
2.3.0 • Public • Published


Node-elaenka is a Nodejs client for the ELAENKA NLP API: https://rapidapi.com/nwatson/api/elaenka-nlp

Setup Instructions


Run npm install node-elaenka

Set up a RapidAPI key

Go to the ELAENKA NLP API's page within RapidAPI specified above. You can sign up as a user there and get an API key.

Getting Started

Here is a sample use of node-elaenka, useful for making sure you have set up everything:

"use strict";
const Elaenka = require('../node-elaenka/node-elaenka.js');
const client = Elaenka.makeClient('YOUR API KEY HERE');
client['rus'].bgn_pcgn('Екатерина Петро́вна Замоло́дчикова', function(err, data){
//This should print null, followed by Yekaterina Petróvna Zamolódchikova.


The object returned by requireing node-elaenka has the following:

  • A function named makeClient, which returns an object with the actual functions for interacting with the ELAENKA NLP API. The object's keys are strings, where each key is a 3-letter language or script code. Each value within said object is an object which consists of methods for test transformation and manipulation.
  • Each function within the makeClient object follows the same specification. They take 2 parameters: a string to be manipulated and a callback. The callback takes 2 parameters: an error which may or may not be null and a result string which may or may not be null.
  • A function called makePromiseClient, which takes a function from the returned object from makeClient, and returns a promisified equivalent.


  • makePromiseClient : This takes a parameter of a function which takes a text and error/response callback, and returns an equivalent promise.
"use strict";
const Elaenka = require('../node-elaenka/node-elaenka.js');
const client = Elaenka.makeClient('YOUR API KEY HERE');
const toBeTransformed = client['ukr'].ukrainian_passport_2010;
const p = Elaenka.makePromiseClient(toBeTransformed);
  • makeClient : Takes a RapidAPI API key, and returns an object of the following structure:
    belarus_geo_2007: function(text, callback(err, result))//Latinizes Cyrillic text in the Belarusian language to the 2007 Belarusian government standard for locations.
      bulgarian_government_romanization: function(text, callback(err, result))//Latinizes Cyrillic text in the Bulgarian language to the Bulgarian government standard.
      cyrillic_to_latin_2018: function(text, callback(err, result))//Latinizes Cyrillic text in the Kazakh language to the 2018 Kazakhstan government standard.
    cyrillicToLatin: function(text, callback(err, result)), //Latinizes Cyrillic text in the Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian language family
    latinToCyrillic: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Cyrillicizes Latin-alphabet text in the Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian language family
    passport2013: function(text, callback(err, result)), //Romanizes Russian to the 2013 Passport standard
    bgn_pcgn: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Romanizes Russian to the BGN/PCGN standard
    ukrainian_passport_2010: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Romanizes Ukrainian to the 2010 government standard for Passports.
    icao_9303: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Romanizes Macedonian to the ICAO 9303 standard.
    variant_kana_normalization: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Takes Japanese text; converts the enclosed characters, half-width characters, and hentaigana; and converts them into standardized Hiragana and Katakana.
        hanyangToUnicode: function(text, callback(err, result)) //Takes Korean text and replaces any Hanyang private characters with their Unicode equivalents.
        mongolianGovernmentRomanization: function(text, callback(err, result)), //Romanizes Cyrillic Mongolian text to the Mongolilan government standard.
        menksoftToUnicode: function(text, callback(err, result)), //Converts from Menksoft private characters to standard Unicode
        unicodeToMenksoft: function(text, callback(err, result))  //Converts from standard Unicode to Menksoft private characters
    'jje':{},//see kor
    'okm':{},//see kor
    'oko':{},//see kor
    'mac':{},//see mkd
  'scr':{},//See hbs
  'scc':{},//See hbs
  'bos':{},//See hbs
  'cnr':{},//See hbs
  'hrv':{},//See hbs
  'kjv':{},//See hbs
  'srp':{},//See hbs
  'khk':{},//See mon
  'mvf':{},//See mon
  'svm':{}//See hbs

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npm i elaenka

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  • natewatson999