
0.0.1-rc.17 • Public • Published

The Dragon System is a production class development framework and API for Ethereum web apps.

At the moment dragon-system will only work on Mac OSX and Linux.

Install dependencies

  • nodejs

    Install nodejs v6.X.X LTS version.

  • npm

    Make sure you have installed latest npm. You can run sudo npm install -g npm.

  • git

    Install git commandline tool.

  • docker

    Install docker. The community edition (docker-ce) will work. In Linux make sure you grant permissions to the current user to use docker by adding current user to docker group, sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. Once you update the users group, exit from the current terminal and open a new one to make effect.

  • docker-compose

    Install docker-compose

Note:- Make sure you can run git, docker ps, docker-compose without any issue and without sudo command.

Install dragon-system

sudo npm install -g dragon-system

Run a test setup

Initialize the system

dragon init

      __| |_ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __    ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___      
     / _` | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \  / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \     
    | (_| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |    
     \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|    
                     |___/                   |___/                           
? Site domain name: www.drageth.com
? API domain name: sws.drageth.com
? NS1 API key: <20 character api key>
? dragon-site image tag:  docker.io/dragonsystems/dragonsite:0.0.1
? dragon-api image tag:  docker.io/dragonsystems/dragonapi:0.0.1
? dragon-store image tag:  docker.io/dragonsystems/dragonstore:0.0.1
? dragon-certs image tag:  docker.io/dragonsystems/dragoncert:0.0.1
? dragon-proxy image tag:  docker.io/dragonsystems/dragonproxy:0.0.1
? Debug mode enabled or disabled? Enable
? Continue on installation? Yes

Note:- You have to obtain an NS1 API key and two domain to proceed.

Pull docker images from docker hub

dragon pull

Note:- This will take some time in the initial run since it has to grab all images from the docker hub.

Start docker containers

dragon start

Update /etc/hosts entries to verify the setup.
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add following lines to the file www.drageth.com sws.drageth.com
Save and exit using '<Esc> :wq'

Verify docker are running properly

dragon ps

dragon_certs_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up      80/tcp                                                                 
dragon_chain_1    /parity/parity        Up>8080/tcp
dragon_proxy_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up>443/tcp, 
dragon_site_1     node server.js        Up      8080/tcp                                                               
dragon_api_1      node socket.js        Up      8011/tcp                                                               
dragon_store_1    /bin/sh -c /startup   Up      4001/tcp, 5001/tcp, 90

Check logs of each system

dragon logs <certs/site/etc...>

certs_1   | Reading environment variables ...
certs_1   | SITE_HOSTNAME=www.drageth.com
certs_1   | API_HOSTNAME=sws.drageth.com
certs_1   | SSL_API_KEY=***********900
certs_1   | Certs already exist for domain : www.drageth.com
certs_1   | Certs already exist for domain : sws.drageth.com
certs_1   | Starting ... 
certs_1   | - - [14/Sep/2017 14:42:33] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:43:02 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:44:01 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:45:01 UTC 2017
certs_1   | Cron is running - Thu Sep 14 14:46:01 UTC 2017

Stop the setup

dragon stop

Forcefully kill (optional)

dragon kill

Remove stopped/killed container volumes

dragon rm

Build your own site

First of all run a test setup, it will validate the environment and install basic images for you.

Get the site source code

Go to a desired directory and run;

dragon get Site

This will clone the DragonSite to the current directory. Do you modifications in that and run following command in the root of that directory.

dragon build

? Build component Site
? Image tag name:  docker.io/username/customname:0.0.1-rc1
Building code for Site ... 

It will build the source code and then build the docker image with the given tag.

Note:- Image tag it the docker image name and version that you build your custom changes into. This name matters only if you are planning to push it into a registry. Otherwise system will use the local cache. But we recommend you to use a repository so then you can push and pull from it without any issue and you can maintain different versions of your changes properly. You can get a free public docker hosting space from docker hub.

Push the build docker image to registry.

dragon push

It will push the images to the registry as mentioned in the tag

Run it in a server

Initialize server configurations

dragon server

In the server initialization, give the custom tag you gave for the site and use others as defaults. Make sure you disable debug option to get proper live certificates from Let's encrypt

Pull docker images from docker hub

dragon pull

Start docker containers

dragon start

Update /etc/hosts entries to verify the setup.
$ sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add following lines to the file www.drageth.com sws.drageth.com
Save and exit using '<Esc> :wq'

Ignore the hosts update and add DNS entries to point to the running server.

Update NS1 DNS entries.

dragon dns

Searching for the zone of: www.drageth.com
Searching for the zone of: sws.drageth.com
Update recode of: www.drageth.com
Update recode of: sws.drageth.com

Clean the environment

You can follow below steps to clean your environment.

  • sudo npm uninstall -g dragon-system

  • sudo rm -rf $USER/.dragon

    Use sudo since docker will create a directory called 'ssl' to mount in to the cert docker image as root user.

  • docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

  • docker rmi $(docker images | awk '/dragon/{print $3}')



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  • dragon-systems