
2.4.4 • Public • Published


crosstalk-ide is a Crosstalk Swarm emulator enabling local Crosstalk Worker development and testing.


npm install crosstalk-ide


For starters, take a look at the examples folder and run the examples via:

node example.js

This simple initial example illustrates how to use the crosstalk-ide in order to run workers.

With example.js as a start, the next place to look would be at crosstalk.js which creates the Crosstalk sandbox that a worker runs in. That is the complete list of emulated worker functionality.

Finally, for now, addTestingArtifacts.js shows more of the testing functionality available in the development environment.

More examples are forthcoming.

Crosstalk worker environment

Crosstalk global object and available modules

Workers Gallery

Workers Gallery


How to build a "Hello World" Crosstalk worker

Worker Examples

Simple 'hello world' worker

crosstalk.on( 'hello', function () {
  crosstalk.emit( 'distributed world' );

Alice and a sandwich (messages between workers)

Alice's worker #1

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', function () {

Alice's worker #2

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( 'sandwich' );
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

Alice and Bob

Alice's worker (Alice's account name is alice)

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', 'public', function () {

Bob's worker

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '@alice.sandwich' );
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

Alice and Bob using request-reply

Alice's worker

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', 'public', function () {

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '' );
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

Bob's worker

crosstalk.on( '', 'public', function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '@alice.sandwich' ); 

Eve sandwich spam

Eve's worker

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '@alice.sandwich' ); 
}, 1000 ); // every 1 second

Alice's improved worker

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', '@bob', function () {

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '' );
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

Eve-n better (refactoring configuration)

Alice's configuration file

{ "authorized": "@bob" }

Alice's refactored worker

var config = require( 'config' );

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', config.authorized, function () {

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '' );
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

Generic Bob

Carl's worker

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', '@bob', function () {
  // got sandwich! 

crosstalk.emit( '', { requester : '@carl' } );

Generalized Bob's worker

crosstalk.on( '', 'public', function ( params ) {
  if ( params && params.requester ) {
    crosstalk.emit( params.requester + '.sandwich' );
  } else {
    crosstalk.emit( '@alice.sandwich' );
}); // crosstalk.on ''


Bob worker using callback

crosstalk.on( '', 'public', function ( params, callback ) {
  if ( callback ) {
    // convention is callback( <error>, <response> )
    callback( null, { sandwich : 'sandwich' } );
}); // crosstalk.on '

Carl's new worker

crosstalk.emit( '', {}, function ( error, response ) {
  if ( ! error && response && response.sandwich == 'sandwich' ) {
    // got sandwich!
}); // crosstalk.emit

Secure Callback

Carl's more secure worker

crosstalk.emit( '', {}, '@bob', function ( error, response ) {
  if ( ! error && response && response.sandwich == 'sandwich' ) {
    // got sandwich!
}); // crosstalk.emit

How many sandwiches? (web worker)

Alice's generic web sandwich worker

var config = require( 'config' );

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

crosstalk.on( 'sandwich', config.authorized, function () {

setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '' ); 
}, 5000 ); // every 5 seconds

// we create a callback that will be fired every time
// when someone navigates to http(s)://
var myRequestListener = function ( req, res ) {
  res.end( 'received ' + sandwichesReceived + ' sandwiches' );  

// register our callback at our subdomain (alice-sandwiches)
crosstalk.emit( '~crosstalk.api.http.listen', 
    subdomain : 'alice-sandwiches',
    requestListener : myRequestListener
  function ( error, response ) {
    // error or response to register call ~crosstalk.api.http.listen   
); // crosstalk.emit ~crosstalk.api.http.listen

How many secure sandwiches?

Alice's https we sandwich worker

/* same code as in above http worker */

// register our callback at our subdomain (alice-sandwiches)
crosstalk.emit( '~crosstalk.api.http.listen', 
    httpsOnly : true, // <- set 'httpsOnly' flag to true
    subdomain : 'alice-sandwiches',
    requestListener : myRequestListener
  function ( error, response ) {
    // error or response to register call ~crosstalk.api.http.listen   
); // crosstalk.emit ~crosstalk.api.http.listen

Persistent sandwich (storing state)

Alice's persistent sandwich count worker

var config = require( 'config' );

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

// periodically backup our sandwich count
setInterval( function () {
  crosstalk.emit( '', 
      accessKeyId : config.accessKeyId,
      bucketName : config.bucketName,
      object : { sandwichCount : sandwichesReceived },
      objectName : 'sandwiches.json',
      secretAccessKey : config.secretAccessKey
    function ( error, response ) {
      // handle errors if any
  ); // crosstalk.emit
}, 1000 * 60 * 60 ); // every hour

/* the rest of Alice worker is as before */

Recoverable sandwich

Alice's worker that initializes from existing sandwich count

var config = require( 'config' );

var sandwichesReceived = 0;

// get saved sandwich count from an object in S3
crosstalk.emit( '',
    accessKeyId : config.accessKeyId,
    bucketName : config.bucketName,
    objectName : 'sandwiches.json',
    secretAccessKey : config.secretAccessKey
  function ( error, response ) {
    if ( ! error ) {
      sandwichesReceived += response.object.sandwichCount;
  } // function ( error, response )
); // crosstalk.emit

/* the rest of Alice's worker follows as before */

Development Examples

Click on the links to see runnable worker project examples. All examples can be found here.

Make HTTP(S) requests from local worker in development

HTTP example

worker = workerPath );
worker.dontMockHttp = true;

HTTPS example

worker = workerPath );
worker.dontMockHttps = true;

Mock HTTP(S) responses

HTTP(S) response example

worker = workerPath );
  .sendHttpResponseTo( "", "/some/path" )
    .writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type" : "text/html" } )
    .write( "some response", "utf8" )
    .addTrailers( { "My-Trailer": "trailer-value" } )

Send messages to Crosstalk Swarm from local worker in development

proxy example

worker = workerPath );
worker.crosstalkToken = "your-crosstalk-session-token"; // from when you login
worker.proxy = [ "~crosstalk.api.worker.version", "@my.production.worker" ]

Mock worker environment

You can set the return value returned by require( 'env' ).version to mock what environment version the worker runs in. This only affects this value and does not change the actual crosstalk-ide behavior.

version example

worker = workerPath );
worker.env.version = "0.7.2"; // set value of worker environment

Then within a worker you can get it via:

var env = require( 'env' );
env.version; // will be "0.7.2"




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