These are the druids you are looking for.
Dependency Reporter UI Data Server, used as middleware between dep-rep and, most likely, a frontend UI.
npm i (-g) druids
If you installed it globally, just run druids
This will start a RESTful server on http://localhost:3221
You can set another port by running:
druids --port 4000
If you want to use druids as node module:
var druids = require('../druids')
Options has the following optional properties:
var options = {
port: 4000 // Default value is 3221
Remotely hosted package.json
Beware: the url query is passed on to dep-rep AS-IS.
Local package.json
First, create a locals.json in druids's folder root. Run which druids
in terminal to find this folder if you're unsure. It can look like this:
"dep-rep": "../dep-rep/package.json",
"druids": "package.json"
To then GET the available locals: http://localhost:3000/dep-rep/locals
To GET the dependency report for a given local: http://localhost:3000/dep-rep/local/dep-rep
This project is currently in alpha, at best. It's not meant to run this middleware publicly, anywhere.
This is currently not in scope either so I'm not looking into any security concerns as of yet.