Commitizen adapter for projects within the blvd group. Equal amounts of cutesy and practical. Forked from cz-emoji. Takes inspiration from conventional-commits, but has significantly more flair.
Requires Node 8+, or whenever they implemented the ... operator. I'm not actually sure, but Node 8 is LTS in like a few months anyway so just go with that.
? Select the type of change you are committing: ❯ feature 🌟 A new feature fix 🐞 A bug fix docs 📚 Documentation change refactor 🎨 A code refactoring change chore 🔩 A chore change style ✨ A style update or lint cleanup perf 🏁 A change which improves performance test ⚡ A test change
npm install --global cz-blvd # set as default adapter for your projects echo '{ "path": "cz-blvd" }' > ~/.czrc
$ git cz
Monorepo support
The repos don't have to match your repo names exactly, but they will be used in the scope.
MIT © the blvd group