This facade wraps the brightcove smart player api with an easy to use interface.
Until the library is published on npm
you can install it via the github url scheme.
npm install edenspiekermann-bright --save
The source files are built by webpack to the UMD format. This means you can require dist/bright.js
via webpack, browserify or require.js. Although it’s not recommended you can also include dist/bright.min.js
in your html. This creates a global variable called Bright
Common.js (webpack, browserify…)
var Bright = require('bright'); // installed via npm
var Bright = require('./path_to/bright.js'); // use the one in the dist folder
var player = Bright(options);
require(['Bright'], function(Bright) {
var player = Bright(options);
Global Variable
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="bright.min.js"></script>
<script src="your_scripts.js">
// main.js
var player = Bright(options);
Note: //
has to be loaded before bright.js
. Use your favorite script loader or simply add a script
tag before your main js file.
Example HTML:
<div id="player"></div>
The brightcove player will be appended as a child to this element.
var player = Bright({
element: domElement, // [required] parent dom element of the video player
video: videoId, // [required] reference id ('ref:XXXXX') or video id (number)
player: playerKey // [required] playerKey of the brightcove player
// append other brightcove options here (optional)
player.on('end', function(player) {
Possible options for brightcove can be found at this page from the official documentation.
Currently supported events:
- load
- play
- pause
- end
These event methods are copied from maxhoffmann/emitter:
- on(event, fn)
- once(event, fn)
- off(event, fn)
Video and player id for testing are taken from brightcove’s example page. You may have to update them if they change.
- Clone the repository
npm install
npm start
to watch for file changes insrc/bright.js
- make changes
npm test
starts a local server & opens your default browser withhttp://localhost:8000/tests
npm run build
if all tests pass - push to
, merge intomaster