Helpers to format boolean, money, percent and file size values.
- Node.js v14 or above
- Ember.js v3.28 or above
ember install ember-essential-helpers
{{boolean-format value [labels]}}
value: boolean value to display
labels: array of two strings to display true and false respectively (default: ['Yes', 'No'])
{{boolean-format true}} // output: Yes
{{boolean-format true (array 'On' 'Off')}} // output: On
{{filesize value [empty]}}
value: integer value to display as filesize
empty: string to be displayed in case of an undefined value (default: 'N/A')
{{filesize 8388608}} // output: 8 Mb
{{filesize null "Not a number"}} // output: Not a number
this helper uses native Intl.NumberFormat
{{percent value [locale] [options] [empty]}}
value: number
locale: string
options: see Intl.NumberFormat options
empty: string to be displayed in case of an undefined value (default: 'N/A')
{{percent 0.125}} // output: 13%
{{percent 0.125 'en-US' (hash minimumFractionDigits=2 maximumFractionDigits=2)}} // output: 12.50%
{{percent null 'en-US' (hash) 'Not set'}} //output: Not set
this helper uses native Intl.NumberFormat
{{money-format value [locale] [options] [empty]}}
value: number
locale: string
options: see Intl.NumberFormat options
empty: string to be displayed in case of an undefined value (default: 'N/A')
{{money-format 3.5}} // output: $3.50
{{money-format 3.5 "en-US" (hash currency="EUR")}} // output: €3.50
{{money-format 3.5 "de-DE" (hash currency="EUR")}} // output: 3,50 €
{{money-format null "en-US" (hash currency="EUR") "-"}} // output: -
{{money-format 3500 "en-US" (hash currency="USD")}} // output: $3,500.00
{{money-format 3500 "de-DE" (hash currency="EUR")}} // output: 3.500,00 €
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.