A browserify transform to enable the easy use of bower components in browserify client javascript projects.
This can be used in conjunction with deamdify to require AMD components from bower as well.
NB: For more information about how to use debowerify to create stand-alone library bundles check out bower-resolve and the examples in the README.
Installation is via npm:
$ npm install debowerify
How to use.
Install some bower components:
# creates files in components/screenfull/
$ bower install screenfull
Require the bower file by it's bower identifier (ie. in this case "screenfull"):
// public/scripts/app.jsvar _screenfull = ; // the bower componentvar domready = ; // a regular browserify npm component;
Build out your browserify bundle using the debowerify transform:
$ browserify -t debowerify public/scripts/app.js -o public/scripts/build/bundle.js
Then include your bundle.js in your HTML file and you're done!
Set preferNPM
option to true
, or an array of module names, to have debowerify
prefer NPM modules over bower components. This is useful for when you have a module that is installed both as a node module and as a bower component.
How to use with AMD components
If your bower components are amd and they don't support commonjs modules than simply use debowerify with the excellent deamdify browserify transform. For example, the following AMD bower import:
# creates files in components/myamdcomponent/
$ bower install myamdcomponent
// public/scripts/amdapp.jsvar myamdcomponent = ; // the AMD bower componentvar domready = ; // a regular browserify npm component;
To make this all magically work and use the short-form bower name of "amdcomponent" chain both debowerify and deamdify together like this:
$ browserify -t debowerify -t deamdify public/scripts/amdapp.js -o public/scripts/build/bundle.js
Too easy!
The transform depends on the "main" entry in bower.json to be correct.
Some bower components may not have this set, or have it set incorrectly. In this case, either manually update the bower.json file yourself, of just do a require to the relevant full path of the bower javascript file - and then complain to the bower component repo owner! :-)
debowerify is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:
Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.
See the file for more details.
debowerify is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors:
Eugene Ware | GitHub/eugeneware |
Justin Hileman | GitHub/bobthecow |
Liam Curry | GitHub/liamcurry |
andö | GitHub/dre1080 |
Riku Rouvila | GitHub/rikukissa |
Frank Wallis | GitHub/frankwallis |
Frédéric Langlade-Bellone | GitHub/fredericlb |
pjeby | GitHub/pjeby |
Dave Mac | GitHub/DveMac |
Rhys Evans | GitHub/wheresrhys |
Adam Krebs | GitHub/akre54 |
Matt Kunze | GitHub/MattKunze |
Francesc Rosas | GitHub/frosas |
Toby Ho | GitHub/airportyh |
Devin Weaver | GitHub/sukima |
Stein Martin Hustad | GitHub/smh |
00Davo | GitHub/00Davo |
Max Nordlund | GitHub/maxnordlund |
Christian Tellnes | GitHub/tellnes |
Jorrit Posthuma | GitHub/JorritPosthuma |
Andrew Smith | GitHub/ashrewdmint |
Adam Duncan | GitHub/microadam |
Robert Ovens | GitHub/rovens |