A thin adapter that gives direct access to node-inspector's backend.
Normally, node-inspector is acting both as a client--to a process run with node --debug
also as a server--serving up a web(kit) frontend. This package gives direct access to the debugger
client without having to start up the server.
npm install debugger-api
var DebuggerApi = ; // make sure node is running in debug mode: node --debug-brk=5000// then:var dbugger = debugPort: 5000; // enable debugging.dbugger; // initial breakpoint (because of debug-brk)dbugger;
callFrames: callFrameId: '0' functionName: '' location: scriptId: '46' lineNumber: 4 columnNumber: 2 scopeChain: Object Object this: type: 'object' subtype: undefined objectId: '1' className: 'Object' description: 'Object' callFrameId: '1' functionName: 'Module._compile' location: scriptId: '36' lineNumber: 455 columnNumber: 25 scopeChain: Object Object Object this: type: 'object' subtype: undefined objectId: '7' className: 'Object' description: 'Object' ... reason: 'other' data: null hitBreakpoints: 2
See the tests for more.
The returned object exposes the same methods as node-inspector's DebuggerAgent
, but
inherits from EventEmitter
and emits events (see below) rather than sending signals to
a frontend.
A node-inspector ScriptManager
enable(null, function(error, result))
Enable debugging.
disable(null, function(error, result))
Disable debugging.
pause(null, function(error, result))
Pause execution.
resume(null, function(error, result))
Resume execution.
Emits Debugger.resumed
stepOver(null, function(error, result))
Step over current line.
Emits Debugger.resumed
stepInto(null, function(error, result))
Step into current line, creating a new call frame.
Emits Debugger.resumed
stepOut(null, function(error, result))
Step out of current call frame.
Emits Debugger.resumed
continueToLocation({location: location}, function(error, result))
NOTE: this appears to be broken at the moment. Need to research
the underlying node-inspector
is in the form {scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber}
Emits Debugger.resumed
getScriptSource({scriptId: scriptId}, function(error, result))
Get the script source by scriptId
. See also ScriptManager
, available as scripts
is {scriptSource: source}
setScriptSource({scriptId: id, scriptSource: source}, function(error, result))
Set the script source (even mid-execution!).
is {callFrames: [...], result: result}
TODO: what is result
setPauseOnExceptions({state: 'all' | 'uncaught'}, function(error, result))
TODO: cb(?)
setBreakpointByUrl(params, function(error, result))
Set a breakpoint.
params = {url: scriptUrl,
lineNumber: line number,
columnNumber: column number,
condition: stop condition}
is {breakpointId: id, locations: [...]}
removeBreakpoint({breakpointId: id}, function(error, result))
Remove a breakpoint based on breakpointId. TODO: expose a way to query current list of breakpoints.
setBreakpointsActive({active: boolean}, function(error, result))
Toggle breakpoints.
evaluateOnCallFrame({expression: string, callFrameId: frameId}, function(error, result))
Eval the given expression in the context of a specific call frame.
is {result: inspectorResult | errorMessage, wasThrown: boolean }
getFunctionDetails({functionId: id}, function(error, result))
is a function details object.
restartFrame({callFrameId: id}, function(error, result))
Restart execution of the given call frame.
is {callFrames: [...], result: result}
TODO: what is result
setVariableValue(params, function(error, result))
Set variable value. Might not be supported, depending on V8 build/version.
params = {variableName, newValue, scopeNumber, callFrameId}
TODO: what is result