
0.1.3 • Public • Published


A small library for parsing CSV files to JavaScript objects. A user can pass in a schema describing the relation between the csv columns and the expected objects and csv2go will create an object conforming to the schema for each line of the input.

csv2go supports

  • mapping csv columns to object properties
  • mapping csv columns to nested object properties
  • aggregating several columns to one object property
  • customizing how a column is parsed to a value (e.g. for special date formats or float representations)
  • skipping and filtering certain lines in the csv
  • customizing csv parser options (delimiter, quotes, etc.)


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csv2go can parse files or strings to objects by passing a schema to it. For this, it offers two main entry points:

 * Parses the content and returns a list of objects conforming to the schema
 * @param content The content to the be parsed
 * @param schema The schema describing the resulting objects
 * @param options The options
 * @param cb The callback called with the result
parse( content, schema, options, cb );

 * Parses the CSV file and returns a list of objects conforming to the schema
 * @param path The path to the file
 * @param schema The schema describing the resulting objects
 * @param options The options
 * @param cb The callback called with the result
parseFile( path, schema, options, cb );

A schema describes the way the columns in the csv are mapped to the object properties. The easiest case to call csv2go is to pass a simple schema, which only consists of a name and type for each property.

var schema = {
    name: 'String', // takes column 0 from csv
    age: 'Integer'  // takes column 1 from csv
var content = 'Max, 25';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    // result is an array of objects, one for each line of the csv
    console.log( result[0].name == 'Max' ); // true
    console.log( result[0].age == 25 ); // true

Customizing CSV parser

csv2go uses the powerful csv npm module. You change parser options by passing it as parameter to the csv2go.parse() and csv2go.parseFile() call:

var defaultOptions = {
    delimiter: ',',
    quote: '"',
    escape: '"',
    skip: 0 // number of rows skipped at the beginning (e.g. for header rows)
csv2go.parse( content, schema, defaultOptions, function(err, result) { //... } );

Aggregating CSV columns

csv2go can also be used to aggregate several csv columns to one object value. For this, we can pass an object as type:

var schema = {
    name: 'String', // takes column 0 from csv
    salary: { // takes column 1-4 from csv
        type: 'Integer',
        range: 4,
        aggregate: 'sum'
var content = 'Max,2,4,1,8';
csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    // result is an array of objects, one for each line of the csv
    console.log( result[0].name == 'Max' ); // true
    console.log( result[0].salary == 15 ); // true

Built-in aggregation functions are sum, avg, min and max for integers and floats and concat for strings.

Creating nested objects

var schema = {
    'person.name': 'String', // takes column 0 from csv
    'person.age': 'Integer'  // takes column 1 from csv
    total: 'Integer'  // takes column 2 from csv
var content = 'Max, 25, 123';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    // result is an array of objects, one for each line of the csv
    console.log( result[0].person.name == 'Max' ); // true
    console.log( result[0].person.age == 25 ); // true
    console.log( result[0].total == 123 ); // true

Ignoring certain rows (before parsing them)

var schema = {
    text: 'String',
    num: 'Integer'
content = 'abc,5\ndef,0\nghi,2';
var options = {
    ignore: function( segments ){
        // can also use segments.length to filter too short rows
        return segments[1] == "0";

csv2go.parse( content, schema, options, function(err, result){
    // result has length 2
	// the row 'def,0' was ignored

Excluding certain objects (after parsing)

var schema = {
    text: 'String',
    num: 'Integer'
content = 'abc,5\ndef,0\nghi,2';
var options = {
    exclude: function( item ){
        return item.num < 1;

csv2go.parse( content, schema, options, function(err, result){
    // result has length 2
	// item 'def,0' was filtered out

Advanced Usage

We have already seen the use of basic schemas, aggregation and options. However, csv2go provides several other, powerful functions.

Parsing certain columns and ignoring the rest

var schema = {
    name: {
        type: 'String',
        column: 1,
    age: {
        type: 'Integer',
        column: 5,
var content = 'i,Max,i,i,i,25,i';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    // result is an array of objects, one for each line of the csv
    console.log( result[0].name == 'Max' ); // true
    console.log( result[0].age == 25 ); // true

Customizing value conversion

var schema = {
    name: 'String',
    value: {
        type: 'Float',
        parse: function( item ){
            return parseFloat( item.substring(0,5) ); // parse the substring, e.g. '123.4' instead of '123.4_test'
content = 'Max,123.4_test';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    // result is an array of objects, one for each line of the csv
    console.log( result[0].name == 'Max' ); // true
    console.log( result[0].age == 123.4 ); // true

prepare(), parse() and apply()

Parsing a column can be customized in three steps:

  • prepare() takes the raw column value. Can be used to change the value before parsing it
  • parse() takes the value from prepare() and parses it
  • apply() can be used to change the resulting value

A user can overwrite any one or all of these function for a given type.

var schema = {
    value: {
        type: 'Integer',
        prepare: function( item ){
            return item + '0'; // append '0' to each input (which is still a string here)
        parse: function( item, index ){
            return parseInt( item ) * 2;
        apply: function( item ){
            return parseInt( item ) - 1;
    }        };
var content = '1\n3\n10';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    console.log( result[0].value == 19 ); // int('1' + '0') * 2 - 1
    console.log( result[1].value == 59 ); // int('3' + '0') * 2 - 1
    console.log( result[2].value == 199 ); // int('10' + '0') * 2 - 1

Creating new types

If you have to heavily customize an existing type or need a customization on various places, you can introduce a new type instead.

var moneyType = {
    type: 'Money',
    apply: function( item ){
        return parseFloat(item.toFixed(2)); // as usual for money, round to two places
csv2go.register( moneyType, 'Float' ); // register money to derive from 'Float'. 'Money' can be used anywhere in the app now

var schema = {
    x: 'Money',
    y: 'Integer',
    z: 'Money'
content = '123.4478,333,345.6745';

csv2go.parse( content, schema, null, function(err, result){
    console.log( result[0].x == 123.45 ); // all properties of type 'Money' have only 2 decimal places now
    console.log( result[0].y == 333 );
    console.log( result[0].z == 345.67 );


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In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release

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