
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Deployment Tools

A Node.js scripts that help you to compile and deploy the static assets (CSS/JavaScript) of your website. More why here.

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Style sheet

  • serving static content from CDN and a cookieless domain (so we can reduce sent payload)
  • compile Less files with postcss-less
  • process CSS files with postcss
  • add vendor prefixes with autoprefixer postcss plugin
  • adjust images urls inside css for CDN with postcss-url postcss plugin
  • warn about unsupported features via doiuse postcss plugin
  • minify CSS files with clean-css postcss plugin
  • create style guides using CSS comments and mdcss postcss plugin
  • use calc via postcss-calc postcss plugin


Package Features


The tasks available at the moment are:

  • clean: delete and create again the JavaScript (buildPathJs config key) and CSS (buildPathCss config key) folder
  • bump: update the version inside package.json (packageJson config key) and Web.config (webConfig config key) according to major/minor/patch
  • buildImages: compress images
  • buildJs: lint(eslint-loader), transpile(babel-loader) and minify(UglifyJsPlugin) js files with webpack
  • buildCss: clean -> build stylesheet
  • build: test -> clean -> build[ js | style ]
  • upload: upload the compiled files on the CDN
  • deploy: bump -> clean -> build[ js | style ] -> upload
  • watch: starts webpack-dev-server for js files
  • test: test files inside folder with tape/blue-tape (TAP specification) and format the output with faucet

note: -> means in serial, | means in parallel



  • cdn: the domain of the CDN, used to built up the path (webpack splitting) for resources on CDN
  • projectName: name of the project, used to built up the path for resources and CDN
  • webConfig: the relative path with filename of the webConfig file (es: data/Web.Config). When set, version in the file as appSettings key swversion is updated during bump process
  • packageJson: the relative path with filename of the package.json file
  • longTermHash: use hash instead of version folder for filename to enable long-term-caching. The output for CSS files is ${outputFolder}${filename}-${filehash}.css while for JavaScript files you can configure it in webpack-config.js


  • srcSass: the path of the sass files (es: sass/). When set Sass is used [OPT-IN]
  • srcLess: the path of the less files (es: less/). When set Less is used [OPT-IN]
  • mainStyle: the entry file of the front's styles (es: main.less/main.sass)
  • mainBackoffileStyle: the entry file of the backoffice's styles (es: main-admin.less/main.sass) [OPT-IN]
  • buildPathCss: the path of the compiled CSS files (es: css)
  • preserveBuildPathCss: when true, avoid to delete the CSS folder during clean task [OPT-IN]
  • stylelintrc: path of stylelintrc file [OPT-IN]
  • styledocPath: path of the folder for style guides
  • doiuse: a list of browser (comma separated) to use with doiuse postcss plugin
  • autoprefixer: a list of browser (comma separated) to use with autoprefixer postcss plugin


  • srcJsPath: the path with the JavaScript files
  • mainJs: the main entry (es: main.js)
  • vendorsJs: the filename of the vendors file (es: vendors.js)[OPT-IN]
  • mainBackoffileJs: the backoffice main-entry (es: main-backoffice.js) [OPT-IN]
  • vendorsBackoffileJs: the filename of the vendors file for backoffice (es: vendors-backoffice.js)[OPT-IN]
  • buildPathJs: the path of the compiled JavaScript files (es: bundles)

JavaScript (Webpack Dev Server) All these configuration are relative to the Webpack Dev Server used to compile js files and to serve static assets

  • webpackDevServerPath: the root directory (default: data)
  • webpackDevServerHost: the host (default: localhost)
  • webpackDevServerPort: the port (default: 8080)


  • imagesPath: minify and copy to CDN the images inside the path (es: /data/images/)[OPT-IT]
  • imagesCdnAlias: CDN alias for images so we can maximize parallel download with multiple domain (used by postcss plugin)

note: all the config's path must ends with trailing slash

.Net website and Web.config


If your your website is a .net website (so with a Web.config file) you can add a key to appSetting named swversion. When you run npm run bump or npm run deploy the version inside is upgraded automatically alongside package.json .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="swversion" value="1.42.2" />

In this way you can track project version in your .net website easily (for example alongside error reporting). This is an example of how it could works with Sentry and Raven Client in an MVC website.


protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    string v = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["swversion"];
    string sentrykey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sentry.keybackend"];
    var ravenClient = new RavenClient(sentrykey);
    System.Exception exe = Server.GetLastError();
    ravenClient.CaptureException(exe, sentryMessage,SharpRaven.Data.ErrorLevel.Error, new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "scope", "backend" } }, new { Release = v, Environment = enviroment });


    <body data-swversion='@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["swversion"]'>
        <script src=""></script> 
    Raven.config('...', {
        release: '@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["swversion"]',


If you want to use long term caching for js e CSS (more here and here) you can use longTermHash option. When so the build process try to update the relative keys inside Web.config with the hash of single file. Moreover to avoid a new hash on main entry for every changes inside chuck, we use webpackManifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="vendors" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/data/bundles/8f763123f0f046e64dba.js" />
        <add key="main" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/data/bundles/63ccb10c3a23c226a662.js" />
        <add key="vendors-backoffice" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/data/bundles/5f015639e77466a19e5d.js" />
        <add key="main-backoffice" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/data/bundles/5f015639e77466a19e5d.js" />
        <add key="modernizr" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/data/bundles/modernizr.45f645c83986c0f3e169.js" />
        <add key="main.css" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/css/38ef2f0c714372f9e033dad37e0cda84.css" />
        <add key="main-admin.css" value="http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN/projectname/css/970d7f6a3392de0876e3aa9fbf8e8d2e.css" />
        <add key="webpackManifest" value='{"0":"0.25d307f8089adf9f4633.js","1":"1.9899084d910934f61825.js"}' />

and you can change your razor views in this way

    @if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) {
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css">
    } else {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            window.webpackManifest = @Html.Raw(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['webpackManifest']);
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['main.css']">
        @if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) {
        <script src="http://localhost:8080/vendors.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
        <script src="http://localhost:8080/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    } else {
        <script src="@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['vendors']" type="text/javascript"></script> 
        <script src="@ConfigurationManager.AppSettings['main']" type="text/javascript"></script> 

Getting Started

Setup process of deployment-tools is quite easy - just run

npm install deployment-tools --save-dev

then you must copy the npm scripts that you want to use to your package.json file

    "scripts": {
        "lint": "babel-node tools/run lint",
        "clean": "babel-node tools/run clean",
        "buildCss": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel-node tools/run buildCss",
        "buildCss": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel-node tools/run buildCss",
        "buildJs": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel-node tools/run buildJs",
        "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel-node tools/run build",
        "bump": "babel-node tools/run bump",
        "deploy": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production babel-node tools/run deploy",
        "upload": "babel-node tools/run upload",
        "watch": "babel-node tools/run watch"

and the relative confing settings to package.json file

    "config": {
        "cdn": "http://YOUR.CDN.DOMAIN",
        "projectName": "project",
        "webConfig": "Web.config",
        "packageJson": "/package.json",
        "srcJsPath": "/script/",
        "mainJs": "main.js",
        "mainBackoffileJs": "main-backoffice.js",
        "buildPathJs": "/data/bundles/",
        "srcSassOUT": "/sass/",
        "srcLess": "/less/",
        "mainStyle": "main.less",
        "mainBackoffileStyle": "main-admin.less",
        "buildPathCss": "/data/css/",
        "preserveBuildPathCss": "true",
        "imagesPath": "/data/images/",
        "imagesCdnAlias": "http://your.cdn.domain.alias"


The documentation of the package can be generated via esDoc

npm run doc


Tests can be run via

 npm test


  • add amazon CDN provider
  • add more test
  • add code coverage


Copyright (c) 2016 Alessandro Ursino (killanaca)


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  • killanaca