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Easily add the factory ability to your class or object which can be singleton, name, register/unregister and aliases your class/object items.

The factory could be hierarchical or flat. defaults to hierarchical. The flat factory means register only on the Root Factory.

The General Factory for class or object(singleton instance).

Hierarchical factory(CustomFactory):

  1. all registered items are stored into the root factory and parent factory.
  2. the registered items are the enumerable properties of the root factory class and parent factory class.
    • unless registered names or aliases exists.

The class factory pattern is a design pattern that allows for the registration and retrieval of classes based on a unique name or alias. The main goal of the pattern is to decouple the creation of objects from their use, thus promoting better code reusability and flexibility.

The BaseFactory class is a simple implementation of the class factory pattern that supports flat registration and retrieval of classes. The register() method allows a class to be registered with the factory by providing a constructor function, along with an optional set of options. The options can include a unique name or alias for the class, as well as a display name. Multiple aliases can also be provided. The unregister() method removes a class from the factory, and the get() method retrieves a class based on its unique name or alias.

The CustomFactory class is an extension of BaseFactory that supports hierarchical registration of classes. Classes can be registered with parent classes, creating a hierarchy of class registration that resembles a directory structure. The register() method can take an optional parent class parameter, allowing a class to be registered as a child of the parent. The path() method returns a string representation of the hierarchical path to a class, and the pathArray() method returns an array representation of the hierarchical path.

Overall, the class factory pattern provides a useful way to manage classes in a flexible and organized manner, especially in large-scale software systems.


  • BaseFactory: the flat factory
    • CustomFactory: the hierarchical factory

Factory Development

The Flat Factory

import { BaseFactory } from 'custom-factory'

class Factory extends BaseFactory {
  initialize(aOptions) {
    if (typeof aOptions === 'number') {
      this.bufferSize = aOptions
    } else if (aOptions && aOptions.bufferSize) {
      this.bufferSize = aOptions.bufferSize

const register = Factory.register.bind(Factory)
const aliases = Factory.setAliases.bind(Factory)
const unregister = Factory.unregister.bind(Factory)

class MyFactory {}
aliases(MyFactory, 'my', 'MY')

Factory.setDisplayName('MyFactory', 'ChangeIt')

let result = Factory.createObject('my', 32)
expect(result).toHaveProperty('bufferSize', 32)

The Hierarchical Factory

graph LR
  IntegerType --> NumberType --> Type
  FloatType  --> NumberType
  StringType --> Type
  BooleanType --> Type
  ....... --> Type

The realistic dynamic type example

import { CustomFactory, BaseFactory } from 'custom-factory'

export class Type extends CustomFactory {

  static toValue(aValue, options) {return aValue}
  static validate(aValue, raiseError, aOptions) {}
  static createType(options) {
    const vTypeClass = createCtor(
    if (register(vTypeClass, this, options)) {
      // assign type properties from options
      assignProperties(vTypeClass, options)
      return vTypeClass

  initialize(value, options) {
    this.assign(value, options)

  assign(value, options) {this.value = this.constructor.toValue(value, options)}
  isValid(options) {return this.constructor.validate(this.value, false, options) }
  valueOf() {return this.value}
  toJSON() {return this.toObject()}

  toString() {return this.value+''}
  toObject(options) {return this.value}

export const register = Type.register.bind(Type)
export const unregister = Type.unregister.bind(Type)
export const alias = Type.setAliases.bind(Type)

export class IntegerType extends Type {
  static toValue(aValue, options) {
    let result
    const vTypeOf = typeof aValue
    if (vTypeOf === 'string') {
      result = parseInt(aValue)
    } else if (vTypeOf === 'number') {
      result = Math.round(aValue)
    return result
aliases(IntegerType, 'int')

Factory Usage

The Simplest Class Factory.

const IntegerType = TypeFactory.get('Integer')
// it can use an alias to visit.
const IntType = TypeFactory.get('Int')

// Int1Type is the same with IntType

var i = new IntType(1)

The hierarchical singleton object factory.

const TextCodec = Codec.get('Text')     // # get the JsonCodec Class
const JsonCodec = Codec.get('Json')     // # note: name is case-sensitive!
const Json1Codec = TextCodec.get('Json') // # or like this

const TextCodec = Codec.get('Text')  // or Codec('utf8')

const NumberType   = Type.get('number')
const IntegerType  = Type.get('integer')

isInheritedFrom(IntegerType, NumberType)'integer'))

const aInteger = new IntegerType(124)
const aRangeInteger = new IntegerType(0, {min: 0, max: 100})

expect(aInteger + aRangeInteger).toEqual(130)


The registered class is put into the property(the specified registered name) of the parent class.

  • BaseFactory: the flat factory
    • static members:
      • register(ctor, options): register a class to the factory,
        • ctor: it will be automatically inherited to the Factory after registered if ctor isn't derived from BaseFactory
        • options*(object|string)*: the options for the class and the factory
          • it is the registered name if aOptions is string.
          • name*(String)*: optional unique id name to register, defaults to class name
          • displayName: optional display name
          • alias,aliases*(String|string[])*: optional alias
          • baseNameOnly*(boolean)*: extracts a specified number of words from a PascalCase class name to use as a base name for registration, only if no name is specified.
            • defaults to true. the baseNameOnly number can be used on hierarchical factory.
            • false means use the whole class name to register it, no extract.
            • eg, the Codec is a Root Factory, we add the TextCodec to "Codec"
              • baseNameOnly = true: TextCodec name is 'Text'
              • baseNameOnly = false: TextCodec name is 'TextCodec'
      • unregister(aName|aClass|undefined): unregister the class, class name or itself from the Factory
      • setAliases(aClass, ...aliases: string[]): add/update aliases to the aClass.
      • setAlias(aClass, alias: string): add/update an alias to the aClass.
      • getAliases(aClass: typeof BaseFactory|string|undefined): get the aliases of the class or itself
      • removeAlias(...aliases: string[]): remove aliases from the factory.
      • cleanAliases(aClass: typeof BaseFactory|string|undefined): remove all aliases of the registered item or itself
      • aliases: string[]: get or set the aliases of itself.
        • Note: assign the value will clean all aliases of itself first.
      • getDisplayName(aClass: typeof BaseFactory|string|undefined): get the display of the class or itself
      • setDisplayName(aClass?: typeof BaseFactory|string|undefined, displayName: string|{displayName: string}): set the display of the class or itself
      • forEach(cb: (class: typeof BaseFactory, name: string)=>'brk'|string|undefined): executes a provided callback function once for each registered element.
      • get(name: string): typeof BaseFactory: get the registered class via name
      • registeredClass(aName: string|undefined): false|typeof BaseFactory: check the name, alias or itself whether registered
      • formatName(aName: string): string: format the registered name, defaults to same as aName. you can override this method to implement case insensitive.
      • findRootFactory(): typeof BaseFactory: optional override, if you have your abstract factory
      • _Factory: internal property, The Root Factory class
      • _children: internal property, The registered Factory classes
      • _aliases: internal property, The registered Factory aliases
    • instance members
      • initialize(): initialize instance method which called by constructor()
        • pass through all arguments coming from constructor
  • CustomFactory: the hierarchical factory inherits from BaseFactory(Only the different and new methods are listed here)
    • static members
      • register(aClass, aParentClass, aOptions): register the aClass to aParentClass Class.
      • register(aClass, aOptions): register the aClass to itself or aOptions.parent
        • options(object|string): the options for the class and the factory
          • it is the registered name if aOptions is string.
          • name(String): optional unique id name to register, defaults to class name
          • displayName: optional display name
          • baseNameOnly*(number)*: extracts a specified number of words from a PascalCase class name to use as a base name for registration, only if no name is specified. The parameter value indicates the maximum depth of the word extraction.
            • defaults to 1. the baseNameOnly number can be used on hierarchical factory.
            • 0 means use the whole class name to register it, no extract.
            • eg, the Codec is a Root Factory, we add the TextCodec to "Codec", add the JsonTextCodec to "TextCodec"
              • baseNameOnly = 1: TextCodec name is 'Text', JsonTextCodec name is 'JsonText'
              • baseNameOnly = 2: TextCodec name is 'Text', JsonTextCodec name is 'Json'
      • path(aClass?: typeof CustomFactory, aRootName?: string): get the path string of this aClass factory item or itself.
        • aRootName: defaults to RootFactory.ROOT_NAME || ||
      • pathArray(aClass?: typeof CustomFactory, aRootName?: string): get the path array of this aClass factory item or itself.
        • aRootName: defaults to RootFactory.ROOT_NAME || ||

Note: the name is case sensitive, you can overwrite the formatName(aName: string): string static method to implement the case insensitive.



  • broken nodejs@11 and below
    • the require('custome-factory/lib/*.js') should be require('custome-factory/lib/cjs/*.js') now
  • Add ESM(ECMAScript module) supports for nodejs@12 and above
  • Add type: module for nodejs@12 and above(the .js defaults to .mjs now.)
    • So import only for nodejs@12 and above
  • Use SWC instead of babel.


  • broken refactor the code with class declaration


  • broken (1.5)rename Factory::get() instance method to Factory::getFactoryItem()


  • add baseNameOnly option to extract basename from class name when register it.
  • broken Factory._objects: mark deprecated. use the Factory::_objects instead
  • broken Factory._aliases: mark deprecated. use the Factory::_aliases instead
  • (1.4.4)add It will be treated as customized path name if the registered name is beginning with path delimiter('/')
    • affects to path() and pathArray()
  • (1.4.5)all added properties of the factory class are non-enumerable now.
  • (1.4.5)add forEach()/forEachClass() to iterate the registered items.
    • break if callback function return 'brk'
  • (1.4.6)add Factory::get() instance method to get registered items.
  • (1.4.10) aliases() can get the aliases of a class itself.
  • (1.4.11) add the displayName() function to get or set display name.

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  • riceball