent a playable piece of audio.

The hifi service makes it easy to play audio in the unfriendly landscape that is the current state of audio on the web. Forget worrying about formats and browsers and just give hifi a list of URLs to try and it'll play the first one that works.

Installing The Addon

npm install ember-hifi

Upgrading from < 1.11.0

ember-hifi no longer adds bower dependencies. If you are upgrading, you should edit your app's bower.json to remove the hls.js and howler.js entries added by previous versions of ember-hifi. NPM's dependency graph will take care of installing these libraries, and they will be added to your app's vendor tree at build time. Thanks to @gmurphey for #41.



Service API

hifi plays one sound at a time. Multiple sounds can be loaded and ready to go, but only one sound plays at a time. The currently playing sound is set to currentSound on the service, and most methods and properties on the service simply proxy to that sound.

  • play(urlsOrPromise, options)

play calls load with the same arguments, and then on success plays the sound, returning it to you.

play can take one or more URLs, or a promise returning one or more URLs.

If the audio URLs are not known at the time of a play event, give play the promise to resolve, otherwise your mobile users might have to click the play button twice (due to some restrictions on autoplaying audio).

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  hifi: service(),
  actions: {
    play(id) {
      let urlPromise = this.store.findRecord('story', id).then(story => story.getProperties('aacUrl', 'hlsUrl'))

      this.hifi.play(urlPromise).then(({sound}) => {
        // sound object

      }).catch(error => {


If you already know the URLs, just pass them in.

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  hifi: service(),
  actions: {
    play(urls) {
      this.hifi.play(urls).then(({sound}) => {
        // sound object

      }).catch(error => {

  • pause() Pauses the current sound

  • togglePause() Toggles the play state of the current sound

  • fastForward(duration) Moves the playhead of the current sound forwards by duration (in ms)

  • rewind(duration) Moves the playhead of the current sound backwards by duration (in ms)

  • load(urlsOrPromise, options) Tries each hifi connection with each url and returns the ready sound from the first combination that works. The sound is cached internally so on subsequent load requests with the same url the already prepared sound will be returned. Calling play on the returned sound will start playback immediately.

Gettable/Settable Properties
  • volume (integer, 0-100)

System volume. Bind a range element to this property for a simple volume control

import { inject as service } from "@ember/service";
export default Component.extend({
  hifi: service(),

{{input type="range" value=hifi.volume}}
  • position (integer, in ms)

Here's a silly way to make a position control, too.

export default Component.extend({
  hifi: service(),

{{input type="range" value=hifi.position min=0 max=hifi.duration step=1000}}
Read Only Properties
  • isLoading (boolean)

  • isPlaying (boolean)

  • isStream (boolean)

  • isFastForwardable (boolean)

  • isRewindable (boolean)

  • duration (integer, in ms)

  • percentLoaded (integer 0-100, when available)

  • currentSound the currently loaded sound

Sound API

  • play() Plays the sound
  • pause() Pauses the sound
  • togglePause() Toggles the play state of the sound
  • fastForward(duration) Moves the playhead of the sound forwards by duration (in ms)
  • rewind(duration) Moves the playhead of the sound backwards by duration (in ms)
Gettable/Settable Properties
  • position (integer, in ms)
Read Only Properties
  • isLoading (boolean)

  • isPlaying (boolean)

  • isStream (boolean)

  • isFastForwardable (boolean)

  • isRewindable (boolean)

  • duration (integer, in ms)

  • percentLoaded (integer, not always available)

  • url the url of the sound


The hifi service and the sound objects are extended with Ember.Evented. You can subscribe to the following events in your application.

Triggered on both the sound and relayed through the hifi service
  • audio-played (sound) - the sound started playing
  • audio-paused (sound) - the sound was paused
  • audio-ended (sound) - the sound finished playing
  • audio-load-error (error) - loading sound failed
  • audio-ready (sound) - the sound is ready to play
  • audio-will-rewind (sound, {currentPosition, newPosition}) - fired before rewinding a sound
  • audio-will-fast-forward (sound, {currentPosition, newPosition}) - fired before fast-forwarding a sound
  • audio-position-will-change (sound, {currentPosition, newPosition}) - fired before audio position change
Hifi service events
  • current-sound-changed (currentSound, previousSound) - triggered when the current sound changes. On initial play, previousSound will be undefined.
  • current-sound-interrupted (currentSound, previousSound) - triggered when a sound has been playing and a new one takes its place by being played, pausing the first one
  • new-load-request ({loadPromise, urlsOrPromise, options}) - triggered whenever .load or .play is called.
  • pre-load ({loadPromise, urlsOrPromise, options}) - triggered whenever .load or .play is called.


Included audio connections

  1. NativeAudio - Uses the native <audio> element for playing and streaming audio
  2. HLS - Uses HLS.js for playing HLS streams on the desktop.
  3. Howler - Uses howler to play audio

hifi will take a list of urls and find the first connection/url combo that works. For desktop browsers, we'll try each url on each connection in the order the urls were specified.

For mobile browsers, we'll first try all the URLs on the NativeAudio using a technique to (hopefully) get around any autoplaying restrictions that sometimes require mobile users to click a play button twice.

Test Helpers

Acceptance Tests

Import this helper into acceptance tests to stub out hifi.

import '[your-app-name]/tests/helpers/hifi-acceptance-helper';

Unit Tests + Integration Tests

If you have a unit test that interacts with ember-hifi, you might get some errors if hifi's needs aren't met. Hifi uses some internal services that we'd hate for you to have to know about or type out, so just use our helper instead.

import { hifiNeeds, dummyHifi } from 'overhaul/tests/helpers/hifi-integration-helpers';

moduleFor('[your module]', 'Unit | [type] | [your module]', {
  needs: [...hifiNeeds]


If you need to fake out the hifiService to test how your app handles hifi events, you can use the dummyHifi service

import { hifiNeeds, dummyHifi } from 'overhaul/tests/helpers/hifi-integration-helpers';

moduleFor('[your module]', 'Integration | [type] | [your module]', {
  needs: [...hifiNeeds],

  beforeEach() {
    this.register('service:hifi', dummyHifi);

After stubbing out the service with the dummyHifi service you can pass it some special urls in the format /:status/:length/:name to mimic responses, where status can be good or bad, and length can be an integer representing the duration in ms, or stream.

A 10 second audio clip: /good/10000/test

A web stream: /good/stream/test

A url that will fail: /bad/stream/test

Writing Your Own Hifi Connection

Do you need to support a funky audio format that hifi's built-in connections can't handle? Read more about how to write your own custom connection here.

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npm i ember-hifi

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