Reader Bar Plugin for Eleventy
This plugin adds a Reader Bar into your template as you scroll the page.
Available on npm.
npm install eleventy-plugin-reader-bar
Open up your Eleventy config file (.eleventy.js) and add the plugin:
const readerBar = require('eleventy-plugin-reader-bar')
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
- In your base template:
- Create a
HTML Element with the classreader-bar-start
; - This div must wrapp all the elements of the page, including the header (and optionally, the footer). If not, the bar will be 100% full before you scroll the entire page;
- To not display the reader bar in your base/index page, add the customized shortcode
{% readerBar "0px" %}
- In your post/content template:
- Add the shortcode
{% readerBar %}
after the content; - Check templates specific shortcodes in Examples section;
You can customize the height, colors of the bar, and its padding top:
- height: the thickness of the bar. Value in px (default: 4px)
- background color: color of the full width bar. Value can be literal or hexa (default: black)
- fill color: color that fills the bar as you scroll the page. Value can be literal or hexa (default: orange)
- padding top: space between the top of the screen and the bar (default: 2px)
{% readerBar %}
displays the default reader bar (default works in liquid and nunjucks templates)
{% readerBar "0px" %}
hides the reader bar (use in your base template, if necessary)
{% readerBar "8px" "red" %}
displays the reader bar with height of 8px and a red background color
{% readerBar "8px" "#ff0000" "#0000ff" %}
displays the reader bar with height of 8px, red background color and blue fill color
{% readerBar "8px" "#ff0000" "#0000ff" "0px" %}
displays the reader bar as the example above and no padding top
Obs for nunjucks templates: the arguments need to be comma separated.
{% readerBar "8px", "#ff0000", "#0000ff" %}
Obs for handlebars templates: all parameters must be informed.
{{{ readerBar "8px" "#ff0000" "#0000ff" "3px" }}}
See a demo
or Run a sample locally
Clone the repository: git clone
Run the sample locally: npm test