Data Dimensions
Create crossfilter like data dimensions tool compatible with CanvasJS. Designed to make pivot tables and pivot charts simple.
- pretty fast (not crossfilter fast)
- reduce into series for a line graph
- group within a series to aggregate data
- sort as part of post-processing
- define base series + datapoint options
- split input data
- lightweight (only dependency is lodash)
const Dimension = // With datasetconst data = group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'one' a: 1 b: 1 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'one' a: 2 b: 2 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'one' a: 3 b: 3 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A' subgroup: 'two' a: 1 b: 10 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A' subgroup: 'two' a: 2 b: 20 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A' subgroup: 'two' a: 3 b: 30 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'three' a: 1 b: 100 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'three' a: 2 b: 200 group: 'A' csvGroup: 'A,C' subgroup: 'three' a: 3 b: 300 group: 'B' csvGroup: 'B' subgroup: 'one' a: 1 b: 1000 group: 'B' csvGroup: 'B' subgroup: 'one' a: 2 b: 2000 group: 'B' csvGroup: 'B' subgroup: 'one' a: 3 b: 3000 // Create a dimensionconst dim = id: 'dim' dgroup da x: da y: 0 count: 0 { outy += db } { outy -= db } // Add datadim // And consume the data series from the dimensionconst chart = 'chartMain' data: dimdatachart
The structure of the output data is:
"name": "B" "dataPoints": "x": 1 "y": 1000 "count": 1 "x": 2 "y": 2000 "count": 1 "x": 3 "y": 3000 "count": 1 "maxX": 3 "minX": 1 "maxY": 333 "minY": 111 "sumX": 6 "sumY": 666 "meanX": 2 "meanY": 222 "count": 9 "name": "A" "dataPoints": "x": 1 "y": 111 "count": 3 "x": 2 "y": 222 "count": 3 "x": 3 "y": 333 "count": 3 "maxX": 3 "minX": 1 "maxY": 333 "minY": 111 "sumX": 6 "sumY": 666 "meanX": 2 "meanY": 222 "count": 9
Dimension Class
Options that can be passed to the constructor
new Dimension(options)
id: string (required)
A id for the dimension, should be unique)
name: string {defaults to id}
A friendly name for the dimension - only for reference
defaultSeries: object {{ type: 'line' }}
An object with the default series config required for CanvasJS. Will be copied onto every new series.
hideEmptyDataPoints: boolean {false}
Whether to show datapoints which have been created, but filtered out.
filterPredicate: function {(d) => d.category}
A function to get the property of each data point which the filter will be applied to.
filterFactory: function {Dimension.Filters.anySelectionMatchesValue}
A factory which returns a filter. Passed the selection and the filterPredicate.
groupSeries: {required}
A predicate to select the value to separate the data into series.
groupData: {required}
A predicate to select the value to aggregate data within a series.
reduceInit: function {required}
A predicate which returns the initial value of a reduced data point.
reduceAdd: function (required)
A predicate which updates a data point based on a new data point being added to its group.
reduceRemove: function {required}
A predicate which updates a data point based on a new data point being removed from its group.
reduceSeriesColor: function
A predicate to determine the color of a series. Passed the current series label.
reduceColor: function
A function to determine the color of a series. Passed the current group dataPoint.
selection: string[]
A string array which refers to which series are currently selected in this dimension. Creates a filter for this dimension can then be applied to other dimensions. Access this filter using dim.getFilter()
split: function {(d) => [d1, d2]}
A function to split new data points on addition. Useful if you want to separate a comma separated property into two data points.
// Example split group which will separate a data point in two based on// a property called d.csvGroupsconst split = { const groups = dcsvGroups ? dcsvGroups : false if groups return Object else return groups }
sortKey {required}
A key for lodash _.sortBy. The dataPoints array of each series will be sorted after each change in data (add, remove, filter).
sortFnc {required}
A function for lodash _.sortBy. The dataPoints array of each series will be sorted after each change in data (add, remove, filter).
Dimension API
constructor (options)
See Dimension Options above
addOne (d:object)
Adds a single input data point to the dimension. Runs it through the filters and does the post processing (sorting, totals, averages etc). Use addMany if there is more than one point to add at a time as it will only run the post-processing once.
addMany (d:[object])
Adds an array of input data into the dimension. Runs it through the filters and does the post processing (sorting, totals, averages etc)
refresh ()
Clears the cache and replays the input data through the dimensions reducers, filters and post processing.
getData ()
Returns the output data from this dimension. Returns a partial clone (series are cloned but not dataPoints).
findSeries (seriesName:string)
Returns a data series (name = output of groupSeries) from the dimension
Checks whether the new selection is different to the old selection. Useful to limit re-processing of data if the selection has not changed.
updateSelection (selection)
Sets the current selection for this dimension and creates a new filter that can be applied to other dimensions. Access the filter using dim.getFilter()
getSelection ()
Returns the current selection from this dimension.
getFilter ()
Returns the filter for this dimension (or null if no filter exists). This filter can then be applied to other dimensions. Filter is built from current selection.
hasFilter (filter)
Check whether a filter has already been applied to this dimension.
addFilter (filter)
Apply a filter (from another dimension) to this dimension.
removeFilter (filter)
Remove an applied filter
replaceFilter (filter)
Replace an applied filter with an updated filter
clearFilters ()
Remove all filters applied to this dimension
Event Handling (seeon (event:string, handler:function)
Add a listener to an event. Events: 'change' or 'selection'
removeListener (event:string, handler:function)
Remove a listener from the Dimension.
DimensionManager Class
addDimension (dimension:Dimension)
Adds a dimension to the manager, listening to the dimensions 'selection' event.
addData ()
Adds data to each dimension, triggers a single 'change' event
getDimension (dimensionId:string) : Dimension
Retrieve a dimension by ID
getData () : object
Get the current data for all dimensions. Returns an object with key (id) : value (dimension) pairs. Will return a new object each time. Each series should also be new, but individual dataPoints are not cloned.
// const dims = manager.getData() dim1: id: 'dim1' name: 'Dimension 1' data: name: 'Series1' dataPoints: ... dim2: ...
removeDimension (dimension:Dimension|string)
Removes a dimension from the manager, can take either the dimension to remove OR the dimensionId
on (event:string, handler:function)
Add a listener to an event. Events:
- 'change': will only trigger on addData and selection. If data is added via an individual dimension, this will not be triggered.
removeListener (event:string, handler:function)
Remove a listener from the Dimension.