Create Opinionated App
- Node version >= 12 🙏
- Xcode version >= 11 [react-native only]
Run following command:
$ npx create-opinionated-app
Or you can install this library as global dependency:
$ npm install -g create-opinionated-app$ create-opinionated-app
What does it do
All app generator that was created so that bootstrapping new pet project or examples for conferences and creating new open source project for awesome GitHub community is easier.
Keep in mind that this generator is strongly opinionated. Javascript community is most likely the liveliest. We have amazing arsenal of libraries to use. However, I would like to standardize my toolset across all projects.
React Applications
All of us need Typescript, CSS-in-JS, code quality tools and basic configuration for unit testing. This generator creates following applications:
Core Project Dependencies
- Strong types
- Webpack, Babel and other essential libraries...
- 💅 Styled Components for every React application
- Routers [optional] - react-router and for native react-native-navigation or react-navigation
Code Quality Tools
You can find config files for these hand-crafted code quality resources here. ❤
- Jest for cross-platform testing
- 🐐 React Testing Library
- Cypress E2E tests for web applications
- Detox E2E tests for native applications
Node Applications
Backend projects are in a way much simpler to setup than frontend projects because libraries that are commonly used are more stable and Node environment is more predictable.
- node-cli (minimal node.js + typescript)
- nest.js
Core Project Dependencies
- Strong types
Code Quality Tools
You can find config files for these hand-crafted code quality resources here. ❤
- Jest for cross-platform testing
- Heroku optional Heroku configuration
If you are missing some features or if you have any ideas how to improve the code base feel free to create an issue. You do not have to create pull request. Right now the project is small so even bug reports or random thoughts can help. Thank you. 🙂