WebDFU — driver for working with DFU and DfuseDriver in a browser over Web USB or Web Bluetooth.
- Reading and writing the current device firmware by DFU 1.1
ST DfuSe download and upload firmwareTo be re-implemented. - Switching from the runtime configuration to the DFU bootloader (DFU detach)
npm i dfu-next
Full example in: webdfu/demo
Basic example:
import { DeviceBootstrapper } from "dfu";
const connect = async () => {
const device = await navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [] });
const bootstrapper = new DeviceBootstrapper(device);
const dfuDevice = await bootstrapper.init();
// Read firmware from devie
const readEvents = dfuDevice.beginRead();
readEvents.on("read/finish", (bytesRead, blocks, data) => {
// save the data (blob)
console.log("Successfully read firmware from device")
// Write firmware to device
const firmwareFile = new ArrayBuffer(1024);
const writeEvents = dfuDevice.beginWrite(firmwareFile);
writeEvents.on("write/finish", (bytesSent) => {
console.log("Sucessfully written new firmware to device.")
The browser's security policy requires that WebUSB be accessed only by an explicit user action.
Add the button in your html and run the WebDFu after click in button.
In HTML: <button id="connect-button">Connect</button>
document.getElementById("connect-button").addEventListener("click", connect);```