A node library to drive a Declom Visual Indicator
Our development roadmap is on the delcom-indicator Trello board
npm install delcom-indicator
var DelcomIndicator = require('delcom-indicator');
var delcomIndicator = new DelcomIndicator();
A more complete example is found in tests/spike.cs. The test opens an attached Delcom light and runs through the available functionality by turning it solid greed, red and blue and then flashing each color.
Related Application
A Build Light indicator for TeamCity that utilizes this library to show the status of builds.
Supported Platforms
This library is known to work on Mac and Linux platforms where node-hid can be installed. It was designed and tested on Mac OS/X 10.9.2, Max OS/X 10.11.3 and Raspian (all updates installed as of March 12, 2016). It has not been tested on Windows but should work provided that node-hid can be installed. It requires Node 4.x or higher.
Depending on your platform, Node-hid may require a compile, which adds additional dependencies. See the node-hid readme for details.
On Linux you need to grant permissions to write to the Delcom device. On Raspian, you can create a file:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/85-delcom.rules
With the following rule (replace the group name with a group of your choice):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fc5", ATTRS{idProduct}=="b080", ACTION=="add", SYMLINK+="delcom", MODE="0666", GROUP="[your group]"
You will have to reboot to make the rule take effect.
Development Prerequisites
You need to install gulp-cli globally using:
npm install gulp-cli -g
You can then run tests using:
The tests require you to have a Delcom USB device connected.