
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Elm Google Sign In

This library makes it easy to insert an official "Sign in with Google" button onto your webpage.


  • Encapsulated: Google's API is only loaded in iframes, and these iframes are only active for the shortest amount of time possible: while the button is on the screen and for a short amount of time after the googleSignOut event is sent. This means that any data collection that Google attempts to do is as restricted as possible when using Google's APIs.
  • Idiomatic: Pass a msg constructor to the onSignIn attribute for the Google sign in button just like you'd pass a msg constructor to the onClick attribute on a normal button. Sign out from anywhere in your application by issuing a Cmd.


Google is very explicit in reminding you to use idTokens when verifying your clients on your server through this API, not any other form of identification.

This will work best with other Google services and is much more secure.

More information and official Google rationale can be found here, which is also just a great read if you're setting up a backend for your signed in Google users.

Through this package, the idTokens can be found as a field on the Profile record, which is passed to the function passed to the GoogleSignIn.onSignIn attribute, which you can pass to a GoogleSignIn.view when rendering your Google sign in button.


Not to be confused with the idToken discussed above, which is provided to you by Google so you can make sure your users are legitimate, Google also requires you to provide a token which legitimizes you and your application.

You can get one of these tokens on this official google page. When you're supplying domains that should work with this ClientId it may be desirable to supply http://localhost:8000 and http://localhost:8080 as valid addresses so that you can still authenticate with Google when your site is hosted locally for development purposes. Keep in mind that you can enable, disable, and tweak these tokens and permissions at any time (even after their creation) by returning to that site.

The scopes you pick here will also impact whether or not the email field is present on the Profile records your GoogleSignIn.onSignIn handler is passed: if you don't specify the need for the email scope in Google's project configuration GUI, the email field will always be Nothing instead of, for example, Just "ced@example.com"

The token Google gives you is very long, like, for example, 421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie.apps.googleusercontent.com. Keep in mind that when constructing your ClientId with GoogleSignIn.Id, you need only supply the portion of the id leading up to the first ., so in this case, 421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie.


Currently, minimal aesthetic configuration of the sign in buttons is possible, although Google allows fairly extensive customization including light and dark themes for the buttons. Currently, the dark theme for the button is enabled by default and inconfigurable. PRs are welcome. More information on the possible customization of the buttons that is yet to be wrapped by this package can be found here.

Minimal code example

Accompanying JS and CSS for this example, as well as webpack configurations, can be found in the /example directory. Simply cloning the example and running npm run serve should be sufficient. Pillaging the accompanying webpack configuration is highly encouraged.

port module Main exposing (..)

import Browser
import GoogleSignIn
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Encode as E


main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , view = view

id : GoogleSignIn.ClientId
id =
    GoogleSignIn.Id "421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie"

port googleSignOut : E.Value -> Cmd msg

port googleSignOutComplete : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg


type alias Model =
    Maybe String

init : () -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
init () =
    ( Nothing, Cmd.none )


type Msg
    = SignIn GoogleSignIn.Profile
    | BeginSignOut
    | SignOutComplete

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        SignIn profile ->
            ( Just profile.name, Cmd.none )

        BeginSignOut ->
            ( model, googleSignOut <| GoogleSignIn.encodeId id )

        SignOutComplete ->
            ( Nothing, Cmd.none )


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    googleSignOutComplete (\a -> SignOutComplete)


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ case model of
            Just name ->
                div []
                    [ div [] [ text ("Welcome, " ++ name) ]
                    , div [] [ button [ onClick BeginSignOut ] [ text "Sign Out" ] ]

            Nothing ->
                    [ GoogleSignIn.onSignIn SignIn
                    , GoogleSignIn.idAttr id



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  • cedric-h