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0.1.5 • Public • Published


An Angular directive for HTML Media Elements that enables the use of cue points to trigger events via playback and time navigation.

npm i cuepoint-media-ng

How To Use

selector: '[a13CuepointMedia]'

@Output() cuepointEvent: EventEmitter<CuepointMediaData> = new EventEmitter();

  • Emits cuepoint data when the media's currentTime matches the cuepoints time and cpListen is set to true.
  • The cuepoint's optional function will execute at the same time as the event.
  • Nav cuepoints only trigger an emit when seeked, ie: goToName

@Input() cuepoints!: CuepointMediaData[];

  • CuepointMediaData: { time: number, kind: 'event' | 'nav' | 'both', name: string, func?: () => void }
  • Cuepoints are automatically sorted by thier time property.

@Input() cpListen!: boolean;

  • EventListeners are added when set to true and removed when set to false.

@Input() tolerance = 0.3;

  • Time in seconds that is used to specify a range of time when a cuepoint can be detected and cuepointEvent emitted.
  • The timing of detecting cuepoints or navigating to a cuepoints specific time is not perfect.
    • Seeking can only happen on the media's compression key frames, and a key frame's time may not exactly match the cuepoint's time.
    • Also, device playback capabilities can play a role.
    • The default, 0.3, creates a large enough spread to work for most devices.
    • If cuepoints are missed, increase this number.
  • IMPORTANT: Distance between cuepoint times must be more than the defined tolerance.

@Input() goToName!: string;

  • A cuepoint is searched for who's name matches this value when set, then, if found, the media's currentTime will seek the cuepoint's time and a cuepointEvent will emit.
  • This will only work for cuepoints where the kind property value is equal to 'nav' or 'both'.

@Input() goToIndex!: number;

  • If a cuepoint at the index exists the media's currentTime will seek to the cuepoint's time and a cuepointEvent will emit.
  • This will work for all cuepoints regardless of thier kind property's value.

@Input() goToTime!: number;

  • The media's currentTime will seek this number when set.
  • Does not look for a cuepoint's time to match.

Simple Example Component

link to example repo

import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { CuepointMediaData } from 'cuepoint-media-ng';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <div class="wrap">

      <div class="btn-wrap">
        <button (click)="incrementIndex()">Index++</button>
        <button (click)="gotToCuepoint('Two')">Go To Cuepoint Two</button>
        <button (click)="gotToCuepoint('Four')">Go To Cuepoint Four</button>
        <button (click)="gotToCuepoint('Five')">Go To Cuepoint Five</button>
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild('video', {static: true}) videoRef!: ElementRef;
  cuepoints!: CuepointMediaData[];
  listenForCP = true;
  seekName!: string;
  seekIndex = -1;

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.cuepoints = [
        name: 'One',
        time: 10,
        kind: 'event',
        func: () => console.log('This is cuepoint One. EVENT!')
        name: 'Two',
        time: 20,
        kind: 'both',
        func: () => console.log('This is cuepoint Two. BOTH!')
        name: 'Three',
        time: 30,
        kind: 'event',
        func: () => {
          (this.videoRef.nativeElement as HTMLVideoElement).pause();
          setTimeout(() => {
            alert('This is cuepoint Three. EVENT!')
          }, 1000);
        name: 'Four',
        time: 120,
        kind: 'nav',
        func: () => console.log('This is cuepoint Four. NAV!')
        name: 'Five',
        time: 460,
        kind: 'both',
        func: () => console.log('This is cuepoint Five. BOTH!')

  onCuePoint(cp: CuepointMediaData): void {

  gotToCuepoint(name: string): void {
    this.seekName = name;

  incrementIndex(): void {
    if (this.seekIndex === this.cuepoints.length-1) {
      this.seekIndex = 0;
    } else {

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  • aashby13