Simple "url()" pattern matcher with data-as-base64 (d64) uri replacement.
Include with "npm install" or "yarn add":
yarn add d64-filter --dev
Don't use this as a loader, rather incorporate in your webpack.config.js rules when you want a simple, naiive, straightforward text replacement of every local "url(...)" with the file's contents as a data-uri base64 string.
// webpack.config.js moduleexports = // ... module: rules: // ... test: /semantic.min.css$/ use: 'raw-loader' loader: 'd64-filter' options: { return 'semantic-ui-css/' + url; } mimeTypes: '.eot': 'font/eot' '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg' '.jpg': 'image/jpeg' '.otf': 'font/otf' '.png': 'image/png' '.svg': 'image/svg' '.ttf': 'font/ttf' '.woff': 'font/woff' '.woff2': 'font/woff2' // ...
The translate function allows you to scrutinize the current local module url and return with a translated url to be resolved for file reading. Note that if the source module's url() starts with "http" or "data", we don't replace it with its content.