
0.1.5 • Public • Published


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This module extends D3's native color support to also include CIECAM02 color. CIECAM02 is an updated color model that serves as an alternative to perceptually modeled spaces like CIELAB and CIELCh. One large difference compared to other perceptual color spaces is that it models colors after transforming them through the CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform which simulates responses from the eye's long, medium, and short cone responses (LMS). Both Jab and JCh assume average viewing conditions for the purposes of computing CAM02 color.

Before using this library, note that Jab and JCh are not Cartesian/polar space correlates of one another, because the J in CIECAM02's JCh and in CIECAM02-UCS's Jab are not equivalent. Jab is calculated via M.R. Luo and C. Li's uniform color space transform to better approximate perceptual uniformity. For an overview of CIECAM02, their transform, and comparisons to CIELAB, we recommend Luo and Li's paper entitled "CIECAM02 and Its Recent Developments".

d3-cam02 follows the same rules as d3-color. For example, to get the CIECAM02-UCS Jab representation of "steelblue":

var c = d3.jab("steelblue"); // {r: 70, g: 130, b: 180, opacity: 1}

You can also define Jab or JCh colors directly:

var c1 = d3.jab(80, 30, 10),
    c2 = d3.jch(50, 70, 270);

Just as in d3-color, you can also directly manipulate colors once they are initialized:

var c = d3.jab(80, 30, 10);
c.J += 5;
var hue = (180 / Math.PI) * Math.atan2(c.b, c.a);
+ ""; // transforms to RGB string formatting


After downloading the repo, run npm install, which will install any dependencies. You can optionally install from npm opposed to cloning directly from GitHub. Make sure to load d3-cam02 after d3-color.

Dependencies: d3-color

API Reference

Because this package extends d3-color, previously available color functions are similarly available in d3-cam02 (e.g., color.{rgb, brighter, darker, displayable}).

# d3.jab(J, a, b[, opacity]) <>
# d3.jab(specifier)
# d3.jab(color)

Constructs a new CIECAM02-UCS Jab color. The channel values are exposed as J, a and b properties on the returned instance. J refers to lightness, a refers to redness-to-greenness, and b refers to blueness-to-yellowness.

If J, a, and b are specified, these represent the channel values of the returned color; an opacity may also be specified. If a CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string is provided, it is parsed and then converted to the Lab color space. See d3-color for examples. If a color instance is specified, it is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to Jab. (Colors already in the Jab color space skip the conversion to RGB.)

# d3.jch(J, C, h[, opacity]) <>
# d3.jch(specifier)
# d3.jch(color)

Constructs a new CIECAM02 JCh color. The channel values are exposed as J, C, and h properties on the returned instance. J refers to a lightness definition different than d3.jab, C refers to chroma, and h refers to hue. Jab transform's JCh lightness with the following transform: Jab.J = JCh.J / (1.0 + 0.007*(100.0 - JCh.J)).

If J, C and h are specified, these represent the channel values of the returned color; an opacity may also be specified. If a CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string is provided, it is parsed and then converted to the Lab color space. See d3-color for examples. If a color instance is specified, it is converted to the RGB color space using color.rgb and then converted to JCh. (Colors already in the JCh color space skip the conversion to RGB.)

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