DS (data store)
This is a simple data store intended for prototyping. It will let you persist JS objects to disk with very little effort in JSON form.
DS is:
- Easy to install
- Easy to use
- Free!
DS is NOT:
- Smart
- Secure
- Scaleable
- Flexible
- Featureful
*** Do not use this in production. ***
npm install ds
var DS = require("ds").DS
// if no argument, "./ds.json" is used
// constructore calls load()
var ds = new DS("./ds.json")
ds.one = 1
ds.a = [1,2,"foo"]
ds.o = {bar:"baz", qux:42}
ds.save() // data (all of it) written to ./ds.json
ds.clear() // all data erased
load(path) // load JSON data from file into memory
// if path not provided, path provided to constructor is used
save(path) // save JSON data to a specific file
save() // save JSON data to same file as last time
clear() // clear the in-memory data store