
0.1.0 • Public • Published

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Make your project BEM-flavoured. It incapsulates all BEM naming logic, so you don't have to care about it in your components. Simply define blocks, elements and modifiers in your components and templates.


Why use another class names addon in your Ember project, if you're already using something like ember-component-css? Because BEM-way classes look ugly in these addons.

For example, compare how to create an element with ember-component-css and with ember-cli-bem:

  {{!-- With ember-component-css --}}
  <div class="{{componentCssClassName}}__container"></div>

  {{!-- With ember-cli-bem --}}
  <div class="{{elem 'container'}}"></div>

Moreover, how to define an element with modifiers? If you want to get following class names header__item header__item_disabled header__item_type_highlighted, plus if disabled modifier applies only if some condition matches, you have to write something like this:

  {{!-- With ember-component-css --}}
  <div class="
    {{if someCondition (concat componentCssClassName '__container_disabled')}}

  {{!-- With ember-cli-bem --}}
  <div class="{{elem 'container' disabled=someCondition highlighted=true}}"></div>

Or let's say you just want to define some modifier in your component:

// With ember-component-css
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
  classNameBindings: ['typeMod'],
  type: 'highlighted',
  typeMod: Ember.computed('componentCssClassName', 'type', function() {
    const type = this.get('type');
    if (type) {
      return `${this.get('componentCssClassName')}_type_${type}`
    } else {
      return '';

// With ember-cli-bem
import Ember from 'ember';
import BEM from 'ember-cli-bem/mixins/bem';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  blockName: 'button',
  mods: ['type'],
  type: 'highlighted',

Once again, ember-cli-bem incapsulates all BEM naming logic, so you don't have to care about it in your components.

Defining Blocks and Elements

To define a block with ember-cli-bem, you should mix BEM mixin into your component. Blocks in ember-cli-bem requires only one field — blockName. If you left this property empty, component will throw an error. blockName just concatenates with classNames property.

If you want to define an element component (with block__element class name and custom logic), you just add elemName property in component definition:

import Ember from 'ember';
import BEM from 'ember-cli-bem/mixins/bem';

export default Ember.Component.extend(BEM, {
  blockName: 'button',
  elemName: 'icon'

This component will have a button__icon class.

Defining Modifiers

When you want to define a modifier for your component, you should define mods array, which acts just like classNameBindings, but with some BEM attached:

import Ember from 'ember';
import BEM from 'ember-cli-bem/mixins/bem';

export default Ember.Component.extend(BEM, {
  blockName: 'button',

  mods: [

  disabled: true,
  type: 'submit',
  clear: false,

This component will have a button class with following modifier classes:

  • button_disabled
  • button_type_submit
  • button_without-clear

Using elem helper

In templates of your BEM-components you could use elem helper to generate BEM class names:

  <div class="{{elem 'icon'}}"></div>
  <div class="{{elem 'caption'}}">

Applying button example, these elements will have button__icon and button__caption classes accordingly.

Also elem helper supports modifiers:

  <div class="{{elem 'container' collapsed=true type='float'}}">

So container element will have following class names:

  • button__container
  • button__container_collapsed
  • button__container_type_float


ember install ember-cli-bem

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.



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  • nikityy