A Node.js package for the Chicago Transit Authority's bus tracker API. For complete details regarding the data returned for each method, check out the CTA's documentation: http://www.transitchicago.com/assets/1/developer_center/BusTime_Developer_API_Guide.pdf
Key Features
- JSON is returned instead of the CTA's crappy XML
- All date properties are converted from strings formatted like "YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS" to a normal JavaScript date strings like "2014-08-30T14:53:34-05:00"
Install It
npm install cta-bus-tracker
Require It
var cta = ;
Initialize It
var busTracker = ;
Example data:
Vehicles By ID
// a list of up to 10 vehicle IDsvar vehicleIds = "1973" ; busTracker;
Example data:
vid: '1973' tmstmp: '2014-08-30T14:55:00-05:00' lat: '41.949149812970845' lon: '-87.64872932434082' hdg: '287' pid: '4735' rt: '8' des: '79th' pdist: '318' spd: '0' tablockid: '8 -752' tatripid: '139' zone: ''
Note: If more than one vehicle ID is provided data will be an array of objects.
Vehicles By route
// a list of up to 10 vehicle IDsvar routeIds = "8" ; busTracker;
Example data:
vid: '1973' tmstmp: '2014-08-30T15:05:00-05:00' lat: '41.93126130439866' lon: '-87.64894748741472' hdg: '173' pid: '4735' rt: '8' des: '79th' pdist: '7027' spd: '23' tablockid: '8 -752' tatripid: '139' zone: '' ...
Example data:
rt: '1' rtnm: 'Bronzeville/Union Station' rtclr: '#336633' ...
Route Directions
var routeId = "1"; busTracker;
Example data:
'Northbound' 'Southbound'
var routeId = "1";var routeDirection = "Northbound"; busTracker;
Example data:
stpid: '1577' stpnm: '1509 S Michigan' lat: '41.861838603628' lon: '-87.623975872993' ...
Patterns By ID
// a list of up to 10 pattern IDsvar parrernIds = "4735" ; busTracker;
Example data:
pid: '4735' ln: '74252.0' rtdir: 'Southbound' pt: seq: '1' lat: '41.949815854453' lon: '-87.649156451225' typ: 'S' stpid: '5756' stpnm: 'Halsted & Waveland/Broadway Terminal' pdist: '0.0' ...
Note: If more than one pattern ID is provided data will be an array of objects.
Patterns By Route
// a list of up to 10 pattern IDsvar routeId = "1"; busTracker;
Example data:
pid: '4735' ln: '74252.0' rtdir: 'Southbound' pt: seq: '1' lat: '41.949815854453' lon: '-87.649156451225' typ: 'S' stpid: '5756' stpnm: 'Halsted & Waveland/Broadway Terminal' pdist: '0.0' ... ...
Predictions By Stop
var options = // a list of up to 10 stop IDs stopIds: "1577" // topCount is optional topCount: 5; busTracker;
Example data:
tmstmp: '2014-08-30T15:26:00-05:00' typ: 'A' stpnm: '1509 S Michigan' stpid: '1577' vid: '1261' dstp: '7564' rt: '4' rtdir: 'Northbound' des: 'Illinois Center' prdtm: '2014-08-30T15:34:00-05:00' tablockid: '4 -715' tatripid: '126' zone: '' ...
Predictions By Vehicle
var options = // a list of up to 10 vehicle IDs vehicleIds: "1230" // topCount is optional topCount: 5; busTracker;
Example data:
tmstmp: '2014-08-30T15:31:00-05:00' typ: 'A' stpnm: 'Halsted & Addison' stpid: '14901' vid: '1230' dstp: '86' rt: '8' rtdir: 'Southbound' des: '79th' prdtm: '2014-08-30T15:31:00-05:00' tablockid: '8 -706' tatripid: '145' zone: '' ...
Service Bulletins By Route
var options = // a list of up to 10 route IDs routeIds: "1" // routeDirection is optional routeDirection: "Northbound"; busTracker;
Example data:
nm: '#36 Broadway - Bus Stop Relocation' sbj: ' Bus Stop Relocation' dtl: 'Effective Wed, May 7<br/><br/>The northbound #36 bus stop on the northeast corner at Broadway/Granville has been relocated to the southeast corner at Broadway/Granville.<br/> <br/>' brf: '' prty: 'Low' ...
Service Bulletins By Route
// a list of up to 10 stop IDsvar stopIds = "1577" ; busTracker;
Example data:
nm: '3 K. Drive buses are temp rerouted at K Drive/79th' sbj: '# 3 King Drive buses rerouted' dtl: '#3 King Drive buses are temporarily rerouted in both directions via King Drive, 79th, Cottage Grove, 83rd, and King Drive, due to street blockage.<br/><br/>Allow extra travel time.<br/> <br/>' brf: '' prty: 'Medium' srvc: rt: '3' ...