
0.3.1 • Public • Published


dot-view is an easy to use Node.js view class wrapper around the fast doT templating engine.

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  • Supports layouts, partials and custom view helper functions
  • Implements memory caching of compiled template functions (enabled by default)
  • Basic Express integration with __express() or display()


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Quick start

Here are some basic usage examples that connect with the public API. Error handling has been left out for demonstrational purposes.


var View = require('dot-view').View;


<!DOCTYPE html>
		<div>{{=it.greet}} world!</div>
var html = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'Hello'}).render();
// Or
var html = new View('/tpl/path', '').assign({greet: 'Hello'}).render();

Re-use the view object for rendering multiple templates in the same path:

var view = new View('/tpl/path');
var html1 = view.assign({greet: 'Hello'}).render('');
var html2 = view.assign({greet: 'Hello again'}).render('');


Add a layout to the template and assign variables to the layout. In the content of is included with {{#def._content}}.

var view = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'Hello!'});
view.layout(new View('/layouts', '', {title: 'My title'}));
var html = view.render(); could look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It's also possible to define the layout from a template file. The default syntax is {{##def._layout:path/to/}} or simply {{##_layout:path/to/}} when you don't want it to end up in your defines. Paths can be absolute or relative to the template file the layout is defined in.

<p>Say {{=it.greet}}!</p>

You can assign variables to the layout like this:

var view = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'hello'});
// The layout will be picked up automatically from when defined
	view.layout().assign({title: 'My title'});
var html = view.render();

Like all doT tags, you can change the format of the layout definition by altering its regular expression. For example, setting view.settings.layout to /\{\{\s+\/\*\s*layout:\s*(.+\S+)\s*\*\/\s*\}\}/ will allow for the layout to be defined as comments {{ /* layout:path/to/ */ }}.


In doT partials are included with #def. To add literal partials or partials from other template files simply:

var view = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'Hello!'});
	// From file
	file_partial: fs.readFileSync('/partials/', {encoding: 'utf8'}),
	// Literal string
	string_partial: '<div>{{=it.greet}} I\'m a partial.</div>'
var html = view.render();

Where could look like:

<!-- Output the file partial -->
<!-- Output the literal string partial -->

It's also possible to include a sub-template directly from a template file. Paths can be absolute or relative to the template file def.include() is called in.


See the doT advanced examples for more information on how to use partials in doT directly.


dot-view comes with two default view helpers truncate() (truncate a string) and currency() (format currency). Take a look at View.prototype.helpers for their parameters. View helpers are located in the helpers variable inside a template.

<!-- Truncate a string (it.someString) to 60 characters -->
<div>{{!helpers.truncate(it.someString, 60)}}</div>

You can add your own helper functions by simply adding them to the helpers property of your View instance.

var view = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'hello'});
view.helpers.sayGreeting = function(greet){ return 'Well '+greet+' there!'; };
var html = view.render();

In your


Will output:

<div>Well hello there!</div>


You can easily integrate dot-view in your Express app in two ways.


dot-view exposes an __express() function that can be registered as the template engine for Express.

// Tell Express to use the dot-view engine for .dot templates
app.engine('dot', require('dot-view').__express);

app.get('/', function(req, res){
	res.render('/full/path/to/', {greet: 'Hello!'}, function(err, html){
		if(!err){ res.send(html); }

Passing a layout, partial and helper

var options = {
	layout: new View('/layouts', '', {title: 'My title'}),
	defines: { partial: '<div>{{=it.greet}} I\'m a partial.</div>'},
	helpers: { sayGreeting: function(greet){ return 'Well '+greet+' there!'; } },
	greet: 'hello'
res.render('/full/path/to/', options, function(err, html){
	if(!err){ res.send(html); }


You can also bypass Express's template facilities completely and simply pass Express's res to view.display() along with an optional template file and optional HTTP status code.

app.get('/', function(req, res){
	var view = new View('/tpl/path', '', {greet: 'Hello!'});

Reserved template variable names

The following object keys have a special meaning in dot-view and should not be used for passing normal values or partials to templates:

  • Anything that is assigned to def.include and is not a function will be overwritten by a function to include a sub-template from a file path
  • A partial with the name def._content is used by the layout view to include the content of the template
  • When using def._layout in a template to define the layout, this will act like a normal define in doT

When passing variables in the options parameter of res.render() when using __express():

  • layout is reserved for passing the layout template or View instance
  • defines is reserved for passing partials
  • helpers is reserved for passing additional view helpers
  • cache is reserved for enabling/disabling the template function cache




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  • bartve