
2.0.6 • Public • Published


Install the discord-fivem-api package using either npm or yarn:

$ npm install discord-fivem-api
# or
$ yarn add discord-fivem-api


First, import the DiscordFivemApi class:

const DiscordFivemApi = require('discord-fivem-api');

Next, create a new instance of the class with the desired configuration options:

const options = {
  address: 'localhost', // IP or hostname of the FiveM server
  port: 30120,          // Port number (default: 30120)
  useStructure: true,   // Whether to use the custom `Player` and `Server` structures (default: true)
  interval: 5000,       // Interval in ms between server updates (default: 2500)

const api = new DiscordFivemApi(options, true); // 'true' initializes the API immediately

Configuration Options The options object supports the following properties:

  • address (required): The IP address or hostname of the FiveM server.
  • port (optional, default: 30120): The port number of the FiveM server.
  • useStructure: (optional, default: true): Whether to use the custom Player and Server classes from the structures directory.
  • interval: (optional, default: 2500): The interval (in milliseconds) between server data updates.

The second argument (init) specifies whether to initialize the API immediately (true) or not (false, default).


Once the DiscordFivemApi instance is created, you can use its methods to retrieve server information:

  .then((status) => console.log(`Server status: ${status}`))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

  .then((serverData) => console.log(serverData))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

  .then((players) => console.log(players))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

  .then((count) => console.log(`Players online: ${count}`))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

  .then((maxPlayers) => console.log(`Max players: ${maxPlayers}`))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

Method Details

  • <Api>.getStatus() Returns a promise that resolves to 'online' or 'offline'.

  • <Api>.getServerData() Returns a promise that resolves to an object containing server information. If useStructure is true, it returns an instance of the Server class.

  • <Api>.getServerPlayers() Returns a promise that resolves to an array of player objects. If useStructure is true, each object is an instance of the Player class.

  • <Api>.getPlayersOnline() Returns a promise that resolves to the number of players currently online.

  • <Api>.getMaxPlayers() Returns a promise that resolves to the server's maximum player capacity.


api.on('ready', () => console.log('API initialized'));
api.on('readyPlayers', (players) => console.log(`Players: ${players.length}`));
api.on('readyResources', (resources) => console.log(`Resources: ${resources.length}`));
api.on('playerJoin', (player) => console.log(`${player.name} joined the server`));
api.on('playerLeave', (player) => console.log(`${player.name} left the server`));
api.on('resourceAdd', (resource) => console.log(`Resource added: ${resource}`));
api.on('resourceRemove', (resource) => console.log(`Resource removed: ${resource}`));

Event Details

  • ready: Emitted when the API is initialized.
  • readyPlayers: Emitted when player data is available.
  • readyResources: Emitted when resource data is available.
  • playerJoin: Emitted when a player joins the server.
  • playerLeave: Emitted when a player leaves the server.
  • resourceAdd: Emitted when a new resource is added to the server.
  • resourceRemove: Emitted when a resource is removed from the server.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • xliel666