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2.2.0 • Public • Published

Decoration for Vuex

Create type-safe class-based Vuex modules in TypeScript

License: MIT JavaScript Style Guide Lint test Test coverage Build test


Decoration for Vuex is licensed under the MIT license.

Getting Started


  • Vue
  • Vuex
  • TypeScript
  • Your environment must support ECMAScript Proxy or provide a polyfill of similar functionality.


Bundler or ts-node build

If you want to use Decoration with a bundler like webpack or rollup, or with ts-node;

  • Install Decoration for Vuex with your favorite package manager;

    • npm; npm install --save-dev decoration-vuex.
    • yarn; yarn add decoration-vuex --dev
    • pnpm; pnpm add -D decoration-vuex
  • Install Vuex with your favorite package manager;

    • npm; npm install --save-dev vuex.
    • yarn; yarn add vuex --dev
    • pnpm; pnpm add -D vuex
  • Enable experimental decorator support in TypeScript

    • In tsconfig.json:
          "compilerOptions": {
              "experimentalDecorators": true
    • On the command-line using --experimentalDecorators.

Browser ready or CDN build

If you wish to use Decoration in an environment that does not use a bundler or modules; you have two options

  • Download the decoration-vuex.iife.js file from the latest release and include it in your project.
  • Link to it from UNPKG CDN or{version}/dist/index.iife.js. See UNPKG for more versioning options.
  • Link to it from JSDELIVR CDN or{version}/dist/index.iife.js. See JSDELIVR for more versioning options.

Creating your first module

With Decoration, Vuex modules are written as classes and decorated to indicate what certain members will do.

// store.ts
import { Store } from "vuex";

export const store = new Store({}); 
// counter.ts
import { Module, StoreModule, Mutation } from "decoration-vuex";
import { store } from "./store";

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;

    increment(): void {

export const counter = new Counter({ store });

Using your first module

Decoration modules are accessed in Vue component by directly referencing the module instance. This even includes any state, getters, mutations, or actions mapped into the component. The mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, and mapActions helpers are not needed, but are supported.

// MyComponent.vue (script part)
import { counter } from "./counter.ts"

export default Vue.extend({
    name: "MyComponent",
    computed: {
        count(): number { return counter.count },
    methods: {
        increment(): void { counter.increment() },

Core Concepts

Module constructor

When creating a module; if you define a module constructor, it must receive a RegisterOptions object and pass it on the super constructor.

import { Module, StoreModule, RegisterOptions } from "decoration-vuex";

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count: number;
    constructor(options: RegisterOptions, initialCount = 0) {
        this.count = initialCount;


Defining the state

The state of a Decoration defined module is the properties assigned to it at construction or when defining the class. As with the state of a regular Vuex module, the state will become part of the store when registered. It will them become reactive and must follow the same rules as regular Vuex state. New properties may not be added after instantiation, when registration occurs, nor should they be removed. By requiring all modules extend StoreModule, this ensures the state is created as if it is a plain object.

import { Module, StoreModule, RegisterOptions } from "decoration-vuex";

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count: number;
    resets = 0; // This is part of the state of the module.
    constructor(options: RegisterOptions, initialCount = 0) {

      // This is part of the state of the module.
        this.count = initialCount;

All normal properties will become part of the state of the module. The only exception is any property defined with get and set or using ECMAScript Symbols. get and set are used to define other features of a module. Symbols are ignored by Vuex and provide a means to store any data you don't want to be reactive.

Also, any other method defined in the class may be utilized by the constructor since the module is not yet registered to Vuex.

import { Module, StoreModule, RegisterOptions } from "decoration-vuex";

const RESETS = Symbol("resets");

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count: number;
    [RESETS] = 0; // This will not be part of the state, but is accessible anywhere within the module or outside
                  // with the symbol.
    constructor(options: RegisterOptions, initialCount = 0) {

      // This is part of the state of the module.
        this.count = initialCount;
    // This will not be part of the state, but will be part of the module's `getters` in Vuex. 
    get reset(): number {
        return [RESETS];

As with normal Vuex modules, the state cannot be altered outside a mutation.

Accessing the state

Accessing the state within a Vue component or even other code is as simple as referencing the module instance.

import { counter } from "./counter";

console.log(counter.count); // 0
console.log(counter.count); // 1

    computed: { count(): number { return counter.count } },
    methods:  { increment(): void { return counter.increment() } },
    mounted() {
        console.log(this.count); // n
        console.log(this.count); // n + 1


The only way to actually change the state of a module with using a mutation. In Decoration, mutations are decorated with the @Mutation. Within a mutation you may read and alter any state of the module. Mutations may even receive parameters, known as a payload.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;

    reset(): void {
        this.count = 0; 

    increment(by = 1): void {
        this.count += by;

Mutations may also access property getters and setters and call other mutations defined on the class.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get next() {
        return this.count + 1;

    goNext(): void {
        // Access the next getter.
        this.value =;  


There are times when you need to get computed information based on the state of the store using getters. In Decoration, getters are defined in two ways. Simplest as property getters and for more functionality, you can use getter functions.

Property getters

Property getters are simple ECMAScript getters, which may be paired with a setter. As with Vuex getters, they may not alter the state, but can read any part of it. They may also access other getters, both properties and functions.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get next() {
        return this.count + 1;

    get square() {
        return this.count * this.count;

    get halfSquare() {
        // Accessing the square getter
        return this.square / 2;

Getter functions

Sometimes you need to provide more information to a getter to complete its calculation. This is where getter functions come in. In Decoration, getter methods are decorated with @Getter. They may to read the state and call other getters, but may take inputs to complete their job.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 3;

    pow(by: number) {
        return this.count ** pow;

const counter = new Counter({ store });

console.log(counter.pow(2)); // 9

The same rules that apply to getter properties apply to getter functions.


If you want to make a getter property read and write; you will have to provide a setter for that property. Setters are just property setters that have been registered as a mutation in Vuex. They also must follow the same rules as mutations but will provide an improved experience when used.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get next() {
        return this.count + 1;
    get at(): number {
        return this.count;  
    set at(value: number) {
        this.count = value;  

const counter = new Counter({ store }); = 7;

console.log(; // 7


Actions in Decoration work the same as in Vuex with little difference. In Decoration, actions are decorated with @Action. They can read the state, use getters, call mutations, and assign to properties that use setters. They can also call other actions. As with Vuex, actions may be asynchronous and must return a Promise.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get next() {
        return this.count + 1;
    get at(): number {
        return this.count;  
    set at(value: number) {
        this.count = value;  

    async getServerValue(): Promise<number> {
        const newCount = await fetch(""); = newCount;

        return newCount;

const counter = new Counter({ store });

// If the server returns 5, then log will print 5.
counter.getServerValue().then(value => console.log(value));

Sub-module reference

Vuex module may reference other modules for convenience and maintainability. This is required for modules to interact with each other but can convey a relationship between modules. To define a sub-module in Decoration, just assign an instance of the module to the member of another.

class WaitModule extends StoreModule {
    waiting = false;
    async while(op: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
        try {
            this.waiting = true;
            await op();
        } finally {
            this.waiting = false;

class ApiModule extends StoreModule {
    wait = new WaitModule({ store });

    posts = [] as Post[];
    refreshPosts(posts: Post[]): void {
        this.posts = posts;
    async fetchPosts(): Promise<Post[]> {
        this.refreshPosts(await this.wait.while(fetch("/posts/all")));

const api = new ApiModule({ store });

Local Functions

Vuex modules are meant to provide a source of truth for your application state, but can also do the same for any logic related to that state. Decoration allows the use of undecorated methods with the module class for such a purpose. These local functions may be used to write common logic used by other parts of the store.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get next() {
        return this.count + 1;
    get at(): number {
        return this.count;  
    set at(value: number) {
        this.count = value;  
    async syncWithServer(): Promise<number> { = await this.getServerValue();  

    async isInSyncWithServer(): Promise<boolean> {
      const server = await this.getServerValue();
      return server ===;

    private getServerValue(): Promise<number> {
        return fetch("");

Local function caveats

Although local functions can be powerful; and may use other public functions, there are a few caveats to be aware of using local functions.

  • Local functions cannot be called publicly

    They may only be used by other methods in the class and should be marked private.

  • Local functions must obey the same rules as the caller

    For example; if you call a local function within a mutation, that function cannot call an action.


Watches provide a more straight forward means to watch any specific state on a module. Simply decorate a function with @Watch and provide it with the path of the state to watch. You may provide additional options from Vue vm.$watch method.

class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    get at(): number {
        return this.count;  
    set at(value: number) {
        this.count = value;  

    onCountChanged(value: number) {

Watcher caveats

Watchers may provide powerful capabilities, but may be better served by other functions of a module. The following caveats should be considered when using watchers.

  • Watchers may not be directly called any other member of the class
  • Even though watchers receive the public interface, watchers should not call anything on this

Watchers are best used for debugging, logging, and back-end storage features. Setters, mutations, and actions should be used to handle most other use-cases.


A module may inherit functionality from another class, provided that it eventually inherits StoreModule. It is currently untested whether the base classes may be decorated with @Module, but the bottom most class that will be registered with the Vuex store must be. All members in the base classes should be decorated based on their indented use case.

// Not decorated
class BaseModule<T extends object> extends StoreModule {
    items: T[];
    current: T;
    show(item: T) { this.current = item }
    refresh(items: T[]) { this.items = items }

    async get(id: string): Promise<T> { this.query({ id })[0])  }

    async all(selector: Partial<T>) { this.refresh(await this.query()) }

    async query(selector: Partial<T>): Promise<T[]> { /* ... */ }

class ProductModule extends BaseModule<Product> {

const products = new ProductModule({ store });


Module options

The following options may be provided when decorating a class as a module.

export interface ModuleOptions {
  /** Makes the state publicly mutable by defining setters for each top level property */
  openState?: boolean;

Open state modules

An open state module is a module that allows directly mutating the state publicly or from actions. This is done by registering mutations for each top level field of the class. This provides a simple and convenient means to expose the module state to alteration, but lessens the safety of have a protected state must be altered with explicit setters and mutations.

@Module({ openState: true })
class Counter extends StoreModule {
    count = 0;
    async syncWithServer(): Promise<number> {
        this.count = await fetch(/* ... */);

const counter = new Counter({ store });

console.log(counter.count); // 0
counter.count = 5;
console.log(counter.count); // 5
Open state caveats

Although having an open state is useful, it is only effective for top-level properties. Any properties of objects at the top-level of the module will still be protected by Vuex.

@Module({ openState: true })
class Counter extends StoreModule {
    data = {
      count: 0,
      lastUpdated: now(),
    async syncWithServer(): Promise<number> {
        // ERROR! Cannot modify state outside of a mutation = await fetch(/* ... */);

const counter = new Counter({ store });

console.log(counter.count); // 0
// ERROR! Cannot modify state outside of a mutation = 5;
console.log(counter.count); // 0

In general, open state should be avoided except on simplest of modules.

Register options

The following options can or must be provided when instantiating a module. At minimal, the store must be provided.

export interface RegisterOptions {
    /** The store to which the module will be registered */
    store: Store<any>;
    /** Optionally rename the module; otherwise, its class name and a unique ID are used */
    name?: string;

Access restrictions

To maintain the safety and features of Vuex module when defining them with Decoration, certain members of a module may be off limits when interacted with publicly or from decorated methods. The following methods will only have access to the listed features.

  • Public consumer

    Can read the state and call all other methods except local functions or watchers.

  • Getters

    Can do the following

    • Read the state.
    • Use other properties with getters.
    • Call other getter methods.
  • Mutations and setters

    Can do the following

    • Read and alter the state at any level.
    • Use properties with getters.
    • Call getter methods.
    • Use other properties with setters.
    • Call other mutations.
  • Actions

    Can do the following

    • Read the state
    • Use properties with getters and call getter methods.
    • Use properties with setters and call mutations.
    • Call other actions.

    If the module is open state, then altering the top-level of the state is possible.

  • Local functions

    Must abide to the same limits as the caller.

  • Watchers

    Has access to the public interface, but should avoid interacting with the module.

Version 2 breaking changes

  • To support any version of Vuex, it is now a peer dependency and must be installed manually.
  • Mapper support removed.
  • Using decorated module from Vuex state, getters, commit, or dispatch is not longer supported. Modules should be used directly.
  • Watchers no longer support array indices.



There is currently no roadmap per se for Decoration, but the PLANS file tracks ideas for the future of Decoration. If an issue was filed, it may appear in the plans file.



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  • matthew.holder