Base classes, types, utilities for implementation support of CWI components, Project Babbage applications and services.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
These are fields of 80 byte serialized header in order whose double sha256 hash is a block's hash value and the next block's previousHash value.
All block hash values and merkleRoot values are 32 byte Buffer values with the byte order reversed from the serialized byte order.
export interface BaseBlockHeader {
version: number;
previousHash: Buffer;
merkleRoot: Buffer;
time: number;
bits: number;
nonce: number;
Interface BaseBlockHeader Details
Block header bits value. Serialized length is 4 bytes.
bits: number
Root hash of the merkle tree of all transactions in this block. Serialized length is 32 bytes.
merkleRoot: Buffer
Block header nonce value. Serialized length is 4 bytes.
nonce: number
Hash of previous block's block header. Serialized length is 32 bytes.
previousHash: Buffer
Block header time value. Serialized length is 4 bytes.
time: number
Block header version value. Serialized length is 4 bytes.
version: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Like BlockHeader but 32 byte fields are hex encoded strings.
export interface BaseBlockHeaderHex {
version: number;
previousHash: string;
merkleRoot: string;
time: number;
bits: number;
nonce: number;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
A BaseBlockHeader
extended with its computed hash and height in its chain.
export interface BlockHeader extends BaseBlockHeader {
height: number;
hash: Buffer;
See also: BaseBlockHeader
Interface BlockHeader Details
The double sha256 hash of the serialized BaseBlockHeader
hash: Buffer
Height of the header, starting from zero.
height: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Like BlockHeader but 32 byte fields are hex encoded strings.
export interface BlockHeaderHex extends BaseBlockHeaderHex {
height: number;
hash: string;
See also: BaseBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface CertifierDetails {
name: string;
icon: string;
note: string;
publicKey: string;
trust: number;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Full Chaintracks API including startListening with callbacks
export interface ChaintracksApi extends ChaintracksClientApi {
startListening(listening?: () => void): Promise<void>;
See also: ChaintracksClientApi
Interface ChaintracksApi Details
Start or resume listening for new headers.
Calls synchronize
to catch up on headers that were found while not listening.
Begins listening to any number of configured new header notification services.
Begins sending notifications to subscribed listeners only after processing any previously found headers.
May be called if already listening or synchronizing to listen.
callback will be called after listening for new live headers has begun.
Alternatively, the listening
API function which returns a Promise can be awaited.
startListening(listening?: () => void): Promise<void>
Argument Details
- callback indicates when listening for new headers has started.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Chaintracks client API excluding events and callbacks
export interface ChaintracksClientApi extends ChainTracker {
getChain(): Promise<Chain>;
getInfo(): Promise<ChaintracksInfoApi>;
getPresentHeight(): Promise<number>;
getHeaders(height: number, count: number): Promise<Buffer>;
getHeadersHex(height: number, count: number): Promise<string>;
findChainTipHeader(): Promise<BlockHeader>;
findChainTipHeaderHex(): Promise<BlockHeaderHex>;
findChainTipHash(): Promise<Buffer>;
findChainTipHashHex(): Promise<string>;
findChainWorkForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<Buffer | undefined>;
findChainWorkHexForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<string | undefined>;
findHeaderForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>;
findHeaderHexForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>;
findHeaderForHeight(height: number): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>;
findHeaderHexForHeight(height: number): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>;
findHeaderForMerkleRoot(merkleRoot: Buffer | string, height?: number): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>;
findHeaderHexForMerkleRoot(root: Buffer | string, height?: number): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>;
addHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex): Promise<void>;
startListening(): Promise<void>;
listening(): Promise<void>;
isListening(): Promise<boolean>;
isSynchronized(): Promise<boolean>;
subscribeHeaders(listener: HeaderListener): Promise<string>;
subscribeReorgs(listener: ReorgListener): Promise<string>;
unsubscribe(subscriptionId: string): Promise<boolean>;
isValidRootForHeight(root: string, height: number): Promise<boolean>;
currentHeight: () => Promise<number>;
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, Chain, ChaintracksInfoApi, HeaderListener, ReorgListener
Interface ChaintracksClientApi Details
Submit a possibly new header for adding
If the header is invalid or a duplicate it will not be added.
This header will be ignored if the previous header has not already been inserted when this header is considered for insertion.
addHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex): Promise<void>
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex
Returns the block hash of the active chain tip.
findChainTipHash(): Promise<Buffer>
Returns the block hash of the active chain tip.
findChainTipHashHex(): Promise<string>
Returns the active chain tip header
findChainTipHeader(): Promise<BlockHeader>
See also: BlockHeader
Returns the active chain tip header
findChainTipHeaderHex(): Promise<BlockHeaderHex>
See also: BlockHeaderHex
Only returns a value for headers in live storage.
Returns undefined if hash
is unknown or in bulk storage.
findChainWorkForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<Buffer | undefined>
chainwork of block header with given hash
Only returns a value for headers in live storage.
Returns undefined if hash
is unknown or in bulk storage.
findChainWorkHexForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<string | undefined>
chainwork of block header with given hash
Returns block header for a given block hash
findHeaderForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>
See also: BlockHeader
Argument Details
- block hash
Returns block header for a given block height on active chain.
findHeaderForHeight(height: number): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>
See also: BlockHeader
Returns block header for a given possible height and specific merkleRoot The height, available for all mined blocks, allows fast and compact indexing of bulk headers. Confirms that the found header has the request merkleRoot or returns undefined.
findHeaderForMerkleRoot(merkleRoot: Buffer | string, height?: number): Promise<BlockHeader | undefined>
See also: BlockHeader
Argument Details
- optional, may be required for bulk header lookup.
Returns block header for a given block hash
findHeaderHexForBlockHash(hash: Buffer | string): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>
See also: BlockHeaderHex
Argument Details
- block hash
Returns block header for a given block height on active chain.
findHeaderHexForHeight(height: number): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>
See also: BlockHeaderHex
Returns block header for a given possible height and specific merkleRoot The height, available for all mined blocks, allows fast and compact indexing of bulk headers. Confirms that the found header has the request merkleRoot or returns undefined.
findHeaderHexForMerkleRoot(root: Buffer | string, height?: number): Promise<BlockHeaderHex | undefined>
See also: BlockHeaderHex
Argument Details
- optional, may be required for bulk header lookup.
Confirms the chain
getChain(): Promise<Chain>
See also: Chain
Adds headers in 80 byte serialized format to a buffer. Only adds active headers. Buffer length divided by 80 is the actual number returned.
getHeaders(height: number, count: number): Promise<Buffer>
Argument Details
- of first header
- of headers, maximum
Adds headers in 80 byte serialized format to a buffer. Only adds active headers. Buffer length divided by 80 is the actual number returned.
getHeadersHex(height: number, count: number): Promise<string>
Argument Details
- of first header
- of headers, maximum
getInfo(): Promise<ChaintracksInfoApi>
See also: ChaintracksInfoApi
Summary of configuration and state.
Return the latest chain height from configured bulk ingestors.
getPresentHeight(): Promise<number>
Returns true if actively listening for new headers and client api is enabled.
isListening(): Promise<boolean>
Returns true if synchronize
has completed at least once.
isSynchronized(): Promise<boolean>
Returns a Promise that will resolve when the previous call to startListening enters the listening-for-new-headers state.
listening(): Promise<void>
Start or resume listening for new headers.
Calls synchronize
to catch up on headers that were found while not listening.
Begins listening to any number of configured new header notification services.
Begins sending notifications to subscribed listeners only after processing any previously found headers.
May be called if already listening or synchronizing to listen.
The listening
API function which returns a Promise can be awaited.
startListening(): Promise<void>
Subscribe to "header" events.
subscribeHeaders(listener: HeaderListener): Promise<string>
See also: HeaderListener
identifier for this subscription
ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if callback events are not supported
Subscribe to "reorganization" events.
subscribeReorgs(listener: ReorgListener): Promise<string>
See also: ReorgListener
identifier for this subscription
ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if callback events are not supported
Cancels all subscriptions with the given subscriptionId
which was previously returned
by a subscribe
unsubscribe(subscriptionId: string): Promise<boolean>
true if a subscription was canceled
Argument Details
- value previously returned by subscribeToHeaders or subscribeToReorgs
ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if callback events are not supported
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface ChaintracksInfoApi {
chain: Chain;
heightBulk: number;
heightLive: number;
storageEngine: string;
bulkStorage: string | undefined;
bulkIndex: string | undefined;
bulkIngestors: string[];
liveIngestors: string[];
packages: ChaintracksPackageInfoApi[];
See also: Chain, ChaintracksPackageInfoApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface ChaintracksPackageInfoApi {
name: string;
version: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoAliasApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
aliasId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
alias: string;
domain: string;
avatarName?: string;
avatarPhotoURL?: string;
reservationCompleted: boolean;
userId: number;
destinationBasketId: number;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoAliasApi Details
max length of 30
alias: string
max length of 30
avatarName?: string
max length of 100
avatarPhotoURL?: string
max length of 30
domain: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoAvatarApi {
name: string;
photoURL: string;
Interface DojoAvatarApi Details
The name of the user
name: string
An HTTPS or UHRP URL to a photo of the user
photoURL: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCertificateApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi, CreateCertificateResult {
certificateId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
userId: number;
type: string;
subject: string;
validationKey: string;
serialNumber: string;
certifier: string;
revocationOutpoint: string;
signature: string;
fields?: Record<string, string>;
masterKeyring?: Record<string, string>;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoCertificateApi Details
max length of 255
certifier: string
Certificate fields object constructed from fieldName and fieldValue properties of DojoCertificateFieldApi instances associated with this certificate.
fields?: Record<string, string>
Optional. Indicates whether the certificate is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
Certificate masterKeyring object constructed from fieldName and masterKey properties of DojoCertificateFieldApi instances associated with this certificate.
masterKeyring?: Record<string, string>
max length of 255
revocationOutpoint: string
max length of 255
serialNumber: string
max length of 255
signature: string
max length of 255
subject: string
max length of 255
type: string
max length of 255
validationKey: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCertificateFieldApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
userId: number;
certificateId: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
fieldName: string;
fieldValue: string;
masterKey: string;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoCertificateFieldApi Details
max length of 100
fieldName: string
max length of 255
fieldValue: string
base64 encrypted master field revelation key
masterKey: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
User specific public Dojo API accessible from all Dojo implementations
including DojoExpressClient
HTTP client
export interface DojoClientApi extends DojoPublicApi, DojoSyncApi {
isDojoExpressClient(): boolean;
authenticate(identityKey?: string, addIfNew?: boolean): Promise<void>;
getDojoIdentity(): Promise<DojoIdentityApi>;
sync(logger?: DojoLoggerApi): Promise<void>;
setSyncDojosByConfig(syncDojoConfigs: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi[], options?: DojoSyncOptionsApi): Promise<void>;
getSyncDojosByConfig(): Promise<{
dojos: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi[];
options?: DojoSyncOptionsApi;
getUser(): DojoClientUserApi;
getAvatar(): Promise<DojoAvatarApi>;
setAvatar(avatar: DojoAvatarApi): Promise<void>;
getCurrentPaymails(): Promise<string[]>;
saveCertificate(certificate: DojoCertificateApi): Promise<number>;
findCertificates(certifiers?: string[], types?: Record<string, string[]>): Promise<DojoCertificateApi[]>;
getTotalOfUnspentOutputs(basket?: string): Promise<number | undefined>;
updateOutpointStatus(txid: string, vout: number, spendable: boolean): Promise<void>;
getTotalOfAmounts(direction: "incoming" | "outgoing", options?: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions): Promise<number>;
getNetOfAmounts(options?: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions): Promise<number>;
updateTransactionStatus(reference: string, status: DojoTransactionStatusApi): Promise<void>;
getTransactions(options?: DojoGetTransactionsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionsResultApi>;
createTransactionSdk(args: sdk.ValidCreateActionArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<DojoCreateTransactionSdkResult>;
processActionSdk(params: DojoProcessActionSdkParams, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<DojoProcessActionSdkResults>;
abortActionSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidAbortActionArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.AbortActionResult>;
listActionsSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidListActionsArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.ListActionsResult>;
listOutputsSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidListOutputsArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.ListOutputsResult>;
acquireCertificateSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidAcquireDirectCertificateArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.AcquireCertificateResult>;
listCertificatesSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidListCertificatesArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<DojoListCertificatesResult>;
proveCertificatesSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidProveCertificateArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<DojoWalletCertificate>;
relinquishCertificateSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidRelinquishCertificateArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.RelinquishCertificateResult>;
discoverByIdentityKeySdk(vargs: sdk.ValidDiscoverByIdentityKeyArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.DiscoverCertificatesResult>;
discoverByAttributesSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidDiscoverByAttributesArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.DiscoverCertificatesResult>;
relinquishOutputSdk(vargs: sdk.ValidRelinquishOutputArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.RelinquishOutputResult>;
isValidRootForHeight(root: string, height: number): Promise<boolean>;
currentHeight: () => Promise<number>;
internalizeActionSdk(dargs: DojoInternalizeActionArgs, originator?: sdk.OriginatorDomainNameStringUnder250Bytes): Promise<sdk.InternalizeActionResult>;
getTransactionOutputs(options?: DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionOutputsResultApi>;
getTransactionLabels(options?: DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionLabelsResultApi>;
getBeefForTransaction(txid: string, options?: DojoGetBeefOptions): Promise<Beef>;
getEnvelopeForTransaction(txid: string): Promise<EnvelopeApi | undefined>;
getEnvelopesOfConflictingTransactions(txid: string): Promise<EnvelopeApi[]>;
getPendingTransactions(referenceNumber?: string): Promise<DojoPendingTxApi[]>;
createTransaction(params: DojoCreateTransactionParams): Promise<DojoCreateTransactionResultApi>;
processTransaction(params: DojoProcessTransactionParams): Promise<DojoProcessTransactionResultApi>;
submitDirectTransaction(params: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams): Promise<DojoSubmitDirectTransactionResultApi>;
copyState(since?: Date): Promise<DojoUserStateApi>;
softDeleteCertificate(partial: Partial<DojoCertificateApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>;
softDeleteOutputTag(partial: Partial<DojoOutputTagApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>;
softDeleteTxLabel(partial: Partial<DojoTxLabelApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>;
softDeleteOutputBasket(partial: Partial<DojoOutputBasketApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>;
labelTransaction(txid: string | number | Partial<DojoTransactionApi>, label: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>;
unlabelTransaction(txid: string | number | Partial<DojoTransactionApi>, label: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>;
tagOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, tag: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>;
untagOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, tag: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>;
unbasketOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>;
getHeight(): Promise<number>;
getMerkleRootForHeight(height: number): Promise<string | undefined>;
getHeaderForHeight(height: number): Promise<number[] | undefined>;
destroy(): Promise<void>;
See also: DojoAvatarApi, DojoCertificateApi, DojoClientUserApi, DojoCreateTransactionParams, DojoCreateTransactionResultApi, DojoCreateTransactionSdkResult, DojoGetBeefOptions, DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions, DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions, DojoGetTransactionLabelsResultApi, DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions, DojoGetTransactionOutputsResultApi, DojoGetTransactionsOptions, DojoGetTransactionsResultApi, DojoIdentityApi, DojoInternalizeActionArgs, DojoListCertificatesResult, DojoLoggerApi, DojoOutputApi, DojoOutputBasketApi, DojoOutputTagApi, DojoPendingTxApi, DojoProcessActionSdkParams, DojoProcessActionSdkResults, DojoProcessTransactionParams, DojoProcessTransactionResultApi, DojoPublicApi, DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams, DojoSubmitDirectTransactionResultApi, DojoSyncApi, DojoSyncOptionsApi, DojoTransactionApi, DojoTransactionStatusApi, DojoTxLabelApi, DojoUserStateApi, DojoWalletCertificate, SyncDojoConfigBaseApi, TrxToken
Interface DojoClientApi Details
For Dojo scenarios where it is permissible for Dojo to directly act as a specified user, authenticate that user by supplying their identityKey
For Dojo scenarios where authrite is used to authenticate the local user to a potentially remote Dojo server:
- If identityKey has a value then it used and must match the authenticated value.
- If identityKey is undefined, the authenticated value is used.
Sets userId and identityKey
authenticate(identityKey?: string, addIfNew?: boolean): Promise<void>
Argument Details
- optional, 33 hex encoded bytes, the user to authenticate's identity key
- optional, if true, unknown identityKey is added as new user.
ERR_UNAUTHORIZED if identityKey is required and invalid
Return a complete copy of all records for the authenticated user.
copyState(since?: Date): Promise<DojoUserStateApi>
See also: DojoUserStateApi
Argument Details
- optional, start of data interval if specified.
Constructs a new transaction spending known outputs (inputs) and creating new outputs.
If the inputs to the transaction go beyond what is needed to fund these outputs (plus the transaction fee), additional Dojo-managed UTXOs will be generated to collect the remainder (see the "outputGeneration" parameter for more on this).
createTransaction(params: DojoCreateTransactionParams): Promise<DojoCreateTransactionResultApi>
See also: DojoCreateTransactionParams, DojoCreateTransactionResultApi
Argument Details
- An object whose keys are TXIDs and whose values are payment envelopes for external inputs to use when funding this transaction.
If more funding is needed beyond what is given here to pay for the specified outputs (plus the transaction fee), Dojo will select them from your baskets of unspent outputs (see the "inputSelection" parameter for more on this).
inputs[TXID]: Must be a payment envelope containing the transaction with output(s) that will be spent and used as input.
inputs[TXID].outputsToRedeem: An additional field, an array of outputs from that transaction to be spent.
- Optional. Algorithmic control over source of additional inputs that may be needed.
- Possibly empty, explicit outputs, typically external, to create as part of this transaction.
- Optional. Algorithmic control over additional outputs that may be needed.
- Optional. An object representing the fee the transaction will pay.
- Optional. Each at most 150 characters. Labels can be used to tag transactions into categories
- Optional. A human-readable note detailing this transaction
- Optional. The Paymail handle of the recipient of this transaction
- Optional. Processing options.
Releases any persistent resources held by this dojo.
No further access must occur after destroy()
has been called.
destroy(): Promise<void>
Returns all of the authenticated user's certificates, where the certifier and type values match one of the optionaly
findCertificates(certifiers?: string[], types?: Record<string, string[]>): Promise<DojoCertificateApi[]>
See also: DojoCertificateApi
Argument Details
- optional array of certifier identifiers, if provided results match at least one value.
- optional array of certificate types, if provided results match at least one value and only requested fields are returned.
Returns the name and photo URL of the user
getAvatar(): Promise<DojoAvatarApi>
See also: DojoAvatarApi
The avatar of the user
Return array of paymail style identifiers for currently authenticated user in alias
Where alias
and domain
come from the aliases table.
and reservationCompleted
is true
getCurrentPaymails(): Promise<string[]>
Returns an Everett Style envelope for the given txid.
A transaction envelope is a tree of inputs where all the leaves are proven transactions. The trivial case is a single leaf: the envelope for a proven transaction is the rawTx and its proof.
Each branching level of the tree corresponds to an unmined transaction without a proof, in which case the envelope is:
- rawTx
- mapiResponses from transaction processors (optional)
- inputs object where keys are this transaction's input txids and values are recursive envelope for those txids.
getEnvelopeForTransaction(txid: string): Promise<EnvelopeApi | undefined>
Argument Details
- double hash of raw transaction as hex string
Returns array of Everett Style envelopes for transactions that spend one or
more of the inputs to transaction with txid
, which must exist in Dojo.
This method supports double spend resolution.
getEnvelopesOfConflictingTransactions(txid: string): Promise<EnvelopeApi[]>
Argument Details
- double hash of raw transaction as hex string
getHeaderForHeight(height: number): Promise<number[] | undefined>
serialized block header for the given height or undefined, if height is invalid or unknown.
Returns the current chain height of the network
getHeight(): Promise<number>
The current chain height
A method to verify the validity of a Merkle root for a given block height.
getMerkleRootForHeight(height: number): Promise<string | undefined>
merkle root for the given height or undefined, if height doesn't have a known merkle root or is invalid.
Returns the net sum of transaction amounts belonging to authenticated user,
incoming plus outgoing, as outgoing amounts are negative and incoming amounts are positive.
and optionally matching conditions in options
getNetOfAmounts(options?: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions): Promise<number>
See also: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions
Returns transactions with status of 'unsigned' or 'unprocessed' for authenticated user
Original Dojo returned only these properties: 'transactionId', 'amount', 'created_at', 'referenceNumber', 'senderPaymail', 'truncatedExternalInputs', 'status', 'isOutgoing', 'rawTransaction'
getPendingTransactions(referenceNumber?: string): Promise<DojoPendingTxApi[]>
See also: DojoPendingTxApi
Argument Details
- optional referenceNumber to also match
Returns the sum of transaction amounts belonging to authenticated user,
matching the given direction,
and optionally matching conditions in options
getTotalOfAmounts(direction: "incoming" | "outgoing", options?: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions): Promise<number>
See also: DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions
Returns the total of spendable output amounts.
Returns undefined if basket is not undefined and doesn't match an existing basket name.
If basket is not undefined, total is restricted to outputs in that basket.
If basket is undefined, total is over all spendable outputs.
getTotalOfUnspentOutputs(basket?: string): Promise<number | undefined>
total of unspent outputs in named basket
Argument Details
- name of existing outputs basket or undefined
Returns transaction labels matching options and total matching count available.
getTransactionLabels(options?: DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionLabelsResultApi>
See also: DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions, DojoGetTransactionLabelsResultApi
Argument Details
- limit defaults to 25, offset defaults to 0, order defaults to 'descending'
Returns transaction outputs matching options and total matching count available.
getTransactionOutputs(options?: DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionOutputsResultApi>
See also: DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions, DojoGetTransactionOutputsResultApi
Argument Details
- limit defaults to 25, offset defaults to 0, includeEnvelpe defaults to true
Returns transactions matching options and total matching count available.
getTransactions(options?: DojoGetTransactionsOptions): Promise<DojoGetTransactionsResultApi>
See also: DojoGetTransactionsOptions, DojoGetTransactionsResultApi
Argument Details
- limit defaults to 25, offset defaults to 0, addLabels defaults to true, order defaults to 'descending'
Returns authenticated user. Throws an error if isAuthenticated is false.
getUser(): DojoClientUserApi
See also: DojoClientUserApi
Returns true iff and instance of DojoExpressClient (or derived from it)
isDojoExpressClient(): boolean
Labels a transaction
Validates user is authenticated, txid matches an exsiting user transaction, and label value.
Creates new label if necessary.
Adds label to transaction if not already labeled. Note: previously if transaction was already labeled, an error was thrown.
labelTransaction(txid: string | number | Partial<DojoTransactionApi>, label: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>
See also: DojoTransactionApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- unique transaction identifier, either transactionId, txid, or a partial pattern.
- the label to be added, will be created if it doesn't already exist
After creating a transaction with createTransaction and signing it, submit the serialized raw transaction to transaction processors for processing.
The reference number uniquely identifies the transaction in the database.
Differences from v1:
- mapi_responses records are created when callbackIDs are generated, they exist before callbackID is given to external transaction processing service.
processTransaction(params: DojoProcessTransactionParams): Promise<DojoProcessTransactionResultApi>
See also: DojoProcessTransactionParams, DojoProcessTransactionResultApi
with txid and status of 'completed' or 'unknown'
Argument Details
- The signed transaction serialized as a hex string or Buffer, not yet stored in database.
- The reference number that you received from createTransaction uniquely identifying the database record.
- An object whose keys are change output derivation suffixes and whose values are the corresponding output (vout) numbers within the transaction.
ERR_DOJO_INVALID_REFERENCE if reference is unknown
ERR_DOJO_TRANSACTION_REJECTED if processors reject the transaction
ERR_EXTSVS_DOUBLE_SPEND if transaction double spends an input
Save a new certificate with optional fields.
certificate must belong to aunthenticated user.
certificate.subject must match authenticated user's idenitityKey or throws ERR_DOJO_CERT_SUBJECT
certificate.signature must be valid or throws ERR_DOJO_CERT_INVALID
If { type, subject, validationKey, serialNumber, userId } already exist, throw ERR_DOJO_CERT_DUPE
saveCertificate(certificate: DojoCertificateApi): Promise<number>
See also: DojoCertificateApi
the certificateId of the new certificate.
Update the avatar for the authenticated user.
setAvatar(avatar: DojoAvatarApi): Promise<void>
See also: DojoAvatarApi
Soft deletes a certificate.
softDeleteCertificate(partial: Partial<DojoCertificateApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>
See also: DojoCertificateApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- The partial certificate data identifying the certificate to soft delete.
Soft deletes an output basket.
softDeleteOutputBasket(partial: Partial<DojoOutputBasketApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>
See also: DojoOutputBasketApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- The partial output basket data identifying the basket to soft delete.
Soft deletes an output tag.
softDeleteOutputTag(partial: Partial<DojoOutputTagApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>
See also: DojoOutputTagApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- The partial output tag data identifying the tag to soft delete.
Soft deletes a transaction label.
softDeleteTxLabel(partial: Partial<DojoTxLabelApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<number>
See also: DojoTxLabelApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- The partial transaction label data identifying the label to soft delete.
This endpoint allows a recipient to submit a transactions that was directly given to them by a sender.
Saves the inputs and key derivation information, allowing the UTXOs to be redeemed in the future.
Sets the transaction to completed and marks the outputs as spendable.
submitDirectTransaction(params: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams): Promise<DojoSubmitDirectTransactionResultApi>
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams, DojoSubmitDirectTransactionResultApi
Sync's this dojo's state for the authenticated user with all of the configured syncDojos
This method must be called when either a local or remote state change occurs, or may have occurred.
User state changes are propagated across all configured syncDojos.
sync(logger?: DojoLoggerApi): Promise<void>
See also: DojoLoggerApi
Argument Details
- optional sync progress update logger
Tags an output
Validates user is authenticated, partial identifies a single output, and tag value.
Creates new tag if necessary.
Adds tag to output if not already tagged.
tagOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, tag: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>
See also: DojoOutputApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- unique output identifier as a partial pattern.
- the tag to add, will be created if it doesn't already exist
Removes the uniquely identified output's basket assignment.
The output will no longer belong to any basket.
This is typically only useful for outputs that are no longer usefull.
unbasketOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>
See also: DojoOutputApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- unique output identifier as a partial pattern.
Removes a label from a transaction
Validates user is authenticated, txid matches an exsiting user transaction, and label already exits.
Does nothing if transaction is not labeled.
unlabelTransaction(txid: string | number | Partial<DojoTransactionApi>, label: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>
See also: DojoTransactionApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- unique transaction identifier, either transactionId, txid, or a partial pattern.
- the label to be removed from the transaction
Removes a tag from an output
Validates user is authenticated, partial identifies a single output, and tag already exits.
Does nothing if output is not tagged.
untagOutput(partial: Partial<DojoOutputApi>, tag: string, trx?: TrxToken): Promise<void>
See also: DojoOutputApi, TrxToken
Argument Details
- unique output identifier as a partial pattern.
- the tag to be removed from the output
Update spendable
of an output that must exist,
belonging to the authenticated user,
in transaction with txid,
at index vout.
updateOutpointStatus(txid: string, vout: number, spendable: boolean): Promise<void>
Update transaction status and associated ouputs (both inputs and outputs) spendable and spentBy properties.
Updated transaction userId must match authenticated user and referenceNumber must match reference.
updateTransactionStatus(reference: string, status: DojoTransactionStatusApi): Promise<void>
See also: DojoTransactionStatusApi
Argument Details
- New transaction status.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoClientUserApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
userId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
identityKey: string;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoClientUserApi Details
max length of 130 hex encoded
identityKey: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCommissionApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
commissionId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
transactionId: number;
userId: number;
isRedeemed: boolean;
keyOffset: string;
outputScript: Buffer | null;
satoshis: number;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoCommissionApi Details
max length of 130
keyOffset: string
15 integer digits
satoshis: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTransactionParams {
outputs: DojoCreateTxOutputApi[];
inputs?: Record<string, DojoTxInputsApi>;
beef?: Beef | number[];
inputSelection?: DojoTxInputSelectionApi;
outputGeneration?: DojoOutputGenerationApi;
lockTime?: number;
version?: number;
feeModel?: DojoFeeModelApi;
labels?: string[];
note?: string;
recipient?: string;
options?: CreateActionOptions;
log?: string;
See also: DojoCreateTxOutputApi, DojoFeeModelApi, DojoOutputGenerationApi, DojoTxInputSelectionApi, DojoTxInputsApi
Interface DojoCreateTransactionParams Details
Optional. Alternate source of validity proof data for inputs
If number[]
it must be serialized Beef
beef?: Beef | number[]
Optional. An object representing the fee the transaction will pay.
feeModel?: DojoFeeModelApi
See also: DojoFeeModelApi
Optional. Algorithmic control over source of additional inputs that may be needed.
inputSelection?: DojoTxInputSelectionApi
See also: DojoTxInputSelectionApi
Optional. Specific inputs to draw on when creating outputs.
inputs?: Record<string, DojoTxInputsApi>
See also: DojoTxInputsApi
Optional. Each at most 150 characters. Labels can be used to tag transactions into categories
labels?: string[]
Optional. Default is zero. When the transaction can be processed into a block:
= 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required unix time stamps in seconds < 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required block height
lockTime?: number
Optional transaction processing history
log?: string
Optional. A human-readable note detailing this transaction (Optional)
note?: string
Processing options.
options?: CreateActionOptions
Optional. Algorithmic control over additional outputs that may be needed.
outputGeneration?: DojoOutputGenerationApi
See also: DojoOutputGenerationApi
Possibly empty, explicit outputs, typically external, to create as part of this transaction.
outputs: DojoCreateTxOutputApi[]
See also: DojoCreateTxOutputApi
Optional. The Paymail handle of the recipient of this transaction (Optional)
recipient?: string
If not undefined, must match value in associated rawTransaction.
version?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTransactionResultApi {
inputs: Record<string, DojoCreateTxResultInputsApi>;
inputBeef?: number[];
outputs: DojoCreateTxResultOutputApi[];
noSendChangeOutputVouts?: number[];
derivationPrefix: string;
version: number;
lockTime: number;
referenceNumber: string;
note?: string;
options: CreateActionOptions;
log?: string;
paymailHandle?: string;
See also: DojoCreateTxResultInputsApi, DojoCreateTxResultOutputApi
Interface DojoCreateTransactionResultApi Details
This will be a partially valid serialized BEEF value.
Includes proof data for the inputs to the transaction being created. Some txids may be txidOnly, in which case they must be known to Dojo, their rawTx are not included.
It is recommended to the @babbage/sdk-ts
package's Beef
class to
deserialize and complete the creation of a valid beef.
inputBeef?: number[]
paymailHandle?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTransactionSdkInput {
vin: number;
sourceTxid: string;
sourceVout: number;
sourceSatoshis: number;
sourceLockingScript: string;
unlockingScriptLength: number;
providedBy: DojoProvidedByApi;
type: string;
spendingDescription?: string;
derivationPrefix?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
senderIdentityKey?: string;
See also: DojoProvidedByApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTransactionSdkOutput extends sdk.ValidCreateActionOutput {
vout: number;
providedBy: DojoProvidedByApi;
purpose?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
See also: DojoProvidedByApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTransactionSdkResult {
inputBeef?: number[];
inputs: DojoCreateTransactionSdkInput[];
outputs: DojoCreateTransactionSdkOutput[];
noSendChangeOutputVouts?: number[];
derivationPrefix: string;
version: number;
lockTime: number;
referenceNumber: string;
See also: DojoCreateTransactionSdkInput, DojoCreateTransactionSdkOutput
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
A specific output to be created as part of a new transactions. These outputs can contain custom scripts as specified by recipients.
export interface DojoCreateTxOutputApi {
script: string;
satoshis: number;
description?: string;
basket?: string;
customInstructions?: string;
tags?: string[];
Interface DojoCreateTxOutputApi Details
Destination output basket name for the new UTXO
basket?: string
Custom spending instructions (metadata, string, optional)
customInstructions?: string
Human-readable output line-item description
description?: string
The amount of the output in satoshis
satoshis: number
The output script that will be included, hex encoded
script: string
Optional array of output tags to assign to this output.
tags?: string[]
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTxResultInputsApi extends DojoTxInputsApi, OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi {
providedBy: DojoProvidedByApi;
instructions: Record<number, DojoCreateTxResultInstructionsApi>;
outputsToRedeem: DojoOutputToRedeemApi[];
txid: string;
See also: DojoCreateTxResultInstructionsApi, DojoOutputToRedeemApi, DojoProvidedByApi, DojoTxInputsApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTxResultInstructionsApi {
type: string;
paymailHandle?: string;
derivationPrefix?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
senderIdentityKey?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreateTxResultOutputApi extends DojoCreateTxOutputApi {
vout: number;
providedBy: DojoProvidedByApi;
purpose?: string;
destinationBasket?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
keyOffset?: string;
See also: DojoCreateTxOutputApi, DojoProvidedByApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoCreatingTxInputsApi {
outputsToRedeem: DojoOutputToRedeemApi[];
beefTx: BeefTx;
See also: DojoOutputToRedeemApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
An object representing the fee the transaction will pay.
export interface DojoFeeModelApi {
model: "sat/kb";
value?: number;
Interface DojoFeeModelApi Details
The fee model to use, default "sat/kb"
model: "sat/kb"
When "fee.model" is "sat/kb", this is an integer representing the number of satoshis per kb of block space the transaction will pay in fees.
If undefined, the default value is used which may vary with market conditions.
value?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetBeefOptions {
trustSelf?: "known";
knownTxids?: string[];
mergeToBeef?: Beef | number[];
ignoreStorage?: boolean;
ignoreServices?: boolean;
ignoreNewProven?: boolean;
minProofLevel?: number;
Interface DojoGetBeefOptions Details
optional. Default is false. If true, raw transactions with proofs missing from
and obtained from dojo.getServices
are not inserted to
ignoreNewProven?: boolean
optional. Default is false. dojo.getServices
is used for raw transaction and merkle proof lookup
ignoreServices?: boolean
optional. Default is false.
is used for raw transaction and merkle proof lookup
ignoreStorage?: boolean
list of txids to be included as txidOnly if referenced. Validity is known to caller.
knownTxids?: string[]
optional. If defined, raw transactions and merkle paths required by txid are merged to this instance and returned. Otherwise a new Beef is constructed and returned.
mergeToBeef?: Beef | number[]
optional. Default is zero. Ignores available merkle paths until recursion detpth equals or exceeds value
minProofLevel?: number
if 'known', txids known to local storage as valid are included as txidOnly
trustSelf?: "known"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions {
label?: string;
startTime?: Date | string | number;
endTime?: Date | string | number;
involving?: string;
direction?: "incoming" | "outgoing";
Interface DojoGetTotalOfAmountsOptions Details
Direction of value flow.
direction?: "incoming" | "outgoing"
Optional. Match transactions created on or before this time. Seconds since the epoch.
endTime?: Date | string | number
Optional. Match transactions with either senderPaymail or recipientPaymail matching this value.
involving?: string
Optional. Match transactions with this label.
label?: string
Optional. Match transactions created on or after this time. Seconds since the epoch.
startTime?: Date | string | number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions extends DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions {
prefix?: string;
transactionId?: number;
sortBy?: DojoTransactionLabelsSortBy;
See also: DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions, DojoTransactionLabelsSortBy
Interface DojoGetTransactionLabelsOptions Details
Optional. Filters labels to include only those starting with the specified prefix.
prefix?: string
Optional. Specify whether to sort by 'label' or 'whenLastUsed'.
sortBy?: DojoTransactionLabelsSortBy
See also: DojoTransactionLabelsSortBy
Optional. Filters labels to include only those associated with the specified transaction ID.
transactionId?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionLabelsResultApi {
labels: DojoTxLabelApi[];
total: number;
See also: DojoTxLabelApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions extends DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions {
basket?: string;
tracked?: boolean;
spendable?: boolean;
tags?: string[];
type?: string;
includeEnvelope?: boolean;
includeBeef?: boolean;
trustSelf?: "known";
knownTxids?: string[];
includeCustomInstructions?: boolean;
includeBasket?: boolean;
includeTags?: boolean;
tagQueryMode?: "all" | "any";
noScript?: boolean;
partial?: Partial<DojoOutputApi>;
See also: DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions, DojoOutputApi
Interface DojoGetTransactionOutputsOptions Details
If provided, indicates which basket the outputs should be selected from.
basket?: string
If true, the DojoOutputXApi
property will be included in results.
includeBasket?: boolean
If true, returns Beef
for SPV spendable output validity proofs.
includeBeef?: boolean
If provided, returns customInstructions for each output. Note that includeEnvelope also enables including customInstructions
includeCustomInstructions?: boolean
If provided, returns a structure with the SPV envelopes for the UTXOS that have not been spent.
includeEnvelope?: boolean
If true, the DojoOutputXApi
property will be included in results.
includeTags?: boolean
if true, outputScript is returned as null. scriptLength and scriptOffset remain valid.
noScript?: boolean
If given as true or false, only outputs that have or have not (respectively) been spent will be returned. If not given, both spent and unspent outputs will be returned.
spendable?: boolean
When tags
contains more than one value, determines if each output returned
must have all
of the tags or any
of the tags.
The default is all
tagQueryMode?: "all" | "any"
An optional array of output tag names
tags?: string[]
If provided, only outputs with the corresponding tracked value will be returned (true/false).
tracked?: boolean
If provided, only outputs of the specified type will be returned. If not provided, outputs of all types will be returned.
type?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionOutputsResultApi {
outputs: DojoOutputXApi[];
total: number;
beef: number[] | undefined;
See also: DojoOutputXApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions {
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
order?: DojoRecordOrder;
See also: DojoRecordOrder
Interface DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions Details
Optional. How many transactions to return.
limit?: number
Optional. How many transactions to skip.
offset?: number
Optional. Set sort order of results.
order?: DojoRecordOrder
See also: DojoRecordOrder
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionsOptions extends DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions {
columns?: string[];
referenceNumber?: string;
status?: DojoTransactionStatusApi | DojoTransactionStatusApi[];
label?: string;
startTime?: Date | string | number;
endTime?: Date | string | number;
involving?: string;
addLabels?: boolean;
addInputsAndOutputs?: boolean;
includeBasket?: boolean;
includeTags?: boolean;
noRawTx?: boolean;
noScript?: boolean;
partial?: Partial<DojoTransactionApi>;
See also: DojoGetTransactionsBaseOptions, DojoTransactionApi, DojoTransactionStatusApi
Interface DojoGetTransactionsOptions Details
Optional. If true, include the list of transaction inputs and outputs when retrieving transactions. Enabling this option adds the 'inputs' and 'outputs' properties to each transaction, providing detailed information about the transaction's inputs and outputs.
addInputsAndOutputs?: boolean
Optional. If true, array of mapped labels
is added to each transaction.
addLabels?: boolean
Columns to return for each transaction. If undefined or empty, all columns are returned.
columns?: string[]
Optional. Match transactions created on or before this time. Date, ISO string, or seconds since the epoch.
endTime?: Date | string | number
If true and addInputsAndOutputs
is true, the DojoOutputXApi
property will be included in inputs and outputs.
includeBasket?: boolean
If true and addInputsAndOutputs
is true, the DojoOutputXApi
property will be included in inputs and outputs.
includeTags?: boolean
Optional. Match transactions with either senderPaymail or recipientPaymail matching this value.
involving?: string
Optional. Match transactions with this label.
label?: string
If true, excludes rawTransaction values from results.
noRawTx?: boolean
If true, excludes outputScript values from results.
noScript?: boolean
Optional. Match transactions with this referenceNumber.
referenceNumber?: string
Optional. Match transactions created on or after this time. Date, ISO string, or seconds since the epoch.
startTime?: Date | string | number
Optional. Match transactions with this status.
Defaults to ['unproven', 'completed']
status?: DojoTransactionStatusApi | DojoTransactionStatusApi[]
See also: DojoTransactionStatusApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoGetTransactionsResultApi {
txs: DojoTransactionXApi[];
total: number;
See also: DojoTransactionXApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoIdentityApi {
dojoIdentityKey: string;
dojoName?: string;
Interface DojoIdentityApi Details
The identity key (public key) assigned to this dojo
dojoIdentityKey: string
The human readable name assigned to this dojo.
dojoName?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoInternalizeActionArgs extends sdk.ValidInternalizeActionArgs {
commonDerivationPrefix: string | undefined;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoListCertificatesResult extends sdk.ListCertificatesResult {
totalCertificates: sdk.PositiveIntegerOrZero;
certificates: DojoWalletCertificate[];
See also: DojoWalletCertificate
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoMapiResponseApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
responseId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
provenTxReqId?: number;
txid?: string;
callbackID?: string;
payload?: string;
publicKey?: string;
signature?: string;
doubleSpendResponse?: string | null;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoMapiResponseApi Details
max length of 16
doubleSpendResponse?: string | null
max length of 255
publicKey?: string
max length of 255
signature?: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
outputId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
spendable: boolean;
change: boolean;
txid: string | null;
vout: number | null;
amount: number | null;
outputScript: Buffer | null;
scriptLength?: number | null;
scriptOffset?: number | null;
type: string;
transactionId: number;
userId: number;
basketId?: number | null;
spentBy: number | null;
derivationPrefix: string | null;
derivationSuffix: string | null;
paymailHandle: string | null;
senderIdentityKey: string | null;
customInstructions: string | null;
tracked: boolean | null;
providedBy: string | null;
purpose: string | null;
description: string | null;
spendingDescription: string | null;
envelope?: EnvelopeApi;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoOutputApi Details
max 15 digits
amount: number | null
max length of 2500
customInstructions: string | null
max length of 32 base64 encoded
derivationPrefix: string | null
max length of 32 base64 encoded
derivationSuffix: string | null
max length of 255
description: string | null
optional envelope for transaction containing output
envelope?: EnvelopeApi
max length of 64
paymailHandle: string | null
max length of 130 e.g. you, dojo
providedBy: string | null
max length of 20 e.g. change
purpose: string | null
max length of 130 hex encoded
senderIdentityKey: string | null
max length of 255
spendingDescription: string | null
transactionId of spending transaction or null if unspent max 10 digits
spentBy: number | null
true if output was put in a basket for tracking
tracked: boolean | null
length 64 hex encoded
txid: string | null
max length of 50 e.g. P2PKH, custom
type: string
max 10 digits
vout: number | null
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputBasketApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
basketId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
name: string;
numberOfDesiredUTXOs: number;
minimumDesiredUTXOValue: number;
userId: number;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoOutputBasketApi Details
Optional. Indicates whether the basket is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
max length of 1000
name: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
If Dojo needs to generate additional outputs for the transaction beyond what was specified, this object describes what kind of outputs to generate, and where they should be kept.
export interface DojoOutputGenerationApi {
basket: string;
method: "auto" | "single";
Interface DojoOutputGenerationApi Details
TODO (coming soon). Specify the basket where the generated outputs will be kept. Only output types compatible with the destination basket will be generated.
basket: string
The method used to generate outputs. "auto" (the default) selects the amount and types of generated outputs based on the selected basket's configuration for how many of each type to keep on hand, then uses Benford's law to distribute the satoshis across them. "single" just uses one output, randomly selected from the available types, that contains all the satoshis.
method: "auto" | "single"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputTagApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
outputTagId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
tag: string;
userId: number;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoOutputTagApi Details
Optional. Indicates whether the tag is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputTagMapApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
outputTagId: number;
outputId: number;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoOutputTagMapApi Details
Optional. Indicates whether the tag is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputToRedeemApi {
index: number;
unlockingScriptLength: number;
spendingDescription?: string;
vin?: number;
satoshis?: number;
lockingScript?: string;
Interface DojoOutputToRedeemApi Details
Zero based output index within its transaction to spend.
index: number
The locking script of the output being spent, if valid.
lockingScript?: string
The value of this output in satoshis, if valid.
satoshis?: number
byte length of unlocking script
Note: To protect client keys and utxo control, unlocking scripts are never shared with Dojo.
unlockingScriptLength: number
If specified, the required input index in the transaction.
Supplied values must begin at zero, increment by one, and be unique across all specified values..
vin?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoOutputXApi extends DojoOutputApi {
basket?: DojoOutputBasketApi;
tags?: DojoOutputTagApi[];
See also: DojoOutputApi, DojoOutputBasketApi, DojoOutputTagApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Return type from Ninja and Dojo getPendingTransactions methods.
export interface DojoPendingTxApi {
amount: number;
created_at: string;
referenceNumber: string;
senderPaymail?: string;
status: string;
isOutgoing: boolean;
rawTransaction?: string;
derivationPrefix?: string;
paymailHandle?: string;
inputs: Record<string, DojoPendingTxInputApi>;
outputs: DojoPendingTxOutputApi[];
See also: DojoPendingTxInputApi, DojoPendingTxOutputApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoPendingTxInputApi extends EnvelopeEvidenceApi {
outputsToRedeem?: number[];
instructions?: Record<number, DojoPendingTxInputInstructionsApi>;
See also: DojoPendingTxInputInstructionsApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoPendingTxInputInstructionsApi {
type: string;
derivationPrefix: string | null;
derivationSuffix: string | null;
paymailHandle: string | null;
senderIdentityKey: string | null;
customInstructions: string | null;
Interface DojoPendingTxInputInstructionsApi Details
max length of 2500
customInstructions: string | null
max length of 32 base64 encoded
derivationPrefix: string | null
max length of 32 base64 encoded
derivationSuffix: string | null
max length of 64
paymailHandle: string | null
max length of 130 hex encoded
senderIdentityKey: string | null
max length of 50 e.g. P2PKH, custom
type: string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoPendingTxOutputApi {
type: string;
satoshis: number;
script?: string;
derivationPrefix?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
paymailHandle?: string;
providedBy?: string;
purpose?: string;
senderIdentityKey?: string;
txid?: string;
vout?: number;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProcessActionSdkParams {
isNewTx: boolean;
isSendWith: boolean;
isNoSend: boolean;
isDelayed: boolean;
reference?: string;
txid?: string;
rawTx?: number[];
sendWith: string[];
log?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProcessActionSdkResults {
sendWithResults?: sdk.SendWithResult[];
log?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Input parameters for Dojo and Ninja processTransaction
export interface DojoProcessTransactionParams {
submittedTransaction?: string | Buffer | number[];
reference?: string;
inputs?: Record<string, OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi>;
beef?: number[];
outputMap?: Record<string, number>;
noSendChange?: OutPoint[];
options?: CreateActionOptions;
acceptDelayedBroadcast?: boolean;
log?: string;
Interface DojoProcessTransactionParams Details
DEPRECATED: Use options.acceptDelayedBroadcast
Set to true for normal, high performance operation and offline operation if running locally.
Always validates submittedTransaction
and remaining inputs.
If true, creates a self-signed MapiResponse for the transaction
and queues it for repeated broadcast attempts and proof validation.
The status
of the transaction will be set to unproven
If not true, attempts one broadcast and fails the transaction if it is not accepted by at least one external transaction processor. If it is accepted, status is set to `unproven'. The transaction may still fail at a later time if a merkle proof is not confirmed.
The transaction status will be set to completed
or failed
depending on the success or failure of broadcast attempts
and Chaintracks validation of a merkle proof.
When status is set to unproven
or completed
- Inputs are confirmed to be spendable false, spentBy this transaction.
- Outputs are set to spendable true unless already spent (spentBy is non-null).
If the transaction fails, status is set to failed
- Inputs are returned to spendable true, spentBy null
- Outputs are set to spendable false
- If spentBy is non-null, failure propagates to that transaction.
acceptDelayedBroadcast?: boolean
Supporting evidence for submittedTransaction inputs in serialized BEEF format. obsolete...
beef?: number[]
Supporting evidence for submittedTransaction inputs in EnvelopeEvidenceApi
inputs?: Record<string, OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi>
Optional transaction processing history
log?: string
Valid for options.noSend true.
Change output(s) that may be forwarded to chained noSend transactions.
noSendChange?: OutPoint[]
Processing options.
options?: CreateActionOptions
An object whose keys are derivation prefixes and whose values are corresponding change output numbers from the transaction. obsolete...
outputMap?: Record<string, number>
Unique reference number for submittedTransaciton provided by createTransaction
or getTransactionWithOutputs
reference?: string
The transaction that has been created and signed
submittedTransaction?: string | Buffer | number[]
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProcessTransactionResultApi {
txid: string;
transactionId: number;
status: "sending" | "unproven" | "failed" | "nosend";
mapiResponses: MapiResponseApi[];
beef?: number[];
rawTx?: string;
inputs?: Record<string, OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi>;
sendWithResults?: DojoSendWithResultsApi[];
log?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProvenOrReq {
proven?: DojoProvenTxApi;
req?: DojoProvenTxReqApi;
See also: DojoProvenTxApi, DojoProvenTxReqApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProvenTxApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
provenTxId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
txid: string;
height: number;
index: number;
nodes: Buffer;
rawTx: Buffer;
blockHash: Buffer;
merkleRoot: Buffer;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi, blockHash
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoProvenTxReqApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
provenTxReqId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
txid: string;
callbackID?: string;
beef?: Buffer | null;
rawTx?: Buffer;
history: string;
notify: string;
notified: boolean;
status: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi;
attempts: number;
provenTxId?: number;
batch?: string;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi, DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
Interface DojoProvenTxReqApi Details
Count of how many times a service has been asked about this txid
attempts: number
If valid, a unique string identifying a batch of transactions to be sent together for processing.
batch?: string
JSON string of processing history.
Parses to DojoProvenTxReqHistoryApi
history: string
Set to true when a terminal status has been set and notification has occurred.
notified: boolean
JSON string of data to drive notifications when this request completes.
Parses to DojoProvenTxReqNotifyApi
notify: string
Once a DojoProvenTxApi record has been validated and added to database, the provenTxId value.
provenTxId?: number
See DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
status: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
See also: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Public Dojo Api No Authrite authentication required. Not specific to any userId
export interface DojoPublicApi {
getChain(): Promise<Chain>;
stats(): Promise<DojoStatsApi>;
See also: Chain, DojoStatsApi
Interface DojoPublicApi Details
Return the chain served by this Dojo
Also serves to verifies that all dependent services are on same chain.
getChain(): Promise<Chain>
See also: Chain
stats(): Promise<DojoStatsApi>
See also: DojoStatsApi
general storage statistics
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The Dojo database stores a variety of data that may be considered transient.
At one extreme, the data that must be preserved:
- unspent outputs (UTXOs)
- in-use metadata (labels, baskets, tags...)
At the other extreme, everything can be preserved to fully log all transaction creation and processing actions.
The following purge actions are available to support sustained operation:
- Failed transactions, delete all associated data including:
- Delete tag and label mapping records
- Delete output records
- Delete transaction records
- Delete mapi_responses records
- Delete proven_tx_reqs records
- Delete commissions records
- Update output records marked spentBy failed transactions
- Completed transactions, delete transient data including:
- transactions table set truncatedExternalInputs = null
- transactions table set beef = null
- transactions table set rawTransaction = null
- Delete mapi_responses records
- proven_tx_reqs table delete records
export interface DojoPurgeParams {
purgeCompleted: boolean;
purgeFailed: boolean;
purgeCompletedAge?: number;
purgeFailedAge?: number;
Interface DojoPurgeParams Details
Minimum age in msecs for transient completed transaction data purge.
Default is 14 days.
purgeCompletedAge?: number
Minimum age in msecs for failed transaction data purge.
Default is 14 days.
purgeFailedAge?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoPurgeResults {
count: number;
log: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoStatsApi {
users: number;
transactions: number;
txLabels: number;
outputTags: number;
chain: Chain;
See also: Chain
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi extends OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi {
outputs: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionOutputApi[];
referenceNumber?: string;
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionOutputApi
Interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi Details
sparse array of outputs of interest where indices match vout numbers.
outputs: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionOutputApi[]
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionOutputApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionOutputApi {
vout: number;
satoshis: number;
basket?: string;
derivationPrefix?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
customInstructions?: string;
senderIdentityKey?: string;
tags?: string[];
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Input parameters to submitDirectTransaction method.
Normally used to receive spendable outputs from an externally sourced transaction (one created by a party other than this user). A transaction record is created for this user with isOutgoing false. New spendable output records are created for the indicated outputs of the transaction.
When submitDirectTransaction is called with outputs previously created by the same user on an isOutgoing true transaction, these params serve to update those outputs and the transaction amount. The transaction remains isOutgoing true.
When submitDirectTransaction is called again with additional outputs on previously submitted isOutgoing false transaction, these params serve to create new outputs and update the transaction amount. The transaction remains isOutgoing false.
export interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams {
protocol?: string;
transaction: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi;
senderIdentityKey: string;
note: string;
labels?: string[];
derivationPrefix?: string;
amount?: number;
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
Interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionParams Details
A derivation prefix used for all outputs. If provided, derivation prefixes on all outputs are optional.
derivationPrefix?: string
Labels to assign to transaction.
labels?: string[]
Human-readable description for the transaction
note: string
Specify the transaction submission payment protocol to use. Currently, the only supported protocol is that with BRFC ID "3241645161d8"
protocol?: string
Provide the identity key for the person who sent the transaction
senderIdentityKey: string
The transaction envelope to submit, including key derivation information.
transaction.outputs is an array of outputs, each containing:
and (optionally), derivationPrefix
If a global derivationPrefix
is used (recommended),
output-specific derivation prefixes should be omitted.
transaction: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSubmitDirectTransactionResultApi {
transactionId: number;
referenceNumber: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Dojo Sync Protocol
The Dojo Sync Protocol keeps multiple UTXO management services (Dojos) synchronized as updates occur between them.
The protocol relies on the properties of the blockchain to handle specific conflicts.
It is intended to support use cases where there is a primary dojo which periodically synchronizes to backup "syncDojos".
There is no formal conrol within the protocol for determining the primary dojo or transitioning between roles.
Synchronization is initiated from the primary Dojo.
Step 1. Run through the configured syncDojos calling syncIdentify which shares the local dojo and syncDojo's identities. Any syncDojo that responds is added to activeSyncDojos.
Step 2. Run through the activeSyncDojos calling syncUpdate.
export interface DojoSyncApi {
syncIdentify(params: DojoSyncIdentifyParams): Promise<DojoSyncIdentifyResultApi>;
syncUpdate(params: DojoSyncUpdateParams): Promise<DojoSyncUpdateResultApi>;
syncMerge(params: DojoSyncMergeParams): Promise<DojoSyncMergeResultApi>;
authenticate(identityKey?: string, addIfNew?: boolean): Promise<void>;
getSyncDojoConfig(): Promise<SyncDojoConfigBaseApi>;
See also: DojoSyncIdentifyParams, DojoSyncIdentifyResultApi, DojoSyncMergeParams, DojoSyncMergeResultApi, DojoSyncUpdateParams, DojoSyncUpdateResultApi, SyncDojoConfigBaseApi
Interface DojoSyncApi Details
For Dojo scenarios where it is permissible for Dojo to directly act as a specified user, authenticate that user by supplying their identityKey
For Dojo scenarios where authrite is used to authenticate the local user to a potentially remote Dojo server:
- If identityKey has a value then it used and must match the authenticated value.
- If identityKey is undefined, the authenticated value is used.
Sets userId and identityKey
authenticate(identityKey?: string, addIfNew?: boolean): Promise<void>
Argument Details
- optional, 33 hex encoded bytes, the user to authenticate's identity key
- optional, if true, unknown identityKey is added as new user.
ERR_UNAUTHORIZED if identityKey is required and invalid
Returns the configuration of this dojo as a syncDojo
getSyncDojoConfig(): Promise<SyncDojoConfigBaseApi>
See also: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi
Called to initiate the sync protocol.
This is the initial protocol step to exchange dojo identityKeys and configure the records in the sync_state and sync_history tables to support the sync protocol.
syncIdentify(params: DojoSyncIdentifyParams): Promise<DojoSyncIdentifyResultApi>
See also: DojoSyncIdentifyParams, DojoSyncIdentifyResultApi
Equivalent parameters for this syncDojo.
Argument Details
- Parameters identifying the primary initiating dojo, user, sarting status and protocol version.
Informs a syncDojo of the result of merging state received from them.
This is the only valid way that the syncDojo's when
field in sync_state
is updated which is critical to
guaranteeing that un-merged changes are presented until successfully merged.
syncMerge(params: DojoSyncMergeParams): Promise<DojoSyncMergeResultApi>
See also: DojoSyncMergeParams, DojoSyncMergeResultApi
Receive a state update for the authenticated user from a remote dojo
and respond with merge result and any pre-merge local state update
for the data interval from since
to when
syncUpdate(params: DojoSyncUpdateParams): Promise<DojoSyncUpdateResultApi>
See also: DojoSyncUpdateParams, DojoSyncUpdateResultApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncErrorApi {
code: string;
description: string;
stack?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Receipt of DojoSyncIdentityParams
via the syncIdentify
function starts a dojo to dojo sync.
It may also force a restart of the sync protocol.
The purpose of the Identify
phase is to identify both dojo's to each other,
the identity of the authenticated user, and the last known sync_state.
export interface DojoSyncIdentifyParams {
protocolVersion: DojoSyncProtocolVersion;
userIdentityKey: string;
dojoIdentityKey: string;
dojoName?: string;
refNum: string;
See also: DojoSyncProtocolVersion
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncIdentifyResultApi {
refNum: string;
identityKey: string;
name?: string;
status: DojoSyncStatus;
when?: Date;
error?: DojoSyncErrorApi;
See also: DojoSyncErrorApi, DojoSyncStatus
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncMapApi {
aliasIds: Record<number, number>;
certificateIds: Record<number, number>;
commissionIds: Record<number, number>;
responseIds: Record<number, number>;
basketIds: Record<number, number>;
outputIds: Record<number, number>;
provenTxReqIds: Record<number, number>;
provenTxIds: Record<number, number>;
txIds: Record<number, number>;
txLabelIds: Record<number, number>;
outputTagIds: Record<number, number>;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncMergeParams {
protocolVersion: DojoSyncProtocolVersion;
refNum: string;
when?: Date;
state?: DojoUserStateApi;
total?: number;
iSyncMap?: DojoSyncMapApi;
error?: DojoSyncErrorApi;
See also: DojoSyncErrorApi, DojoSyncMapApi, DojoSyncProtocolVersion, DojoUserStateApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncMergeResultApi {
refNum: string;
status: DojoSyncStatus;
iSyncMap?: DojoSyncMapApi;
error?: DojoSyncErrorApi;
See also: DojoSyncErrorApi, DojoSyncMapApi, DojoSyncStatus
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncOptionsApi {
disableSync?: boolean;
Interface DojoSyncOptionsApi Details
If true, sync is disabled.
disableSync?: boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncUpdateParams {
protocolVersion: DojoSyncProtocolVersion;
refNum: string;
since?: Date;
See also: DojoSyncProtocolVersion
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoSyncUpdateResultApi {
refNum: string;
status: DojoSyncStatus;
since?: Date;
state?: DojoUserStateApi;
error?: DojoSyncErrorApi;
See also: DojoSyncErrorApi, DojoSyncStatus, DojoUserStateApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoTransactionApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
transactionId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
txid: string;
lockTime?: number | null;
version?: number | null;
rawTransaction: Buffer | null;
status: DojoTransactionStatusApi;
referenceNumber: string | null;
amount: number;
userId: number;
senderPaymail: string | null;
recipientPaymail: string | null;
note: string | null;
isOutgoing: boolean;
unconfirmedInputChainLength: number;
proof: string | null;
beef: Buffer | null;
truncatedExternalInputs: string | null;
provenTxId?: number | null;
labels?: string[];
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi, DojoTransactionStatusApi
Interface DojoTransactionApi Details
max 15 digits
amount: number
true if transaction originated in this wallet, change returns to it. false for a transaction created externally and handed in to this wallet.
isOutgoing: boolean
When not undefined, array of assigned tx_labels.label values.
This is an extended property with data from dependent label entities.
labels?: string[]
Optional. Default is zero. When the transaction can be processed into a block:
= 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required unix time stamps in seconds < 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required block height
lockTime?: number | null
max length of 500
note: string | null
Is valid when transaction proof record exists in DojoProvenTxApi table.
provenTxId?: number | null
When the transaction can be processed into a block:
= 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required unix time stamps in seconds < 500,000,000 values are interpreted as minimum required block height
rawTransaction: Buffer | null
max length of 100
recipientPaymail: string | null
max length of 64, hex encoded
referenceNumber: string | null
max length of 100
senderPaymail: string | null
max length of 64 e.g. completed, failed, unprocessed, unproven, unsigned
status: DojoTransactionStatusApi
See also: DojoTransactionStatusApi
length 64 hex encoded
txid: string
If not undefined, must match value in associated rawTransaction.
version?: number | null
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoTransactionXApi extends DojoTransactionApi {
inputs?: DojoOutputXApi[];
outputs?: DojoOutputXApi[];
See also: DojoOutputXApi, DojoTransactionApi
Interface DojoTransactionXApi Details
When not undefined, prior outputs now serving as inputs to this transaction
This is an extended property with data from dependent output entities.
inputs?: DojoOutputXApi[]
See also: DojoOutputXApi
When not undefined, outputs created by this transaction
This is an extended property with data from dependent output entities.
outputs?: DojoOutputXApi[]
See also: DojoOutputXApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
If Dojo needs to select more inputs beyond the ones specified in order to fund the transaction, this object describes which kinds of inputs can be selected, and from where.
export interface DojoTxInputSelectionApi {
disable: boolean;
baskets: string[];
maxUnconfirmedChainLength?: number;
includeSending?: boolean;
Interface DojoTxInputSelectionApi Details
This is an array of UTXO basket names from which UTXOs can be selected for spending. To only select UTXOs of a certain type, configure the source basket only to accept those types of UTXOs. By default, UTXOs will only be selected if they are in the "default" basket.
baskets: string[]
This is a boolean that, when true, will forbid Dojo from adding any additional inputs to your transaction, beyond what you specified in the "inputs" parameter. Thus, if you have not sufficiently funded the transaction yourself, or if the "inputs" array is empty, you will get an error.
disable: boolean
If true, UTXOS from transactions with status 'sending' are included.
Transactions with status 'sending' have not yet been successfully sent to the network.
Their outputs are only acceptable for the acceptDelayedBroadcast = true
mode of transaction
includeSending?: boolean
An integer representing the maximum length for any chain of unconfirmed parents that a selected input can have. When undefined or -1 (the default), no maximum is specified. Cannot be zero. When 1, indicates that the input must itself be confirmed. When 2, input parents must be confirmed. When 3 denotes grandparents. When 4 great-grandparents and so forth.
maxUnconfirmedChainLength?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoTxInputsApi extends OptionalEnvelopeEvidenceApi {
outputsToRedeem: DojoOutputToRedeemApi[];
See also: DojoOutputToRedeemApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoTxLabelApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
txLabelId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
label: string;
userId: number;
whenLastUsed?: Date | null;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoTxLabelApi Details
Optional. Indicates whether the label is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
max length of 150 e.g. babbage_app_..., babbage_protocol_..., babbage_spend_..., babbage_basket_..., babbage_cert_...., babbage_certificate_, nanostore
label: string
valid only when retrieved by with the 'whenLastUsed' sort option.
whenLastUsed?: Date | null
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoTxLabelMapApi extends DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
txLabelId: number;
transactionId: number;
isDeleted?: boolean;
See also: DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoTxLabelMapApi Details
Optional. Indicates whether the label is deleted. isDeleted defaults to false.
isDeleted?: boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoUserApi extends DojoClientUserApi, DojoEntityTimeStampApi {
userId?: number;
created_at?: Date | null;
updated_at?: Date | null;
identityKey: string;
timeSpentProcessingRequests?: number;
bandwidthUsed?: number;
storageSpaceUsedByHostedData?: number;
See also: DojoClientUserApi, DojoEntityTimeStampApi
Interface DojoUserApi Details
max 18 digits
bandwidthUsed?: number
max length of 130 hex encoded
identityKey: string
max 15 digits
storageSpaceUsedByHostedData?: number
max 12 digits
timeSpentProcessingRequests?: number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoUserStateApi {
since?: Date;
user: DojoUserApi;
certificates: DojoCertificateApi[];
certificateFields: DojoCertificateFieldApi[];
commissions: DojoCommissionApi[];
mapiResponses: DojoMapiResponseApi[];
outputs: DojoOutputApi[];
baskets: DojoOutputBasketApi[];
provenTxReqs: DojoProvenTxReqApi[];
provenTxs: DojoProvenTxApi[];
txs: DojoTransactionApi[];
txLabels: DojoTxLabelApi[];
txLabelMaps: DojoTxLabelMapApi[];
outputTags: DojoOutputTagApi[];
outputTagMaps: DojoOutputTagMapApi[];
See also: DojoCertificateApi, DojoCertificateFieldApi, DojoCommissionApi, DojoMapiResponseApi, DojoOutputApi, DojoOutputBasketApi, DojoOutputTagApi, DojoOutputTagMapApi, DojoProvenTxApi, DojoProvenTxReqApi, DojoTransactionApi, DojoTxLabelApi, DojoTxLabelMapApi, DojoUserApi
Interface DojoUserStateApi Details
If undefined, this is the complete state for the given user
If a valid Date
, these are the entities updated since that date.
since?: Date
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface DojoWalletCertificate extends sdk.WalletCertificate {
counterparty: sdk.PubKeyHex;
keyring: Record<sdk.CertificateFieldNameUnder50Bytes, string>;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface IdentityGroup {
totalTrust: number;
members: IdentityGroupMember[];
See also: IdentityGroupMember
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface IdentityGroupMember {
certifier: CertifierDetails;
subject: string;
See also: CertifierDetails
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The "live" portion of the block chain is recent history that can conceivably be subject to reorganizations. The additional fields support tracking orphan blocks, chain forks, and chain reorgs.
export interface LiveBlockHeader extends BlockHeader {
chainWork: Buffer;
isChainTip: boolean;
isActive: boolean;
headerId: number;
previousHeaderId: number | null;
See also: BlockHeader
Interface LiveBlockHeader Details
The cummulative chainwork achieved by the addition of this block to the chain. Chainwork only matters in selecting the active chain.
chainWork: Buffer
As there may be more than one header with identical height values due to orphan tracking, headers are assigned a unique headerId while part of the "live" portion of the block chain.
headerId: number
True only if this header is currently on the active chain.
isActive: boolean
True only if this header is currently a chain tip. e.g. There is no header that follows it by previousHash or previousHeaderId.
isChainTip: boolean
Every header in the "live" portion of the block chain is linked to an ancestor header through both its previousHash and previousHeaderId properties.
Due to forks, there may be multiple headers with identical previousHash
and previousHeaderId
Of these, only one (the header on the active chain) will have isActive
=== true.
previousHeaderId: number | null
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Like LiveBlockHeader but 32 byte fields are hex encoded strings.
export interface LiveBlockHeaderHex extends BlockHeaderHex {
chainWork: string;
isChainTip: boolean;
isActive: boolean;
headerId: number;
previousHeaderId: number | null;
See also: BlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
As defined in
export interface MapiCallbackPayloadApi {
apiVersion: string;
timestamp: string;
blockHash: string;
blockHeight: number;
callbackTxId: string;
callbackReason: string;
callbackPayload: string;
See also: blockHash
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
As defined in
export interface MapiPostTxPayloadApi {
apiVersion: string;
timestamp: string;
txid: string;
returnResult: string;
resultDescription: string;
minerId: string;
currentHighestBlockHash?: string;
currentHighestBlockHeight?: number;
txSecondMempoolExpiry?: number;
failureRetryable?: boolean;
warnings?: unknown[];
conflictedWith?: unknown[];
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
As defined in
export interface MapiTxStatusPayloadApi {
apiVersion: string;
timestamp: string;
txid: string;
returnResult: string;
blockHash: string;
blockHeight: number;
confirmations: number;
minerId: string;
txSecondMempoolExpiry: number;
merkleProof?: TscMerkleProofApi;
See also: blockHash
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Used to parse payloads when only confirmation that a miner acknowledges a specific txid matters.
export interface MapiTxidReturnResultApi {
apiVersion?: string;
timestamp?: string;
txid: string;
returnResult: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface Result {
subject: string;
certifier: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface ScriptTemplateParamsSABPPP {
derivationPrefix?: string;
derivationSuffix?: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface Settings {
trustThreshold: number;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Each syncDojo config has the following properties:
'dojoType' one of 'Cloud URL' | 'Sqlite File' | 'MySql Connection' 'dojoIdentityKey' the identity key of the syncDojo. 'dojoName' the name of the syncDojo.
export interface SyncDojoConfigBaseApi {
dojoType: SyncDojoConfigType;
dojoIdentityKey: string;
dojoName?: string;
See also: SyncDojoConfigType
Interface SyncDojoConfigBaseApi Details
the identity key of the syncDojo.
dojoIdentityKey: string
the name of the syncDojo.
dojoName?: string
one of 'Cloud URL' | 'Sqlite File' | 'MySql Connection' | ''
dojoType: SyncDojoConfigType
See also: SyncDojoConfigType
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The derived SyncDojoConfigCloudUrl
interface adds:
'url' the service URL of the cloud dojo with which to sync
'clientPrivateKey' should be the authenticated user's private key matching their identityKey to enable automatic use of Authrite.
'useIdentityKey' may be set to true instead of using 'clientPrivateKey' if the cloud dojo does not use Authrite for access control.
The cloud dojo must exists and must already be configured with matching dojoIdentityKey.
If neither 'clientPrivateKey' or 'useIdentityKey' has a value, will attempt to use the Babbage signing strategy for Authrite.
export interface SyncDojoConfigCloudUrl extends SyncDojoConfigBaseApi {
url: string;
clientPrivateKey?: string;
useIdentityKey?: boolean;
See also: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi
Interface SyncDojoConfigCloudUrl Details
should be the authenticated user's private key matching their identityKey to enable automatic use of Authrite.
clientPrivateKey?: string
the service URL of the cloud dojo with which to sync
url: string
may be set to true instead of using 'clientPrivateKey' if the cloud dojo does not use Authrite for access control.
useIdentityKey?: boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface SyncDojoConfigMySqlConnection extends SyncDojoConfigBaseApi {
connection: string;
See also: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface SyncDojoConfigSqliteFile extends SyncDojoConfigBaseApi {
filename: string;
See also: SyncDojoConfigBaseApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export interface TrustEvaluatorParams {
settings: Settings;
certifiers: CertifierDetails[];
results: Result[];
See also: CertifierDetails, Result, Settings
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Place holder for the transaction control object used by actual storage provider implementation.
export interface TrxToken {
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Errors which extend CwiError implement name
as an alternate getter for code
and message
as an alternate getter for description
This supports catch handlers that might catch both
derived or CwiErrorBase
derived errors.
Derived class constructors should use the derived class name as the value for code
and an internationalizable constant string for description
If a derived class intends to wrap another CwiError, the public property should
be named cwiError
and will be recovered by fromUnknown
Optionaly, the derived class description
can include template parameters passed in
to the constructor. See ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER for an example.
To avoid derived class name colisions, packages should include a package specific identifier after the 'ERR_' prefix. e.g. 'ERR_DOJO_' as the prefix for Dojo specific error classes.
export class CwiError extends Error {
isError = true;
constructor(code: string, description: string, stack?: string, public details?: Record<string, string>)
static fromUnknown(err: unknown): CwiError
get code(): string
set code(v: string)
get description(): string
set description(v: string)
asStatus(): {
status: string;
code: string;
description: string;
toJSON_old(): object
Class CwiError Details
asStatus(): {
status: string;
code: string;
description: string;
standard HTTP error status object with status property set to 'error'.
Recovers all public fields from CwiError derived error classes and relevant Error derived errors.
Critical client data fields are preserved across HTTP DojoExpress / DojoExpressClient encoding.
static fromUnknown(err: unknown): CwiError
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The request is invalid.
export class ERR_BAD_REQUEST extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Configured chain is invalid or does not match across services.
export class ERR_CHAIN extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The current chain tip is not in sync with external sources.
export class ERR_CHAIN_INVALID extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction was already broadcast.
export class ERR_DOJO_BROADCAST_DUPE extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
description || 'Dojo transaction broadcast failed.'
export class ERR_DOJO_BROADCAST_FAILED extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Certificate already exists.
export class ERR_DOJO_CERT_DUPE extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Certificate signature is invalid.
export class ERR_DOJO_CERT_INVALID extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Certificate subject must match authenticated user's identityKey.
export class ERR_DOJO_CERT_SUBJECT extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Update is invalid on completed transaction txid=${asString(txid)}
export class ERR_DOJO_COMPLETED_TX extends CwiError {
constructor(txid: string | Buffer)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction must have at least one input and output.
export class ERR_DOJO_CREATE_TX_EMPTY extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
description || 'Dojo foreign key validation error.'
export class ERR_DOJO_FOREIGN_KEY extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Basket names must have one visible character and not more than 1000.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_BASKET_NAME extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Basket names must have one visible character and not more than 1000.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_BEEF extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Output customInstruction must be a string or length not more than 2500.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_CUSTOM_INSTRUCTIONS extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The transaction note is invalid.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_NOTE extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The outpoint (txid and vout combination) does not belong to a transaction known by this user of the server.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_OUTPOINT extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Output description must be a string or length not more than 255.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Output tags must have one visible character and not more than 150.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_OUTPUT_TAG extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
This server is not accepting registrations for new Paymail handles under the specified domain name.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_PAYMAIL_DOMAIN extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The paymail handle is invalid.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_PAYMAIL_HANDLE extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
outputToRedeem is invalid
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_REDEEM extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The transaction reference is invalid.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_REFERENCE extends CwiError {
constructor(reference?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
An amount of satoshis must be a non-negative integer less than 21e14.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_SATOSHIS extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Script must be a valid Bitcoin script.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_SCRIPT extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Time values must be integer number of seconds since the epoch.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TIME extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The transaction BEEF is invalid.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TRANSACTION_BEEF extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The status of this transaction is ${stat}, which is not compatible with this operation. The transaction was not broadcasted by the recipient.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TRANSACTION_STATUS extends CwiError {
constructor(stat: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction labels must have one visible character and not more than 150.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TXID extends CwiError {
constructor(txid: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction labels must have one visible character and not more than 150.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TX_LABEL extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction recipient must be not more than 100.
export class ERR_DOJO_INVALID_TX_RECIPIENT extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The label cannot be found linked with your user account.
export class ERR_DOJO_LABEL_NOT_FOUND extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
outputToRedeem is invalid
export class ERR_DOJO_NOSENDCHANGE extends CwiError {
constructor(description: string | OutPoint)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Not sufficient funds in the available inputs to cover the cost of the required outputs and the transaction fee (${moreSatoshisNeeded} more satoshis are needed, for a total of ${totalSatoshisNeeded}), plus whatever would be required in order to pay the fee to unlock and spend the outputs used to provide the additional satoshis.
Accepted funds require at least one transaction processor has accepted broacast of transaction containing each UTXO.
export class ERR_DOJO_NOT_SUFFICIENT_ACCEPTED_FUNDS extends CwiError {
constructor(public totalSatoshisNeeded: number, public moreSatoshisNeeded: number)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Not sufficient funds in the available inputs to cover the cost of the required outputs and the transaction fee (${moreSatoshisNeeded} more satoshis are needed, for a total of ${totalSatoshisNeeded}), plus whatever would be required in order to pay the fee to unlock and spend the outputs used to provide the additional satoshis.
export class ERR_DOJO_NOT_SUFFICIENT_FUNDS extends CwiError {
constructor(public totalSatoshisNeeded: number, public moreSatoshisNeeded: number)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Not sufficient funds in the available inputs to cover the cost of the required outputs and the transaction fee (${moreSatoshisNeeded} more satoshis are needed, for a total of ${totalSatoshisNeeded}), plus whatever would be required in order to pay the fee to unlock and spend the outputs used to provide the additional satoshis.
Proven funds require valid merkle proofs for each UTXO.
export class ERR_DOJO_NOT_SUFFICIENT_PROVEN_FUNDS extends CwiError {
constructor(public totalSatoshisNeeded: number, public moreSatoshisNeeded: number)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
No envelope for ${txid}
export class ERR_DOJO_NO_ENVELOPE extends CwiError {
constructor(txid: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
This paymail is not the same one used to create the request. The transaction was not broadcasted by the recipient.
export class ERR_DOJO_PAYMAIL_MISMATCH extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The provided paymail was not in the correct format.
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
This paymail was not found on this server.
export class ERR_DOJO_PAYMAIL_NOT_FOUND extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
This Paymail handle is unavailable for registration by this server.
export class ERR_DOJO_PAYMAIL_UNAVAILABLE extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
processPendingOuputs of outgoing transactions is not suported at this time.
export class ERR_DOJO_PROCESS_PENDING_OUTGOING extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Update is invalid on proven transaction txid=${asString(txid)}
export class ERR_DOJO_PROVEN_TX extends CwiError {
constructor(txid: string | Buffer)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The reference you have provided is expired. The transaction was not broadcasted by the recipient.
export class ERR_DOJO_REQUEST_EXPIRED extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The signature you provided to authenticate this Paymail sender is not valid.
export class ERR_DOJO_SENDER_SIGNATURE_CHECK extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
description || 'Dojo sync merge error.'
export class ERR_DOJO_SYNC_MERGE extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
refNum '${expected}' expected, '${actual}' received
export class ERR_DOJO_SYNC_REFNUM extends CwiError {
constructor(expected: string, actual: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
missing valid update state from syncDojo
export class ERR_DOJO_SYNC_STATE extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
dojo sync ${step} status expected '${expected}' but received '${actual}'
export class ERR_DOJO_SYNC_STATUS extends CwiError {
constructor(step: string, expected: DojoSyncStatus, actual: DojoSyncStatus)
See also: CwiError, DojoSyncStatus
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
sync total '${expected ?? 0}' expected, '${actual ?? 0}' received
export class ERR_DOJO_SYNC_TOTAL extends CwiError {
constructor(expected: number | undefined, actual: number | undefined)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The transaction cannot be found linked with your user account.
export class ERR_DOJO_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
This transaction was rejected and was not broadcasted by the recipient. Ensure that all specified output scripts are present with the correct amounts assigned to each.
export class ERR_DOJO_TRANSACTION_REJECTED extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction amount is not correct!
export class ERR_DOJO_TX_BAD_AMOUNT extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction was already broadcast.
export class ERR_DOJO_UNKNOWN_FEE_MODEL extends CwiError {
constructor(model: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
description || 'Dojo validation error.'
export class ERR_DOJO_VALIDATION extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Transaction is a double spend.
This exception includes spendingTransactions
, an array of transaction envelopes
of conflicting transactions.
export class ERR_DOUBLE_SPEND extends CwiError {
constructor(public spendingTransactions: EnvelopeApi[], description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
An internal server error has occurred.
export class ERR_INTERNAL extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The ${name} parameter is invalid.
export class ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER extends CwiError {
constructor(name: string, mustBe?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The ${name} parameter is missing, but it must be ${mustBe}.
export class ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER extends CwiError {
constructor(name: string, mustBe: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Not implemented.
export class ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
TXIDs must be 32 bytes encoded as 64 hex digits.
export class ERR_TXID_INVALID extends CwiError {
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
TXID failed to correspond to a known transaction.
export class ERR_TXID_UNKNOWN extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Access is denied due to an authorization error.
export class ERR_UNAUTHORIZED extends CwiError {
constructor(description?: string)
See also: CwiError
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export class ScriptTemplateSABPPP implements ScriptTemplate {
p2pkh: P2PKH;
protocol: string = "2-3241645161d8";
constructor(public params: ScriptTemplateParamsSABPPP)
invoice(): string
lock(lockerPrivKey: string, unlockerPubKey: string): LockingScript
unlock(unlockerPrivKey: string, lockerPubKey: string, sourceSatoshis?: number, lockingScript?: Script): {
sign: (tx: Transaction, inputIndex: number) => Promise<UnlockingScript>;
estimateLength: (tx?: Transaction, inputIndex?: number) => Promise<number>;
unlockLength = 108;
See also: ScriptTemplateParamsSABPPP
Class ScriptTemplateSABPPP Details
P2PKH unlock estimateLength is a constant
unlockLength = 108
Combine inputs per protocol 3241645161d8 to generate an 'invoice' string used for cryptographic key generation.
invoice(): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function asBsvSdkPrivateKey(privKey: string): PrivateKey
Function asBsvSdkPrivateKey Details
Argument Details
- bitcoin private key in 32 byte hex string form
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function asBsvSdkPublickKey(pubKey: string): PublicKey
Function asBsvSdkPublickKey Details
Argument Details
- bitcoin public key in standard compressed key hex string form
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Coerce a bsv script encoded as a hex string, serialized Buffer, or Script to Script If script is already a Script, just return it.
export function asBsvSdkScript(script: string | Buffer | Script): Script {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(script)) {
script = Script.fromHex(asString(script));
else if (typeof script === "string") {
script = Script.fromHex(script);
return script;
See also: asString
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Coerce a bsv transaction encoded as a hex string, serialized Buffer, or Transaction to Transaction If tx is already a Transaction, just return it.
export function asBsvSdkTx(tx: string | Buffer | Transaction): Transaction {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(tx)) {
tx = Transaction.fromHex(asString(tx));
else if (typeof tx === "string") {
tx = Transaction.fromHex(tx);
return tx;
See also: asString
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Coerce a value to Buffer if currently encoded as a string or
export function asBuffer(val: Buffer | string | number[], encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer {
let b: Buffer;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(val))
b = val;
else if (typeof val === "string")
b = Buffer.from(val, encoding ?? "hex");
b = Buffer.from(val);
return b;
Function asBuffer Details
input val if it is a Buffer or new Buffer from string val
Argument Details
- Buffer or string or number[]. If string, encoding param applies. If number[], Buffer.from constructor is used.
- defaults to 'hex'. Only applies to val of type string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Coerce a value to an encoded string if currently a Buffer or number[]
export function asString(val: Buffer | string | number[], encoding?: BufferEncoding): string {
if (Array.isArray(val))
val = Buffer.from(val);
return Buffer.isBuffer(val) ? val.toString(encoding ?? "hex") : val;
Function asString Details
input val if it is a string; or if number[], first converted to Buffer then as Buffer; if Buffer encoded using encoding
Argument Details
- Buffer or string or number[]. If string, encoding param applies. If number[], Buffer.from constructor is used.
- defaults to 'hex'
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Tests if all bits
are set in what
export function bitsAreSet(what: number, bits: number): boolean
Function bitsAreSet Details
true iff all bits
are set in what
Argument Details
- value being tested for set bits.
- union of bits to test.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Computes double sha256 hash of bitcoin block header bytes are reversed to bigendian order
If header is a Buffer, it is required to 80 bytes long and in standard block header serialized encoding.
export function blockHash(header: BaseBlockHeader | Buffer): Buffer {
const data = !Buffer.isBuffer(header) ? serializeBlockHeader(header) : header;
if (data.length !== 80)
throw new Error("Block header must be 80 bytes long.");
return doubleSha256HashLE(data).reverse();
See also: BaseBlockHeader, doubleSha256HashLE, serializeBlockHeader
Function blockHash Details
doule sha256 hash of header bytes reversed
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Coerce the 32 byte hash value for a merkle tree parent node given its left and right child node hashes.
export function computeMerkleTreeParent(leftNode: string | Buffer, rightNode: string | Buffer): Buffer {
const leftConc = Buffer.from(asBuffer(leftNode)).reverse();
const rightConc = Buffer.from(asBuffer(rightNode)).reverse();
const concat = Buffer.concat([leftConc, rightConc]);
const hash = doubleSha256BE(concat);
return hash;
See also: asBuffer, doubleSha256BE
Function computeMerkleTreeParent Details
Argument Details
- 32 byte hash as hex string or Buffer
- 32 byte hash as hex string or Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Computes merkle root from transaction hash and TSC proof data.
Note that it is essential to confirm that the txid is the double sha256 hash of the transaction.
To prove that txid is the last transaction in its block, at every level, if computed is left side, then provided must equal computed.
Specification Reference:
export function computeRootFromMerkleProofNodes(index: number, txid: string | Buffer, nodes: string[] | Buffer): Buffer
Function computeRootFromMerkleProofNodes Details
computed merkle tree root for comparison to known root.
Argument Details
- index of transaction being proven in block
- hash of transaction being proven
- tip to root, proof provided intermediate hash values
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function convertBufferToUint32(buffer: Buffer, littleEndian = true): number {
const arr = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteOffset + buffer.byteLength);
const view = new DataView(arr);
return view.getUint32(0, littleEndian);
Function convertBufferToUint32 Details
a number value in the Uint32 value range
Argument Details
- four byte buffer with Uint32 number encoded
- true for little-endian byte order in Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function convertUint32ToBuffer(num: number, littleEndian = true): Buffer {
const arr = new ArrayBuffer(4);
const view = new DataView(arr);
view.setUint32(0, num, littleEndian);
return Buffer.from(arr);
Function convertUint32ToBuffer Details
four byte buffer with Uint32 number encoded
Argument Details
- a number value in the Uint32 value range
- true for little-endian byte order in Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function createBabbageServiceChargeOutput(fee = 200): {
script: string;
satoshis: number;
keyOffset: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Deserialize a block header from an 80 byte buffer
export function deserializeBlockHeader(buffer: Buffer, offset = 0): BaseBlockHeader {
const header: BaseBlockHeader = {
version: convertBufferToUint32(buffer.subarray(0 + offset, 4 + offset)),
previousHash: swapByteOrder(buffer.subarray(4 + offset, 36 + offset)),
merkleRoot: swapByteOrder(buffer.subarray(36 + offset, 68 + offset)),
time: convertBufferToUint32(buffer.subarray(68 + offset, 72 + offset)),
bits: convertBufferToUint32(buffer.subarray(72 + offset, 76 + offset)),
nonce: convertBufferToUint32(buffer.subarray(76 + offset, 80 + offset))
return header;
See also: BaseBlockHeader, convertBufferToUint32, swapByteOrder
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Calculate the SHA256 hash of the SHA256 hash of a Buffer.
export function doubleSha256BE(data: string | Buffer, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer {
return doubleSha256HashLE(data, encoding).reverse();
See also: doubleSha256HashLE
Function doubleSha256BE Details
reversed (big-endian) double sha256 hash of data, byte 31 of hash first.
Argument Details
- is Buffer or hex encoded string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Calculate the SHA256 hash of the SHA256 hash of a Buffer.
export function doubleSha256HashLE(data: string | Buffer, encoding?: BufferEncoding): Buffer {
return sha256Hash(sha256Hash(asBuffer(data, encoding)));
See also: asBuffer, sha256Hash
Function doubleSha256HashLE Details
double sha256 hash of buffer contents, byte 0 of hash first.
Argument Details
- is Buffer or hex encoded string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns the genesis block for the specified chain.
export function genesisBuffer(chain: Chain): Buffer { return serializeBlockHeader(toBlockHeader(genesisHeaderHex(chain))); }
See also: Chain, genesisHeaderHex, serializeBlockHeader, toBlockHeader
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns the genesis block for the specified chain.
export function genesisHeaderHex(chain: Chain): BlockHeaderHex {
return chain === "main"
? {
version: 1,
previousHash: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
merkleRoot: "4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b",
time: 1231006505,
bits: 486604799,
nonce: 2083236893,
height: 0,
hash: "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"
: {
version: 1,
previousHash: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
merkleRoot: "4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b",
time: 1296688602,
bits: 486604799,
nonce: 414098458,
height: 0,
hash: "000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943"
See also: BlockHeaderHex, Chain
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
For a bitcoin transaction in hex string, Buffer or parsed Transaction form,
returns deduplicated array of the input's outpoint transaction hashes (txids).
export function getInputTxIds(tx: string | Buffer | Transaction): string[] {
tx = asBsvSdkTx(tx);
const txids = {};
for (const input of tx.inputs) {
txids[verifyTruthy(input.sourceTXID)] = true;
return Object.keys(txids);
See also: asBsvSdkTx, verifyTruthy
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns the Identity Key value associated with a private key.
export function identityKeyFromPrivateKey(privKey: string): string
Function identityKeyFromPrivateKey Details
hex encoded Identity Key.
Argument Details
- as hex encoded 32 byte value
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isBaseBlockHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is BaseBlockHeader {
return Buffer.isBuffer(header.previousHash);
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isBaseBlockHeaderHex(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is BaseBlockHeaderHex {
return (typeof header.previousHash === "string");
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isBlockHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is LiveBlockHeader {
return ("height" in header) && Buffer.isBuffer(header.previousHash);
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isBlockHeaderHex(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is BlockHeaderHex {
return ("height" in header) && (typeof header.previousHash === "string");
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isLive(header: BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader): header is LiveBlockHeader {
return (header as LiveBlockHeader).headerId !== undefined;
See also: BlockHeader, LiveBlockHeader
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isLiveBlockHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is LiveBlockHeader {
return "chainwork" in header && Buffer.isBuffer(header.previousHash);
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type guard function.
export function isLiveBlockHeaderHex(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader | BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): header is LiveBlockHeaderHex {
return "chainwork" in header && (typeof header.previousHash === "string");
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function lockScriptWithKeyOffsetFromPubKey(pubKey: string, keyOffset?: string): {
script: string;
keyOffset: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
returns most recent of two dates or undefined if both are null or undefined.
export function maxDate(d1: Date | null | undefined, d2: Date | null | undefined): Date | undefined {
if (d1 == null)
return (d2 != null) ? d2 : undefined;
if (d2 == null)
return (d1 != null) ? d1 : undefined;
return d1 > d2 ? d1 : d2;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
returns least recent of two dates or undefined if either date is null or undefined.
export function minDate(d1: Date | null | undefined, d2: Date | null | undefined): Date | undefined {
if (d1 == null || d2 == null)
return undefined;
return d1 < d2 ? d1 : d2;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function offsetPrivKey(privKey: string, keyOffset?: string): {
offsetPrivKey: string;
keyOffset: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function offsetPubKey(pubKey: string, keyOffset?: string): {
offsetPubKey: string;
keyOffset: string;
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function randomBytes(count: number): Buffer
Function randomBytes Details
count cryptographically secure random bytes as Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function randomBytesBase64(count: number): string
Function randomBytesBase64 Details
count cryptographically secure random bytes as base64 encoded string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function randomBytesHex(count: number): string
Function randomBytesHex Details
count cryptographically secure random bytes as hex encoded string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function randomMinMax(min: number, max: number): number {
if (max < min)
throw new ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER("max", `less than min (${min}). max is (${max})`);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
Function randomMinMax Details
a weakly randomized value in the range from min to less than max.
Argument Details
- minimum value to return
- greater than maximum value returned
ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER when max is less than min.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Reads a Bitcoin VarUInt from buffer at an offset.
Returns updated offset.
export function readVarUint32LE(buffer: Buffer, offset: number): {
val: number;
offset: number;
} {
const b0 = buffer[offset++];
switch (b0) {
case 255:
throw new Error("Larger than Uint32 value is not supported at this time.");
case 254:
return { val: buffer.readUint32LE(offset), offset: offset + 4 };
case 253:
return { val: buffer.readUint16LE(offset), offset: offset + 2 };
return { val: b0, offset };
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Entities sent across HTTP may not have Date and Buffer properties restored correctly.
Detect these situations and restore contained values as Dates and Buffers.
export function restoreUserStateEntities(state: DojoUserStateApi): void
See also: DojoUserStateApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Serializes a block header as an 80 byte Buffer. The exact serialized format is defined in the Bitcoin White Paper such that computing a double sha256 hash of the buffer computes the block hash for the header.
export function serializeBlockHeader(header: BaseBlockHeader, buffer?: Buffer, offset?: number): Buffer {
if (buffer != null) {
offset ||= 0;
buffer.writeUInt32LE(header.version, offset);
swapByteOrder(header.previousHash).copy(buffer, offset + 4, 0, 32);
swapByteOrder(header.merkleRoot).copy(buffer, offset + 36, 0, 32);
buffer.writeUInt32LE(header.time, offset + 68);
buffer.writeUInt32LE(header.bits, offset + 72);
buffer.writeUInt32LE(header.nonce, offset + 76);
return buffer.subarray(offset, offset + 80);
else {
const data = Buffer.concat([
return data;
See also: BaseBlockHeader, convertUint32ToBuffer, swapByteOrder
Function serializeBlockHeader Details
80 byte Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Calculate the SHA256 hash of a Buffer.
export function sha256Hash(buffer: Buffer): Buffer {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(buffer).digest();
Function sha256Hash Details
sha256 hash of buffer contents.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Shuffle an array of items.
This is not a cryptographically strong shuffle.
Run time is O(n)
export function shuffleArray<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
let currentIndex = array.length;
let temporaryValue;
let randomIndex;
while (currentIndex !== 0) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
Function shuffleArray Details
original array
with contents shuffled
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns a copy of a Buffer with byte order reversed.
export function swapByteOrder(buffer: Buffer): Buffer {
return Buffer.from(buffer).reverse();
Function swapByteOrder Details
new buffer with byte order reversed.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toBaseBlockHeader(header: BaseBlockHeaderHex | BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): BaseBlockHeader {
return {
version: header.version,
previousHash: asBuffer(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asBuffer(header.merkleRoot),
time: header.time,
bits: header.bits,
nonce: header.nonce
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeaderHex, asBuffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toBaseBlockHeaderHex(header: BaseBlockHeader | BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader): BaseBlockHeaderHex {
return {
version: header.version,
previousHash: asString(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asString(header.merkleRoot),
time: header.time,
bits: header.bits,
nonce: header.nonce
See also: BaseBlockHeader, BaseBlockHeaderHex, BlockHeader, LiveBlockHeader, asString
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toBlockHeader(header: BlockHeaderHex | LiveBlockHeaderHex): BlockHeader {
return {
version: header.version,
previousHash: asBuffer(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asBuffer(header.merkleRoot),
time: header.time,
bits: header.bits,
nonce: header.nonce,
height: header.height,
hash: asBuffer(header.hash)
See also: BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeaderHex, asBuffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toBlockHeaderHex(header: BlockHeader | LiveBlockHeader): BlockHeaderHex {
return {
version: header.version,
previousHash: asString(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asString(header.merkleRoot),
time: header.time,
bits: header.bits,
nonce: header.nonce,
height: header.height,
hash: asString(header.hash)
See also: BlockHeader, BlockHeaderHex, LiveBlockHeader, asString
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function toDojoSyncError(e: CwiError): DojoSyncErrorApi
See also: CwiError, DojoSyncErrorApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toLiveBlockHeader(header: LiveBlockHeaderHex): LiveBlockHeader {
return {
previousHash: asBuffer(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asBuffer(header.merkleRoot),
hash: asBuffer(header.hash),
chainWork: asBuffer(header.chainWork)
See also: LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex, asBuffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Type conversion function.
export function toLiveBlockHeaderHex(header: LiveBlockHeader): LiveBlockHeaderHex {
return {
previousHash: asString(header.previousHash),
merkleRoot: asString(header.merkleRoot),
hash: asString(header.hash),
chainWork: asString(header.chainWork)
See also: LiveBlockHeader, LiveBlockHeaderHex, asString
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function transactionInputSize(scriptSize: number): number
Function transactionInputSize Details
serialized byte length a transaction input
Argument Details
- byte length of input script
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function transactionOutputSize(scriptSize: number): number
Function transactionOutputSize Details
serialized byte length a transaction output
Argument Details
- byte length of output script
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Compute the serialized binary transaction size in bytes given the number of inputs and outputs, and the size of each script.
export function transactionSize(inputs: number[], outputs: number[]): number
Function transactionSize Details
total transaction size in bytes
Argument Details
- array of input script lengths, in bytes
- array of output script lengths, in bytes
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function for evaluating if an entity meets the trust threshold of the user
export function transformResultsWithTrust({ settings, certifiers, results }: TrustEvaluatorParams)
See also: TrustEvaluatorParams
Function transformResultsWithTrust Details
Argument Details
- all params given in an object
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateBasketName(name: string): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateCreateTxOutput(o: DojoCreateTxOutputApi): void
See also: DojoCreateTxOutputApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateCustomInstructions(s: string): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateDate(date: Date | string | number | null | undefined): Date | undefined
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateFeeModel(v?: DojoFeeModelApi): DojoFeeModelApi
See also: DojoFeeModelApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateIdentityKey(identityKey?: string | null): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateInputSelection(v: DojoTxInputSelectionApi | undefined): DojoTxInputSelectionApi
See also: DojoTxInputSelectionApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateOutputDescription(s: string): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateOutputGeneration(v: DojoOutputGenerationApi | undefined): DojoOutputGenerationApi
See also: DojoOutputGenerationApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateOutputTag(tag: string): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateOutputTags(v?: string[]): string[]
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateOutputToRedeem(output: DojoOutputToRedeemApi): void
See also: DojoOutputToRedeemApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validatePaymail(paymailHandle: string | null): void
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateSABPPPTransaction(transaction: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi): DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateSatoshis(satoshis: number): void
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateScript(script: string): void
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateSecondsSinceEpoch(time: number): Date
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateSubmitDirectCustomTransaction(transaction: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi): DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
See also: DojoSubmitDirectTransactionApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateTXID(txid: string): void
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateTxLabel(label: string): string
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateTxLabels(v?: string[]): string[]
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateTxNote(note?: string): string | undefined
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateTxRecipient(recipient?: string): string | undefined
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export async function validateUnlockScriptOfChangeOutput(output: DojoOutputApi, privateKey: string): Promise<CwiError | undefined>
See also: CwiError, DojoOutputApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function validateUnlockScriptWithBsvSdk(spendingTx: Transaction | number[] | Buffer | string, vin: number, lockingScript: Script | number[] | Buffer | string, amount: number): boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns the byte size required to encode number as Bitcoin VarUint
export function varUintSize(val: number): 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 {
if (val < 0)
throw new ERR_BAD_REQUEST();
return (val <= 252 ? 1 : val <= 65535 ? 3 : val <= 4294967295 ? 5 : 9);
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
Verifies the value of b is a Buffer and optionally also its length.
export function verifyBuffer(b: Buffer | undefined | null, length?: number): Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
true iff both b1 and b2 are undefined or null, or both are Buffers and are equal.
export function verifyBufferEquals(b1: Buffer | undefined | null, b2: Buffer | undefined | null): boolean
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Buffers sent across HTTP may not be restored correctly.
Detect these situations and restore and Buffers.
export function verifyBufferOrObject(v: Buffer | object): Buffer
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function verifyBufferOrObjectOrNull(v: Buffer | object | null): Buffer | null
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export function verifyBufferOrObjectOrUndefined(v: Buffer | object | undefined): Buffer | undefined
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
Verifies that an optional numeric Id has a value.
export function verifyId(id: number | undefined | null): number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
throws ERR_BAD_REQUEST if results has length greater than one.
export function verifyNone<T>(results: T[]): void
Function verifyNone Details
results[0] or undefined if length is zero.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
Verifies that an optional or null number has a numeric value.
export function verifyNumber(v: number | null | undefined): number
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
throws ERR_BAD_REQUEST if results has length other than one.
export function verifyOne<T>(results: T[], errorDescrition?: string): T
Function verifyOne Details
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
throws ERR_BAD_REQUEST if results has length greater than one.
export function verifyOneOrNone<T>(results: T[]): (T | undefined)
Function verifyOneOrNone Details
results[0] or undefined if length is zero.
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Helper function.
Verifies that a possibly optional value has a value.
export function verifyTruthy<T>(v: T | null | undefined, description?: string): T
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Returns an await'able Promise that resolves in the given number of msecs.
export function wait(msecs: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, msecs));
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Writes a Bitcoin VarUInt to a buffer at an offset.
Returns updated offset.
export function writeVarUint32LE(val: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number): number {
if (val < 0) {
throw new Error(`val ${val} must be a non-negative integer.`);
if (val <= 252) {
buffer[offset] = val;
return offset + 1;
if (val <= 65535) {
buffer[offset] = 253;
buffer.writeUint16LE(val, offset + 1);
return offset + 3;
if (val <= 4294967295) {
buffer[offset] = 254;
buffer.writeUint32LE(val, offset + 1);
return offset + 5;
throw new Error("Larger than Uint32 value is not supported at this time.");
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type Chain = "main" | "test"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoLoggerApi = ( any) => void
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
Initial status (attempts === 0):
nosend: transaction was marked 'noSend'. It is complete and signed. It may be sent by an external party. Proof should be sought as if 'unmined'. No error if it remains unknown by network.
unprocessed: indicates req is about to be posted to network by non-acceptDelayedBroadcast application code, after posting status is normally advanced to 'sending'
unsent: rawTx has not yet been sent to the network for processing. req is queued for delayed processing.
sending: At least one attempt to send rawTx to transaction processors has occured without confirmation of acceptance.
unknown: rawTx status is unknown but is believed to have been previously sent to the network.
Attempts > 0 status, processing:
unknown: Last status update received did not recognize txid or wasn't understood.
nonfinal: rawTx has an un-expired nLockTime and is eligible for continuous updating by new transactions with additional outputs and incrementing sequence numbers.
unmined: Last attempt has txid waiting to be mined, possibly just sent without callback
callback: Waiting for proof confirmation callback from transaction processor.
unconfirmed: Potential proof has not been confirmed by chaintracks
Terminal status:
doubleSpend: Transaction spends same input as another transaction.
invalid: rawTx is structuraly invalid or was rejected by the network. Will never be re-attempted or completed.
completed: proven_txs record added, and notifications are complete.
export type DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi = "sending" | "unsent" | "nosend" | "unknown" | "nonfinal" | "unprocessed" | "unmined" | "callback" | "unconfirmed" | "completed" | "invalid" | "doubleSpend"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoProvidedByApi = "you" | "dojo" | "you-and-dojo"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoRecordOrder = "ascending" | "descending"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoSyncProtocolVersion = "0.1.0"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
success: Last sync of this user from this dojo was successful.
error: Last sync protocol operation for this user to this dojo threw and error.
identified: Configured sync dojo has been identified but not sync'ed.
unknown: Sync protocol state is unknown.
export type DojoSyncStatus = "success" | "error" | "identified" | "updated" | "unknown"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoTransactionLabelsSortBy = "label" | "whenLastUsed"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type DojoTransactionStatusApi = "completed" | "failed" | "unprocessed" | "sending" | "unproven" | "unsigned" | "nosend"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type HeaderListener = (header: BlockHeader) => void
See also: BlockHeader
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type ReorgListener = (depth: number, oldTip: BlockHeader, newTip: BlockHeader) => void
See also: BlockHeader
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
export type SyncDojoConfigType = "<custom>" | "Cloud URL" | "Sqlite File" | "MySql Connection"
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
DojoProvenTxReqNonTerminalStatus |
DojoProvenTxReqTerminalStatus |
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
DojoProvenTxReqNonTerminalStatus: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi[] = [
See also: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
DojoProvenTxReqTerminalStatus: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi[] = [
See also: DojoProvenTxReqStatusApi
Links: API, Interfaces, Classes, Functions, Types, Variables
The license for the code in this repository is the Open BSV License.