Fork of archived package cryptocoins-icons
Cryptocoins is the most complete free vector iconpack of your favourite cryptocurrencies.
Available in webfont & SVG format for taking advantage of small file sizes and unlimited scalability, Cryptocoins are perfect for usage on the web – right where they belong. Use them all or just the ones you need.
Quick links: Installation • Contributing Guidelines • Changelog
- clone or download ZIP directly from GitHub
There are many ways/formats how to use Cryptocoins – read complete installation guide if you need any help.
- SVG images
- Webfont version
npm package –
npm i cryptocoins-icons
- jsDelivr CDN
3rd party Packages
Built on/with Cryptocoins, these are maintained by the community. Use at your own risk:
- React compoments – @kirillshevch/react-cryptocoins
Requesting new icons
Initial release contains just a fraction of Altcoins. If you're missing your coin, please let me know so I can include it in next release. Since there are many requests lately and I can hardly keep up, I have to ask you to follow these guidelines:
- open a new issue in this repo
- fill in the template (coin name, ticker symbol, link to official logo etc.)
- (optional) you can include HEX code of the main color used in coin's branding and bitcointalk thread link (not mandatory, but saves me time)
- (optional) you can notify me on @SUCHiTWIT Twitter (also, helps spreading the word)
For Contributors
Please see Contributing guidelines before submitting your PRs, thanks! PRs not following the Guidelines won't be accepted.
Moved to Changelog
Released under The MIT License