TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.4 • Public • Published


create an array of numbers which can be used to navigate any dataset or database.

this package is extremely lightweight, fast and easy to use, while also being able to handle any edge-case.

gif demonstrating example with express

result of running the code example below


  $ npm i do-paginate

  # or

  $ yarn add do-paginate


name type description
current_index number required. the page number that should appear in the middle of the pagination-sequence.

example: when your index is 10 and your offset is 5 a range from 5-15 will be returned.
items_per_page number required. the amount of items you're displaying on each page.
items_total number required. the length of your data. this value will determine how many pages can be generated.
offset number required. limit the amount of page-numbers being generated by adding the offset parameter. the sequence will be: (offset + index + offset) in length.

example: when your index is 10 and your offset is 5 a range from 5-15 will be returned.


version min: [ 1 ] reg: [ 1..11 ] max: [ 1..200001 ]
>= v1.2.0 161ns 443ns 17ms
<= v1.1.6 410ns 1794ns 37ms


import the pagination -file and pass in your parameters

basic javascript example

  // javascript
  const paginate = require('do-paginate')

  const index = 5
  const items_per_page = 25
  const items_total = 5000
  const offset = 5

  const sequence =
    paginate(index, items_per_page, items_total, offset) // [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ]

basic typescript example

  // typescript
  import paginate from 'do-paginate'

  const index: number = 5
  const items_per_page: number = 25
  const items_total: number = 5000
  const offset: number = 5

  const sequence: Array<number> =
    paginate(index, items_per_page, items_total, offset) // [ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ]

typescript with express and basic routing example

  // typescript example with express route
  import express from 'express'
  import paginate from 'do-paginate'
  import cors from 'cors'

  const app = express()

  app.use(cors({ origin: '*' }))

  // request url: /
  app.get('/', async (_, res) =>
    res.send(`<a href='/index=1&limit=25'>test pagination</a>`)

  // request url: /index=1&limit=25
  app.get('/index=:index?&limit=:limit?', async (req, res) => {
    const d_index: number = 1 // default index - used if, for example, none is passed in
    const d_limit: number = 25 // default limit - used if, for example, none is passed in
    const offset: number = 5 // pages to generate

    // get index from url, else fallback to d_index
    const index: number =
      +(req.params?.['index'] as string)?.replace(/[^\d-]/gm, '') || d_index
    // get limit from url, else fallback to d_limit
    const limit: number =
      +(req.params?.['limit'] as string)?.replace(/[^\d-]/gm, '') || d_limit

    const items_total: number = 500 // TODO: get total items

    const pages: Array<number> = paginate(index, limit, items_total, offset)

    // TODO: query database based on: index, limit, and add items to response

        #pagination {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: center;
        a {
          all: unset;
        a:active {
          color: black;
          opacity: 0.5;
        .page {
          text-align: center;
          min-width: 27px;
          padding: 5px 1px;
          cursor: pointer;
        .current {
          font-weight: bold;

        `<div id="pagination">`,
        // subtract true or false casted to number (true => 1, false => 0)
        `<a class="page" href="/index=${index - (+(index > 1))}&limit=${limit}"> < </a>`,
        // create <a> element with correct href for each number in pages
          (x: number, _: number) =>
            `<a class="page ${(x === index) ? "current" : ""}" href="/index=${x}&limit=${limit}">${x}</a>`
        // add true or false casted to number (true => 1, false => 0)
        `<a class="page" href="/index=${index + (+(index < pages?.[pages.length - 1]))}&limit=${limit}"> > </a>`,

  app.listen(process.env.PORT || 8000, () => {`Server started on port ${process.env.PORT || 8000}`)


  • node: 14.16.0
  • typescript: 4.2.3
  • npm: 6.14.11
  • yarn: 1.22.10


v1.2.3: update readme
v1.2.2: update readme
v1.2.1: forgot to ceil calculating max-pages for handling rest values, and added test case to make sure this works
v1.2.0: refactor and optimizations, add few extra test cases

v1.1.6: update intro: wording and gif, add basic styling to code example
v1.1.5: handle not all tests passing more gracefully, add test.js to npm
v1.1.4: update readme
v1.1.3: update test output, log wasnt showing expected and received values correctly, change some wording
v1.1.2: update readme
v1.1.1: keep test files in git repo only, changed my mind
v1.1.0: change css in code example from width to min-width, refactor pagination algorithm slightly which resulted in ~10% speed increase, add test script, extend build script in package.json

v1.0.8: extended code example with arrows to increment index by +1 or -1
v1.0.7: forgot to build typescript after making changes, parameter: offset is now actually required
v1.0.6: update package.json
v1.0.5: update readme, and fix typo's
v1.0.4: update readme, make parameter: offset required
v1.0.3: update readme, and fix typo's
v1.0.2: update readme, and fix typo's
v1.0.1: update readme, and fix typo's
v1.0.0: initial publish


make sure to checkout my repository at:

for feature-requests you can contact me, and ill consider it. or create your own pull-request or fork at:

if you found any issues related to this package, dont hesitate to create an item at:



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  • kaspardohrin