
0.0.5 • Public • Published


Write unit tests in Elm, support async Task out of the box, can run directly on Node or any major browsers.

Warning This is still a work in progress, API will probably change a bit before 1.0 release.


elm-package install pauldijou/elm-ordeal

Writing your first tests

port module Test exposing (..)
import Task
import Ordeal exposing (..)
main: OrdealProgram
main = run emit tests
port emit : Event -> Cmd msg
tests: Test
tests =
  describe "My first suite"
    [ test "My very first test" (
      "a" |> shouldEqual "a"
    , describe "A sub-suite"
      [ test "And a sub-test" (
        { a = 1, b = False } |> shouldEqual { a = 1, b = False }
      , test "Another sub-test" (
        True |> shouldNotEqual False
    , xtest "A skipped test" (
      "a" |> shouldEqual "b"
    , test "My first async test" (
      Task.succeed 42 |> andTest (\value -> value |> shouldBeGreaterThan 35)
    , test "My first failure" (
      Task.fail { a = 1, b = "aze" } |> andTest (\value -> value |> shouldEqual "54")
    , test "Another failure" (
      ["a","b","c"] |> shouldContain "d"

Running tests

The easiest way is to use the elm-ordeal CLI with Yarn or NPM.

Getting started

# NPM users 
npm install --save-dev elm-ordeal
# Yarn users 
yarn add --dev elm-ordeal
# Run 
elm-ordeal your/TestFile.elm
# Learn 
elm-ordeal --help

You could also update your package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "elm-ordeal your/TestFile.elm"
# Then run the added script 
npm test
yarn test


You can run your tests on the following environments, just specify the correct CLI argument when running elm-ordeal. Don't forget it's up to you to locally install any browser you want to use. If you don't provide any env, it will run as Node. You can specify several envs at once of course.

  • Node (--node)
  • Chrome (--chrome)
  • Edge Explorer (--edge)
  • Firefox (--firefox)
  • Internet Explorer (--ie)
  • Opera (--opera)
  • Safari (--safari)


You can combine tests using Ordeal.and or Ordeal.or. Here is the result of combining two tests:

⮳ and Success Skipped Timeout Failure
Success Success Success Timeout Failure
Skipped Success Skipped Timeout Failure
Timeout Timeout Timeout Timeout Timeout
Failure Failure Failure Failure Failure
⮳ or Success Skipped Timeout Failure
Success Success Success Success Success
Skipped Success Skipped Timeout Failure
Timeout Success Timeout Timeout Failure
Failure Success Failure Timeout Failure

In case of two Failure, Ordeal.and will return the first one while Ordeal.or will return the second one.

You can also use Ordeal.all and Ordeal.any which works on list of tests just folding them using Ordeal.and and Ordeal.or respectively.

Why? Why not just use elm-test?

It's up to you, I think elm-test is good but when I started writing tests in Elm, I needed to test Task and there was no way to do it easily using elm-test (not sure if there is now). In elm-ordeal, all tests are tasks, so they can be can synchronous or asynchronous, the package does not care.


You can run the tests using yarn install && yarn test. Currently, the final result should be one timeout, one skipped and all other success.


A big thank to @rtfeldman for creating node-test-runner which I took a lot of inspiration from.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright Paul Dijou (http://pauldijou.fr).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.




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  • pauldijou