is a simple npm package that recommends destinations based on the desired country. It also provides local cuisine recommendations, including halal drinks and food options.
Run this command in your terminal to install the package:
npm i destination-wizard
After installing the package, you can use the following functions to get city and cuisine recommendations based on different countries.
Returns a random city from the specified country.
const { RecommendCity } = require('destination-wizard');
Provides a random local food recommendation from the specified country. The foods listed are suitable for halal consumption when specified.
const { RecommendFood } = require('destination-wizard');
Suggests a random halal drink option from the specified country.
const { RecommendHalalDrink } = require('destination-wizard');
const { RecommendCity, RecommendFood, RecommendHalalDrink } = require('destination-wizard');
console.log("Random City:", RecommendCity("Japan"));
console.log("Local Food:", RecommendFood("Japan"));
console.log("Halal Drink:", RecommendHalalDrink("Japan"));
The destinations and local cuisines come from a predefined set of data that includes cities and traditional foods/drinks specific to each country. The cities are chosen randomly when recommendations are made.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.