This is a simple commitizen adapter that will allow you to format your messages using emoji (gitmoji).
? Select the type of change you are committing: (Use arrow keys)
❯ :art: 🎨 Improve structure / format of the code.
:zap: ⚡️ Improve performance.
:fire: 🔥 Remove code or files.
:bug: 🐛 Fix a bug.
:ambulance: 🚑️ Critical hotfix.
:sparkles: ✨ Introduce new features.
npm install -D cz-simple-gitmoji
yarn add -D cz-simple-gitmoji
pnpm add -D cz-simple-gitmoji
Add this to your package.json
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "cz-simple-gitmoji"