A DynamoDB table wrapper with a promise wrapped simplified API for the AWS SDK's DynamoDB.DocumentClient.
DynamoDB.DocumentClient is the official way to talk to your DynamoDB databases, but the API is a little clunky and not very JavaScripty.
Dynatable gives you an easier to use API which borrows a little inspiration from MongoDB.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const dynatable = require('dynatable');
region: "eu-west-1",
accessKeyId: "YOUR_KEY_HERE",
secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE"
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
// Imagine you have a table called `users`, which is set up with an `id` key in DynamoDB
const users = dynatable(docClient, 'users', { id: 'N' });
// You now have
users.get({ id: 1 })
.then(users => console.log(users));
// [{ id: 1, name: 'Dynatable', interests: 'API wrapping, getting, putting, updating and deleting'}]
Or the way I use it, define (and export) all tables of your project in one file, and then import them where needed:
// all the setup from the previous example here
export const userTable = dynatable(docClient, 'users', { id: 'N' });
export const postTable = dynatable(docClient, 'users', { id: 'N' });
import { userTable, postTable } from './tables';
// Get user details
const userDetails = userTable.findOne({ id: userId });
// Get user's post
const userPosts = postTable.find({ userId });
Promise.all([ userDetails, userPosts ])
.then(([details, posts]) => {
// Do something with details and posts here