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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8. This is a library to generate an SVG within an Angular component to display a specific guitar chord. The lib-guitar-chord-generator directive can be used in the template of any component to display the SVG.



npm i dl-guitar-svg-chord-generator


Simply copy the guitar-chord-generator directory, which is a library, in the projects direcotry and add it to the projects directory of your angular application. To use the component, you would have to add the import code in relevant components/modules.

Chord Object

Initialization Using JSON

To create a new chord using a JSON object, simply create a new object of type any and then use the following key-value pairs:

"name": <name of the chord>,
"fingers": {
    "<finger-number>": {
	    "fret": <fret number>,
	    "string": <string number>
"noStrumStrings": <list of strings to mark not for strumming>,
"barFret": <fret number for the bar>,
"barCount": <number of strings to bar starting from first string>

The fret number starts from 1 and follows conventional fret numbering. The string numbering starts from 1 and starts from the bottom most string or e string in standard tuning. Here is an example of a common variation of an F major chord:

"name": "F major",
"fingers": {
    "2": {
	    "fret": 2,
	    "string": 3
    "3": {
	    "fret": 3,
	    "string": 5
    "4": {
	    "fret": 3,
	    "string": 4
"barFret": 1,
"barCount": 6

In case if barCount is ommited and barFret is specified then the default value of barCount is 6. First finger (or finger 1 or index finger) will be used for the bar in case of a bar chord. The noStrumString key takes an array of string numbers. After setting up this JSON object, you can pass this object to the loadChordFromJson method or loadChordFromJsonString in case if the JSON is represented as a string. The methods will throw exceptions in case if there exists invalid fret numbers, string numbers or other inconsistencies.

Initialization Using Chord object

You can also use the addNote(<fret-number>: number, <string-number: number>, <finger-number>: number) method, which is self-explanatory, to add a note and the addBar(<fret-number>: number, <bar-count>: number) method to add a bar. To toggle between strumming a string or not use the toggleNoStrumStrings(<string-number>: number) method. The following code creates a chord object for F major similar to the above example:

let c : Chord = new Chord();
c.addNote(2, 3, 2);
c.addNote(3, 5, 3);
c.addNote(3, 4, 4);



Input Type Required Description
width number Yes the width of the SVG component.
height number Yes the height of the SVG component.
chord object Yes object of type Chord which is configured with the required chord.
config object Optional, default: default config object of type GCSGConfig which has the required configuration.


The config input can be used to send configuration input to the component.

"offset": {
    "horizontal":  30,
    "vertical":  30
"string": {
    "count":  6,
    "labelLocation":  1,
    "tuning": ['e', 'B', 'G', 'D', 'A', 'E']
"fret": {
    "minimumFretCount":  3,
    "offset":  7,
    "labelLocation":  -1
"bar": {
    "offset":  7,
    "width":  10
Key Description
offset.horizontal the horizontal padding from the top and bottom borders of the SVG
offset.vertical the vertical padding from the right and left borders of the SVG
string.count the default number of strings
string.labelLocation 1 - right, -1 - left of the fret board
string.tuning the default tuning of the strings
fret.minimumFretCount the minimum number of frets that will be displayed irrespective of how many fret(s) is required by a chord
fret.offset the offset of the top and bottom edges of the fret lines from the edge strings
fret.labelLocation 1 - bottom, -1 - top of the fret board
bar.offset the offset of the top and bottom edges of the bar lines from the strings
bar.width the width of the bar

In case if you want to change only some of the configurations, say fret.offset to 10 you can try the following code:

let c : GCSGConfig = new GCSGConfig();
c.setConfig('fret.offset', 10);

The rest of the configuration will be set to default values by default (at the constructor of the configuration object).


The default style is specified in guitar-chord-generator\src\lib\guitar-chord-generator.component.css stylesheet file. You can edit this file for your own style preferences.


  1. Register the GuitarChordGeneratorModule in your app-module by adding the following import: import { GuitarChordGeneratorModule } from 'projects/guitar-chord-generator/src/public-api';
  2. Add the module to the imports of the @NgModule decorator
    declarations: [
    imports: [
    providers: [],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
  1. Import Chord class to the component which will display the SVG and configure the chord object to pass as input to the component.
    1. Use the lib-guitar-chord-generator directive in your component's template with the above mentioned inputs.


The angular app specified in this repository will display the F major chord. Check out the app.component.ts (or app component) and the template file to see the code for the example. Run ng serve in the application directory to see the output in your browser.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

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  • damelyngdoh