The JSON:API is part of Drupal Core.
The JSON:API specifications defines standard query parameters to be used to do filtering, sorting, restricting fields that are returned, pagination and so on.
This module provides a helper Class to create the required query. While doing so, it also tries to optimise the query by using the short form, whenever possible.
Install the package via npm
$ npm i drupal-jsonapi-params
Import DrupalJsonApiParams
from drupal-jsonapi-params
import {DrupalJsonApiParams} from 'drupal-jsonapi-params';
const apiParams = new DrupalJsonApiParams();
var drupalJsonapiParams = require("drupal-jsonapi-params")
const apiParams = new drupalJsonapiParams.DrupalJsonApiParams();
// Add Group within Groups.
.addGroup('publish_status', 'OR', 'parent_group')
.addGroup('child_group_B', 'AND', 'parent_group')
.addGroup('parent_group', 'AND')
// Add Filters.
.addFilter('status', '1')
// Add Filter to Group.
.addFilter('status', '2', '!=', 'publish_status')
// Add Page Limit.
// Add Page Offset.
// Add Fields.
.addFields('node--article', ['', 'field_b.uid', 'field_c.tid'])
// Add Includes.
.addInclude(['', 'field_b.uid', 'field_c.tid'])
// Add multiple sort criterion.
.addSort('id', 'DESC')
const urlencodedQueryString = apiParams.getQueryString();
const queryString = apiParams.getQueryString({ encode: false });
Returns query string which can be used in api calls. By default the output is URI encoded. Options can be passed to control the qs.stringifying internally used.
Used to restrict items returned in a listing.
Params | Type | Description |
path | string |
A 'path' identifies a field on a resource |
value | string |
string[] |
operator | string |
(Optional) An 'operator' is a method of comparison |
group | string |
(Optional) Name of the group, the filter belongs to |
Following values can be used for the operator. If none is provided, it assumes "=
" by default.
'=', '<>',
'>', '>=', '<', '<=',
'IN', 'NOT IN',
NOTE: Make sure you match the value supplied based on the operators used as per the table below
Value Type | Operator | Description |
string |
= , <> , > , >= , < , <= , STARTS_WITH , CONTAINS , ENDS_WITH
string[] |
string[] size 2
The first item is used for min (start of the range), and the second item is used for max (end of the range). |
null |
Must use null
Read more about filter in Documentation
Used to group Filters. Groups can be nested too.
Params | Type | Description |
name | string |
Name of the group |
conjunction | string |
(Optional) All groups have conjunctions and a conjunction is either AND or OR . |
memberOf | string |
(Optional) Name of the group, this group belongs to |
Used to add referenced resources inside same request. Thereby preventing additional api calls.
Params | Type | Description |
fields | string[] |
Array of field names |
Read more about Includes in Documentation
Used to return the list of items in specific order.
Params | Type | Description |
path | string |
A 'path' identifies a field on a resource |
direction | string |
Sort direction ASC or DESC
Read more about Sort in Documentation
Use to restrict max amount of items returned in the listing. Using this for pagination is tricky, and make sure you read the following document on to implement it correctly.
Params | Type | Description |
limit | number |
Number of items to limit to |
Read more about Pagination in Documentation
Use to skip some items items from start of the listing. Please note that this is not the page number. To get the offset number for a page you can multiply the number of pages you want to skip with items per page.
Params | Type | Description |
offset | number |
Number of items to skip to |
Read more about Pagination in Documentation
JSON:API response have pagination information build into the response. Based on the results in the response, you can get "previous" and "next" links which can be used to get further items when results overflows into multiple pages.
If you are looking for a practical guide, you can check out the example in this issue on GitHub
The name of this method might be misleading. Use this to explicitely request for specific fields on an entity.
Params | Type | Description |
type | string |
Resource type |
fields | string[] |
Array of field names in the given resource type |
Use to add custom parameter to the query.
Params | Type | Description |
input | object |
The parameter object |
E.g. usage
// To add `foo=bar` to the query.
.addCustomParam({foo: 'bar'})
// To add `foo[bar]=baz` to the query.
.addCustomParam({ foo: {bar: 'baz'}})
// To add `bar[0]=a&bar[1]=b&bar[2]=c` to the query.
.addCustomParam({ bar: ['a', 'b', 'c']})
Clears all query parameter constructed so far.
Get object representation of the query object generated so far.
Re-initialize with a query string/object or another instance of DrupalJsonApiParams
Re-initialize with previously stored data from getQueryObject
Re-initialize with previously stored data from getQueryString
This method accepts an optional parameter to pass options to qs
library when parsing the given query.
Please refer to for more info about available options.
This would override any options set using setQsOptions during the given call.
Set options that is passed to qs
library when parsing/serializing query paramters.
Please refer to for more info about available options.
Get options that is passed to qs library when parsing/serializing query paramters. The value should match whatever was previously set via setQsOptions