A small and fast CSV parser with support for nested JSON.
- 2 way: convert JSON to CSV and the other way around.
- Simple: straightforward and flexible API.
Lightweight: 2KB gzipped with everything included, 1KB gzipped when only using
. - Fast: faster than the popular CSV libraries out there. See benchmark.
- Safe: handles inhomogeneous data, no risk of data loss.
- Modular: only load what you use, thanks to ES5 modules and a plugin architecture.
- Configurable properties:
. - Configurable
, with custom value getters and setters and the ability to ignore fields. - Configurable serialization and deserialization of values via
. - Support for nested JSON objects: either flatten nested contents, or stringify as a JSON object.
- Configurable properties:
- Standards compliant: adheres to the CSV standard RFC 4180.
- Universal: Created for the browser, but can be used in any JavaScript environment like node.js. TypeScript types included.
Note that the parser has no streaming support.
Well, you have to write a CSV parser at least once in you life, right? ;)
The csv42
library was developed specifically for https://jsoneditoronline.org, for use in the browser. Besides being small and fast, one important feature is supporting nested JSON objects. So, why the name csv42
? Just because 42 is a beautiful number and to remind us that there is a whole universe of beautiful CSV libraries out there.
npm install csv42
Install the library once:
import { json2csv } from 'csv42'
const users = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Joe', address: { city: 'New York', street: '1st Ave' } },
{ id: 2, name: 'Sarah', address: { city: 'Manhattan', street: 'Spring street' } }
// By default, nested JSON properties are flattened
const csv = json2csv(users)
// id,name,address.city,address.street
// 1,Joe,New York,1st Ave
// 2,Sarah,Manhattan,Spring street
// You can turn off flattening using the option `flatten`
const csvFlat = json2csv(users, { flatten: false })
// id,name,address
// 1,Joe,"{""city"":""New York"",""street"":""1st Ave""}"
// 2,Sarah,"{""city"":""Manhattan"",""street"":""Spring street""}"
// The CSV output can be fully customized and transformed using `fields`:
const csvCustom = json2csv(users, {
fields: [
{ name: 'name', getValue: (item) => item.name },
{ name: 'address', getValue: (item) => item.address.city + ' - ' + object.address.street }
// name,address
// Joe,New York - 1st Ave
// Sarah,Manhattan - Spring street
import { csv2json } from 'csv42'
const csv = `id,name,address.city,address.street
1,Joe,New York,1st Ave
2,Sarah,Manhattan,Spring street`
// By default, fields containing a dot will be parsed inty nested JSON objects
const users = csv2json(csv)
// [
// { id: 1, name: 'Joe', address: { city: 'New York', street: '1st Ave' } },
// { id: 2, name: 'Sarah', address: { city: 'Manhattan', street: 'Spring street' } }
// ]
// Creating nested objects can be turned off using the option `nested`
const usersFlat = csv2json(csv, { nested: false })
// [
// { id: 1, name: 'Joe', 'address.city': 'New York', 'address.street': '1st Ave' },
// { id: 2, name: 'Sarah', 'address.city': 'Manhattan', 'address.street': 'Spring street' }
// ]
// The JSON output can be customized using `fields`
const usersCustom = csv2json(csv, {
fields: [
{ name: 'name', setValue: (item, value) => (item.name = value) },
{ name: 'address.city', setValue: (item, value) => (item.city = value) }
// [
// { name: 'Joe', city: 'New York' },
// { name: 'Sarah', city: 'Manhattan' }
// ]
Where options
is an object with the following properties:
Option | Type | Description |
header |
boolean |
If true, a header will be created as first line of the CSV. |
delimiter |
string |
Default delimiter is , . A delimiter must be a single character. |
eol |
\r\n or \n
End of line, can be \r\n (default) or \n . |
flatten |
boolean or (value: unknown) => boolean
If true (default), plain, nested objects will be flattened in multiple CSV columns, and arrays and classes will be serialized in a single field. When false , nested objects will be serialized as JSON in a single CSV field. This behavior can be customized by providing your own callback function for flatten . For example, to flatten objects and arrays, you can use json2csv(json, { flatten: isObjectOrArray }) , and to flatten a specific class, you can use json2csv(json, { flatten: value => isObject(value) || isCustomClass(value) }) . The option flatten is not applicable whenfields is defined. |
fields |
CsvField<T>[] or CsvFieldsParser<T>
A list with fields to be put into the CSV file. This allows specifying the order of the fields and which fields to include/excluded. |
formatValue |
ValueFormatter |
Function used to change any type of value into a serialized string for the CSV. The build in formatter will only enclose values in quotes when necessary, and will stringify nested JSON objects. |
A simple example of a ValueFormatter
is the following. This formatter will enclose every value in quotes:
function formatValue(value: unknown): string {
return '"' + String(value) + '"'
Where options
is an object with the following properties:
Option | Type | Description |
header |
boolean |
Should be set true when the first line of the CSV file contains a header |
delimiter |
string |
Default delimiter is , . A delimiter must be a single character. |
nested |
boolean |
If true (default), field names containing a dot will be parsed into nested JSON objects. The option nested is not applicable when fields is defined. |
fields |
JsonField[] or JsonFieldsParser
A list with fields to be extracted from the CSV file into JSON. This allows specifying which fields are include/excluded, and how they will be put into the JSON object. A field can be specified either by name, like { name, setValue } , or by the index of the columns in the CSV file, like { index, setValue } . |
parseValue |
ValueParser |
Used to parse a stringified value into a value again (number, boolean, string, ...). The build in parser will parse numbers and booleans, and will parse stringified JSON objects. |
A simple value parser can look as follows, parsing numeric values into numbers. This will keep all values as string:
function parseValue(value: string, quoted: boolean): unknown {
const num = Number(value)
return isNaN(num) ? value : num
The library exports a number of utility functions:
Function | Description |
createFormatValue(delimiter: string): (value: unknown) => string |
Create a function that can format (stringify) a value into a valid CSV value, escaping the value when needed. This function is used as default for the option formatValue . |
parseValue(value: string): unknown |
Parse a string into a value, parse numbers into a number, etc. This is the function used by default for the option parseValue . |
collectNestedPaths(records: NestedObject[], recurse: boolean): Path[] |
Loop over the data and collect all nested paths. This can be used to generate a list with fields. |
parsePath(pathStr: string): Path |
Parse a path like 'items[3].name'
stringifyPath(path: Path): string |
Stringify a path into a string like 'items[3].name'
getIn(object: NestedObject, path: Path): unknown |
Get a nested property from an object |
setIn(object: NestedObject, path: Path, value: unknown): NestedObject |
Set a nested property in an object |
isObject(value: unknown): boolean |
Returns true when value is a plain JavaScript object, and returns false for primitive values, arrays, and classes. Can be used as callback function for the option flatten . |
isObjectOrArray(value: unknown): boolean |
Returns true when value is a plain JavaScript object or array, and returns false for primitive values and classes. Can be used as callback function for the option flatten . |
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/csv
- https://juanjodiaz.github.io/json2csv/
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-2-csv
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/papaparse
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/csvtojson
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/csv-stringify
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/csv-parser
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-csv
- https://github.com/leeoniya/uDSV/
- Any many, many more...
To release a new version:
$ npm run release
This will:
- lint
- test
- build
- increment the version number
- push the changes to git, add a git version tag
- publish the npm package
To try the build and see the change list without actually publishing:
$ npm run release-dry-run
is released as open source under the permissive the ISC license.
If you are using csv42
commercially, there is a social (but no legal) expectation that you help fund its maintenance. Start here.