entrecode flavoured components for react-admin.
npm run doc # run docs locally
npm run deploy-doc # deploy to gh-pages
The demo lives in /demo:
npm run demo
Build & Publish
# start release + bump version
npm run clean # remove lib
npm run build # build lib
npm publish # publish version => also make release via gitflow
# TODO: add script that runs above + makes git release
npm run deck
The following features may be implemented in the future:
Resource Support
Currently, entryProvider only wraps one instance of PublicAPI. It would be a great addition if multiple instances of a PublicAPI could be accessed with one dataProvider. Also, the more generic Resources could be supported. This would enable potential CRUD support for all entrecode resources. The implementation could be done step by step:
- AssetGroup / Asset => asset browser using GridList
- DataManager => use multiple datamanagers at the same time
- .. potential implementation of any other ec.resource
Custom Filter Sidebar
Currently, the FilterList sidebar only supports one selection per property (and does not play well with object values). It would be good to have a more sophisticated FitlerList sidebar. Maybe this will also be implemented by react-admin in the future, as the FilterList sidebar is relatively new.. but maybe only for enterprise edition