
0.0.5 • Public • Published


This package will install and layout a full react, redux, react-router-dom, firebase/firestore, bootstrap 4 project. I created this module because I wanted to automate my process when I create a react project.


npm install -g create-react-plus-app


Simply create-react-plus-app myapp, just like create-react-app. This will setup a full create-react-app project but with the other dependencies included, and a new file structure.


Right after install in Firebase.js make sure you add your firebase config. Or else the app won't run.

The New File Structure

-----|---------- Home
-----|------- Firebase.js

You can find out what the new files contain below.

What This Does Step By Step

  1. Installs create-react-app for you
  2. Deletes unnecessary files App.css, App.test.js, Logo.svg
  3. Creates new folders
  4. Installs packages
  5. Adds new files

The new folders and files

You can obviously edit or delete these to your liking.

Actions Folder: A place to hold your redux actions. 

Types.js: I separate the action types into a Types.js file. 

authenticateAction.js: This is the firebase authenticate action. If a user is logged in, it updates authenticate to true. 

Components: Where I put the um...components. 

Pages: I organize components by their "page". For example, if there was a component that only goes on the homepage it would go in the Home folder. 

Home.js: This is the base component for the homepage. 

Firebase: This is where the Firebase config is. 

Firebase.js: Firebase config, make sure you add your apps config here. 

Reducers: the redux reducers.

AuthReducer.js: the AuthReducer

Root.js: Where the combineReducers lives. Sets the initial state.

Images: Images folder

App.js: Deleted the content and on componentWillMount() I checked to see if there was a user. Set up Routes.

Index.css: Unchanged from create-react-app.

Index.js: Wrapped the <App /> component in a <Provider store={store}>

registerServiceWorker.js: Yup.

store.js: Created the store.


0.0.5--Fixed the authenticateAction path in App.js

0.0.4--Some bug fixes, changed the package name which cause some tiny bugs.

0.0.3--added Images folder

Package Sidebar


npm i create-react-plus-app

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30.9 kB

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  • alphagg