Via dyna-react-component-showcase
you can create a Showcase of your own React Components.
Technically Showcase can be your current Playground.
You can specify different props, add descriptions for your React components and emphasise their power.
Showcase is ideal for development and debugging of your components while you can see fast how your components react with different props.
npm install
npm start
The demo will be opened in your default browser.
import * as React from "react";
import {DynaReactComponentShowcase} from 'DynaReactComponentShowcase';
const showcase = {
views: [
slug: 'intro',
title: 'Introduction',
center: true,
component: (
<h3>My button</h3>
<p>Simple example for the bootstrap button</p>
slug: 'myButton',
title: 'Bootstrap button',
center: true,
component: <Button bsSize="large">My button</Button>,
props: [
slug: 'small',
title: 'Small size',
props: {
bsSize: 'small',
slug: 'medium',
title: 'Medium size',
props: {
bsSize: 'medium',
slug: 'large',
title: 'Large size',
props: {
bsSize: 'large',
export default class StartApp extends React.Component {
render() {
return <DynaReactComponentShowcase showcase={showcase} />
In case you run the Showcase under another path.
The whole configuration is passed to this prop. See the The showcase
prop section.
Css module to style the aside menu. See the Style section.
The The configuration of a showcase is in this prop.
Full definition
This is the definition (in Typescript).
The Showcase can be used in native Javascript as well, the showcase definition is not required to be in Typescript.
For those are not familiar with Typescript:
the property is optional[]
this type is array, i.e.IShowcaseView[]
== array ofIShowcaseView
is the react componentJSX.Element | string
means that the type of this property is react component or stringCSSProperties
is the native javascript styles of react
interface IShowcase {
logo?: JSX.Element; // logo will be show in the top of the menu
views: IShowcaseView[]; // (required) array of next interface...
defaultViewSlug?:string; // start up with this slug view
interface IShowcaseView {
slug: string; // (required) url slug for this view (should be unique)
faIconName?: string; // i.e.: cube
title: JSX.Element | string; // (required) the title
description?: JSX.Element | string; // the description
component: JSX.Element; // (required) the component will be rendered in the viewer
center?: boolean; // show in the middle of the viewer
wrapperStyle?: CSSProperties; // react's javascript style for the wrapper of the component
wrapperClassName?: string; // apply className on the wrapper of the component
props?: IShowcaseViewProps[]; // array of next interface...
hide?: boolean; // hide this view at all (in case that it is in progress or so)
export interface IShowcaseViewProps {
slug: string; // (required) the url slug for this prop (should be unique per view)
title: JSX.Element | string; // (required) the title
description?: JSX.Element | string; // the description
redraw?: boolean; // redraw the component from scratch each time
props?: any; // (required) object that will be passed as props to the component
hide?: boolean; // hide this prop at all (in case that it is in progress or so)
Simple showcase configuration export
Only the views
array is required with at least one item with the below properties (the required ones).
// a file that exports the showcaseSimple configuration
import * as React from 'react';
import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap';
export const showcaseSimple = {
views: [
slug: 'myButton',
title: 'Bootstrap button',
center: true,
component: <Button bsSize="large">My button</Button>,
React component with Showcase with one view
import * as React from "react";
import {DynaReactComponentShowcase} from 'DynaReactComponentShowcase';
const showcase = {
views: [
slug: 'myButton',
title: 'Bootstrap button',
center: true,
component: <Button bsSize="large">My button</Button>,
export default class StartApp extends React.Component {
render() {
return <DynaReactComponentShowcase showcase={showcase} />
More examples
Showcase configuration examples
Showcase configuration of the demo of this repo
Style (optional)
You can style the aside menu 100% with cssModule.
Load a cssModule and pass it to menuCssModule
Ready to use cssModules
The Showcase is shipped with only two styles.
- menu-style-white
- menu-style-red
Example how to import
How to import the menu-style-red
style where is shipped with dyna-react-component-showcase
import {DynaReactComponentShowcase, menuStyleRed} from 'DynaReactComponentShowcase';
export default class MyShowcase extends React.Component<any, any> {
public render() {
return (
Steps to create your own style
You can style the aside menu 100%. You can change the layout if you want as well.
- create a new css file (os less or sass, whatever your dev env supports for cssModule)
- copy paste the content of the file
where contains only the layout - apply your styles in this new file
- load this file and pass it to
prop of theDynaReactComponentShowcase
Example to load your own style
How to import your own custom style.
import {DynaReactComponentShowcase} from 'DynaReactComponentShowcase';
const menuStyle = require('./my-custom-styles/menu-style-dark-forest.less'); // or import depends your dev setup
export default class MyShowcase extends React.Component<any, any> {
public render() {
return (
Still in progress
- The project is still in beta version
- Documentation
- Tests
dyna ts react module boilerplate
Made withThis boilerplate offers to dyna-react-component-showcase
- It is written in Typescript so you have Types but runs under any JS React framework.
- Easy to fork it,
, publish and it's ready. - Exports CommonJS / ES6 module with Types.
- Playground / Showcase
- Pure webpack setup, no hacks.
- No boilerplate dependencies.
- Other awesome features