
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Node Module to help in cucumber based tag expression for executing Cypress test suite/case based on given tag expression.

The intention of this package is for helping the execution of test cases/suites specific to a feature or a scenario identified based on tags.
This is achieved by logically grouping tag expressions (cucumber styled tag expression)

This can extensively be used in cypress BDD as well.


Assuming you have Cypress installed, add this module as a dev dependency

# using NPM
npm i -D cypress-cucumber-tagging
# using Yarn
yarn add -D cypress-cucumber-tagging

Support file

required: load this module from the support file or at the top of the spec file if not using the support file.

// cypress/support/index.js
// load and register the tag feature

Plugin file

required: load and register this module from the plugin file

// cypress/plugins/index.js
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // make sure to return the config object
  // as it might have been modified by the plugin
  return config

After loading this module from the plugin file, it allows the cypress-cucumber-tagging to print a little message on load, for example

$ npx cypress run --env tags="not (@unit or @config)"
The Tag expression input for testing: "not (@unit or @config)"


# run only the tests with tag "@unit"
$ npx cypress run --env tags=@unit
# run only the tests with tag "@unit" or "@config"
$ npx cypress run --env tags="@unit or @config"
# run only the tests with tags "@unit" and "@config"
$ npx cypress run --env tags="@unit and @config"
# run only the tests with tags "@unit" and "@config" or the tests with tag "@smoke"
$ npx cypress run --env tags="(@unit and @config) or @smoke"
# run any the tests with tags neither "@unit" nor "@config"
$ npx cypress run --env tags="not (@unit or @config)"

For more cucumber styled tag expressions:

Tags in the test config object

Every Cypress tests can have their own test config object (Refer Here), and you can put the test tags under this test config object, either as a single tag string or as an array of tags.

Note: The tags can be added to test config to either of it() or describe().

it('Test case 1', { tags: ['@config', '@unit'] }, () => {

describe('Test Suite 1', { tags: ['@smoke', '@config'] }, () => {
  it('Test case 2', () => {

You can run both of these test cases using --env tags=@config string. (all the tags of describe() are inherited by the it() wrapped under that describe())

As a best practice, please use the '@' symbol as prefix to the tag word used in any test.

Author: Muthu Kumaran R <>

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  • rsmuthu