provides hunspell
based spell checker to Electron
based applications with minimal, simple api. This module aims specific design goals compare to other spellchecker implementations
- No native module dependencies
- No platform specific code, consistent behavior via hunspell
- Low level explicit api surface
There are couple of modules to improve spell checking experiences via electron-hunspell
to check out if you're interested
: Javascript bindings for google compact language detector v3hunspell-dict-downloader
: Downloader for hunspell dict around several available locales
From 1.0, electron-hunspell
only supports electron@5 and above supports async spellchecker interface. For previous version of electron, use 0.x version.
npm install electron-hunspell
Creating spellchecker provider
exposes SpellCheckerProvider
, class to manage spellchecker instance for several dictionaries.
; ;await provider.initialize;
accepts options to pass into hunspell-asm
binary if needed.
initializeinitOptions?: Partial<>: Promise<void>;
Once you have provider instance, you can manage each dictionary based on locale key.
;; await provider.loadDictionary'en', new Uint8Arraydic, new Uint8Arrayaff;
creates spellchecker instance to corresponding locale key.
public loadDictionarykey: string, dicBuffer: ArrayBufferView, affBuffer: ArrayBufferView: Promise<void>;
When dictionary is no longer needed it should be manually disposed via unloadDictionary
public unloadDictionarykey: string: Promise<void>
To get suggested text for misspelled text use getSuggestion
public getSuggestiontext: string: Promise<Readonly<Array<string>>>
It'll ask currently selected spellchecker to get suggestion for misspelling.
To add a word to the dictionary, use addWord
. This is runtime behavior, so it doesn't
persist over once instance is disposed.
public addWordlanguageKey: string, text: string: Promise<void>
Few other convenient interfaces are available as well.
//Returns array of key for currently loaded dictionaries//in desecending order of how long it has been used.public getAvailableDictionaries: Promise<Readonly<Array<string>>>; //Returns key of currently selected dictionary.public getSelectedDictionary: Promise<string | null>;
Attach provider to webFrame
Once provider instance is ready, attachSpellCheckProvider
can actually attach those into current webFrame.
; //Change language for spellchecker attached to webFrame.await attached.switchLanguage'en';//Teardown webFrame's spellchecker based on current language.await attached.unsubscribe;
relies on provider
to get current language's dictionary. If dictionary is not loaded via loadDictionary
, spellcheck won't work.
Put provider to another thread
not only accepts instance of SpellCheckerProvider
but also accepts any proxy object can commnuicate to actual provider instance. Since Electron's spellchecker is now async, it is possible to place provider instnace to other than main thread like web worker.
//pseudo code //provider.js;self.onmessage = //renderer.js;//proxy object implements necessary interfaces to attach spellchecker; // use proxy object to attach spellchecker to webframeawait attachSpellCheckProviderproviderProxy;
does not aware where does provider placed - it can be other process communicates via IPC, or webworker, or something else and does not provide any proxy implementation by default. Also note using IPC for proxy need caution, as spellcheck can cause amount of IPC request based on user typings.
provides simple code how to use SpellCheckerProvider in general. npm run example:browserwindow
will executes example for general browserWindow, npm run example:browserview
provides example for loading external page via browserView
with preload scripts. npm run example:worker
will load example running provider under web worker.
Building / Testing
Few npm scripts are supported for build / test code.
: Transpiles code to ES5 commonjs todist
: Run test cases.lint
: Run lint over all codebaseslint:staged
: Run lint only for staged changes. This'll be executed automatically with precommit hook.commit
: Commit wizard to write commit message