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1.0.2 • Public • Published


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depsi is a nest.js like dependency injection library for Express.js (Node.js), provide progressive way to add super power to your old or new project!

  • Progressive DI(Dependency injection) framework for Express.js
  • Super lightweight - (8 kb source code)
  • Supports both of CommonJS and ESM module.
  • Support both of TypeScript and JavaScript (w/ tsconfig.json)

Table of content

Quick Start


npm install depsi express @types/express

Update tscofnig.json

Make sure these options are true in your tsconfig.json

  • experimentalDecorators
  • emitDecoratorMetadata
  "compilerOptions": {
    //... other options
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Basic Setup

You'll need to create 4 files to get started, here is our recommended setup.

// app.ts
import express from "express";
import { initializeModule } from "depsi";
import { appModule } from "./app.module.js";

async function main() {
  const app = express();

  initializeModule(app, appModule);

  app.listen(3000, () => {
    console.log("Server is running on port 3000");
import { Injectable } from "depsi";

export class Logger {
  log(message: string) {
import { createRouter } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js"; // or "./app.service" if you are using CommonJS
import { appModule } from "./app.module.js";

// "/" is the prefix of the router
export const appRouter = createRouter("/");

appRouter.get("/hi", (req, res) => {

appRouter.get("/test", (req, res, next) => {
  // we can resolve the Logger service from the appModule
  const logger = appModule.resolve(Logger);
  logger.log("log from /test");

  res.send("hello world from /test");
import { appRouter } from "./app.router.js"; // or "./app.router" if you are using CommonJS
import { Module } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js"; // or "./app.service" if you are using CommonJS

export const appModule = new Module({
  imports: [],
  providers: [Logger],
  routes: [appRouter],

You're good to go

Now, run your app and see your log by hitting curl localhost:3000/test

API Usage


Modules are the basic building blocks in depsi. They allow you to group providers and routes together.

Creating a Module

import { Module } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js";
import { appRouter } from "./app.router.js";

export const appModule = new Module({
  imports: [],
  providers: [Logger],
  routes: [appRouter],


Use the @Injectable decorator to mark a class as a provider that can be injected.

Creating an Injectable Service

import { Injectable } from "depsi";

export class Logger {
  log(message: string) {

Inject class into other class

export class Service {
  constructor(private logger: Logger) {}

  execute() {
    this.logger.log("Service is executing...");

Register providers in a module

Injectable class shoule be registered in a module always.

The order of providers matters, depsi register providers from left to right.

export const appModule = new Module({
  imports: [],
  providers: [Logger, Service],
  routes: [],

Resolve Class Instance

The module.resolve function is used to resolve and get the instance for any Injectable class.

Using Depends in a Route

import { createRouter, Depends } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js";
import { appModule } from "./app.module.js";

const appRouter = createRouter("/");

appRouter.get("/test", (req, res, next) => {
  const logger = appModule.resolve(Logger);
  logger.log("log from /test");
  res.send("hello world from /test");


Routers are used to define routes within a module, also depsi's Router is compatible with Express.js.

Creating a Router

import { createRouter, Depends } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js";

export const appRouter = createRouter("/"); // define the prefix for the router

appRouter.get("/hi", (req, res) => {

Advanced Topics

Nested Modules

Modules can import other modules to organize your application better.

Creating a Nested Module

import { Module } from "depsi";
import { Logger } from "./app.service.js";
import { appRouter } from "./app.router.js";

const subModule = new Module({
  imports: [],
  providers: [Logger],
  routes: [],

export const appModule = new Module({
  imports: [subModule],
  providers: [],
  routes: [appRouter],

Usage for JavaScript

If you have JS code mixed with TS code, this is the guide for it. Make sure you have these in the tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    //... other options
    "allowJs": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Dependency Injection in class constructor

JavaScript doesn't provide type information in class constructor that allows us to inject in a normal way. Fortunatelly we can inject in by @Inject(class).

import { Injectable, Inject } from "depsi";

export class TestLogger {
   * Optional type declaration
   * @param {Logger} logger
  constructor(@Inejct(Logger) logger) {

Other usage are all the same. Please keep in mind this special usage is for vanilla javascript only.


Contributors: Jun Guo @gjuoun

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  • gjuoun